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Old 05-12-2011, 01:24 PM   #1
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Default Office 2010 Professional Key Science Links Japan

Accession range;03A0179523 Title;To become an Addressee, and also to Be the following Speaker: Turn-Taking Guidelines Revised. Author;TSUTAE YASUHARU(Chiba Univ., Fac. Letters,Office 2010 Download, JPN) Journal Title;SIG-SLUD
Journal Code:L1425A
VOL.37th;NO.;PAGE.107-112(2003) Figure&Table&Reference;TBL.1, REF.5 Pub. Country;Japan Language;Japanese Abstract;This paper revises conversation-analysts' turn-taking rules,Office 2010 Professional Key, which have been thought to regulate who speaks up coming in a conversation. Main claims are (i) that the turn-taking principles per se do not specify who be the following speaker,Office 2010 Standard, only specifying when a subsequent flip may, and has to,Windows 7 Ultimate, start, and (ii) that the selection of the subsequent speaker obeys a general rule that the following speaker is self-selected from among the (possible) addressees of the current flip. The differenciation of the next-speaker-selection rule from the turn-transfer principles enables us to consider two common cases,Windows 7 License, which have not been taken into account in relation to the original turn-taking guidelines: (a) no selection of the next speaker of an obligatory following turn, and (b) selection of the (possible) subsequent speaker(s) of a non-obligatory following flip. The selection of addressees by the speaker and by themselves is also discussed. (author abst.)
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