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Old 05-12-2011, 07:34 PM   #1
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Default Office 2007 Professional Plus Fault line of IT Pro

Fault line of IT Specialists and Industry
By Abhi | May possibly 27, 2010

IT Job Hunters

Recent report from “2009-10 Dice Tech Salary Survey Results” ** has highlighted the plight of IT business, once again. As per the report 47% of workforce thinks that their employers have not provided any primary motivator for them in 2009. And as per Tom Silver of Dice, one third of U.S. Technology workforce visit their website every month.
Signals are clear; on recovery from recession we will face mass exodus, low retention and high attrition rate of employees. Dissatisfaction rate of employees in IT industry has always been higher as compared to the other fields, worldwide. This is not just the lone story of USA. In India, the hub of outsourcing, companies are also gearing for even higher attrition rates.
It will be naïve to blame recession for this rise in IT dissatisfaction index. Recession has hit every segment of economy and recovery is also more or less balanced. So, what is about this IT market and knee jerk a reaction of its experts? Why these professionals are always ready to come out on job boards and start digging? Is it arrogance or attitude? Is the lack of loyalty or self-interest driven mentality? I guess there is no single answer, and one needs to dig deep into the roots of this market. Morals followed by IT sector are similar to the ones found in manufacturing but its modus operandi has massive influence on its values.
It’s a cliché but IT industry is constantly changing, evolving and hence, keeping its professionals on their toes. Demanding clients, launch of alpha/beta/gamma upgrades, perennial technological innovations and ever-miscalculated deadlines are the breeding grounds of IT Turks. These Turks hop from one orbit to another just following the footprints of their business.
One problem nearly specific to IT – “The Older, the Wiser” does not fit into IT business model. This is the major reason why IT companies keeps on hiring from one window, while firing of older employees continues from the other. Rapidly changing technology also builds the pressure on experienced specialists for constant change. Lack of challenging assignments becomes a major reason for IT job-hunting and lacking latest skills is biggest reason for being hunted out. (IT Profession: Shots for lasting long)
“Brats of Dotcom” are another reason for high dissatisfaction in this profession. These guys have made tons of money for fixing bits and bytes during Y2K and Dotcom era. Money made during those time was much more then what IT professionals make today, in both relative and absolute terms. Company perks, ESOPs, lavish outings and outrageous bonus,Office 2007 Professional Plus, these freebies do not exist anymore. But the memory is still alive, No wonder today’s IT experts are dissatisfied and will remain so till the past glory is restored.
People with the IT backgrounds are often tempted to join entrepreneurship race. Internet and related businesses churn out maximum number of new age entrepreneurs then any other stream. Reason is simple; cost of bringing ideas out to the market is relatively low. No supply chain hassle, B2B, B2C, Collaboration, Online marketing and timeless deliveries makes Internet a much more viable option to start new businesses. Its not a surprise that many opt for their own plans than organizational game plans.
For IT specialists, outsourcing is always a real threat. Trouble beings when someone can do the work at lesser price, with almost same precision, having lesser/more experience. In business sense,Office 2010 Activation, you are knocked out or you will be. IT jobs involving streamlined processes can be outsourced with relative ease. So,Cheap Windows 7, as long as the professional is not supporting in core development, outsourcing ball can fall on him, anytime. Every IT professional knows this and tries to keep him safe.
Last and the most logical reason for IT job-hopping is Internet itself. Internet is way of life for IT specialists, and guess what, Internet has made our life easier. Online banking, gaming, dating, booking, shopping and many other “ings”, one such “ing” is job-hunting. Logically,microsoft Office 2010 Activation, who live their life on and for Internet are the most common user of online task sites. Its like,Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2010, if you have Mc Donald’s next door, you are likely to be overweight.
Points made above are enough to understand the restlessness of IT specialists. IT sector has never been like traditional industries; it is restless profession producing restless professionals who are chasing the singularity dream. Aftereffects of recession are just another reason for job-hunting, the fault line of IT industry and experts lies in this extract from Bible: “As you sow so shall you reap”.
** “2009-10 Dice Tech Salary Survey Results”
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