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Old 05-13-2011, 02:55 PM   #1
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Default Future optical fibers will come from ongoing resea

Future optical fibers will come from ongoing research into materials with improved optical properties. Currently, silica glasses with a high fluoride content hold the most promise for optical fibers, long distance, high data rate with attenuation losses even lower than today’s highly efficient fibers. Experimental fibers, drawn from glass containing 50 to 60 percent zirconium fluoride,AB-Leo, now show losses in the range of 0.005 to 0.008 decibels per kilometer, whereas earlier fibers often had losses of 0.2 decibels per kilometer.
The most important fiber optic system now in a local network emerges as a broad-band video distribution system, because large-scale system introduction might be attained only for distributed video services. The system architecture and system parameters are presented. As for future integrated services, a highspeed digital transmission system and local network architecture are very important. The network architecture should be constructed to meet the demands for increased flexibility, capacity, reliability, and economy. Considering expected future demands and technologies, a new fiber optic local network architecture is proposed.
In addition to utilizing more refined materials, the producers of fiber optic cables are experimenting with process improvement. Presently, the most sophisticated manufacturing processes use high-energy lasers to melt the preforms for the fiber draw. Fibers can be drawn from a preform at the rate of 10 to 20 meters per second, and single-mode fibers from 2 to 25 kilometers in length can be drawn from one preform. At least one company has reported creating fibers of 160 kilometers, the data rate like SFP plus and XENPAK transceiver are all 10G SFP, and the frequency with which fiber optics companies are currently retooling—as often as every eighteen months—suggests that still greater innovations lie ahead. These advances will be driven in part by the growing use of optical fibers in computer networks, and also by the increasing demand for the technology in burgeoning international markets such as Eastern Europe, South America, and the Far East.
Posted in SFP plus, SFP transceiver, XENPAK | Tagged 10G SFP, SFP plus, SFP Transceiver, XENPAK | Leave a comment
What is the fiber optic made from?
Posted on May 10, 2011 by ourfiber
As you may knwo that optical fiber is a single, hair-fine filament drawn from silica glass. These fibers are replacing metal wire or like copper as the transmission medium in high-speed, long distance high-capacity communications systems that convert information into light, which is then transmitted via fiber optic cable and the transceiver like 10G/40G/100G bps SFP transceiver, e.g. XENPAK. Currently,街拍网301域名重定向实例, American telephone companies represent the largest users of fiber optic cables, the demand in the market is growing fast, so the technology is also used for local access computer networks, power lines, and video transmission.
The American inventor Alexander Bell who is best known for developing the telephone, first attempted to communicate using light around 1880. However, light wave communication did not become feasible until 1950s, when advanced technology provided a transmission source, mostly we mean the laser, and an efficient medium, the optical fiber. The laser was invented in 1960 and, six years later, researchers in England discovered that silica glass fibers would carry light waves without significant attenuation, or loss of signal. In 1970, a new type of laser was developed, and the first optical fibers were produced commercially.
Along with the fibers development, the fiber transceiver also have a large market, from multimode SFP transceiver GLC-SX-MM to today’s SFP plus, the speed is from 100Mbps to 10G SFP now.
In a fiber optic communications system,christian louboutin,Wave length of the fiber optic, cables made of optical fibers connect datalinks that contain lasers to send and receiver the light. To transmit information, a datalink converts an analog electronic signal—a telephone conversation or the output of a video camera—into digital pulses of laser light. These travel through the optical fiber to another datalink, where a light detector reconverts them into an electronic signal. So the communication process done.
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