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Old 05-13-2011, 03:47 PM   #1
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Default Puma Drift Cat 146,MBT Maliza Shoes

ep, but at the bottom of it was a raspy quality, maybe even a growling quality.
Kady thought that she'd better sit down before she fell down. With her eyes never leaving his, she clutched the rolled arm of a big chair covered in burgundy velvet and almost fell back onto it. "Now that you have forced your way in here, what is it that you want of me?"
Jude Deveraux
For the life of her, Kady couldn't answer. All she could do was stare up at him, feeling exhilarated and frightened at the same time, for it was very strange seeing this man in the flesh.
Frowning, C. T. Jordan stared down at the woman, wishing she weren't so damned pretty. She had what looked to be several feet of silky dark hair pulled back into a braid as thick as his arm and it curled over the velvet of the sofa. Thick lashes surrounded beautiful dark eyes above a tiny nose, and her lips of dark pink were undisguised by cosmetics. As for her body! She had that concealed under yards of cheap fabric, but he could see the lush curves that, just looking at them,MBT Maliza Shoes, made his palms sweat. He had been accused of being a throwback to the past, for he liked women to look like women, not what seemed to be the current fashion, women with bodies like twelve-year-old boys topped by large, artificial breasts.
Lust, Jordan, he told himself. You're too old to allow lust to rule your head. He knew why she was here and what she wanted. After all, hadn't he known all his life that this day would come?
She had to stop looking into his eyes, Kady told herself. She had to get her mind back, had to think of her mission, had to remember who she was,MBT Ema Sandals, where she was. Maybe if she made herself recite the recipe for brioche,Puma Drift Cat, she could concentrate.
Pulling her eyes away from his, she began to think ... But no recipe came to mind because behind him was a floor-toceiling lighted glass case, and inside, suspended from invisible wires, were swords of exquisite workmanship, from every part of the world, every historical period, They were the kind of swords one saw in slick auction magazines, then later read about having been sold to an "anonymous bidder" for a quarter of a million dollars.
Turning back to look at him, she saw that he had not moved so much as a muscle as he stared at her. She could tell that under his clothes he was whipcord lean, and she had an idea that he knew how to use every one of those swords in the case. "I ... I met your grandmother," she managed to say.
.'My grandmother died when I was three, and I doubt that you cre even born then." "No, I ... I met the one who died long before you were born." en to herself she sounded stupid, like some New Age guru. His patronizing smile said that he agreed with her. "Ah, I see.
,\iri I right in assuming you mean the one my grandfather- when hc was alive, that is-so affectionately called Ruthless Ruth?"
Kady winced. "Ruth Jordan was a very nice lady, and she was
01',ly trying to protect-" She stopped because he was smiling in 'Uch a patronizing way that she couldn't continue. F
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