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Old 05-14-2011, 06:06 PM   #1
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Default new era sale Key Secrets to Becoming Debt Free - I

I got a part time job, four days a week new era sale, waitressing at a family restaurant. I used this money to pay for food and to pay my rent. I made sure that I put aside ten percent of this money every month. No matter what kind of month I had, I put aside that ten percent that I made from my part time job. Yes, I can remember going hungry a few times and I must admit that I didn't have the most nutritious diet, but I was determined not to touch that money.
3. Create a new identity - we are creative beings. Instead of having an identity which is attached to anything outside yourself, which is subject to change and ultimately beyond your control, base it on the infinite wisdom and greatness that is within you. This can never be taken away from you Ray Ban Clearance, recession or otherwise. You can begin to affirm to yourself "I am an infinitely creative and resourceful person", "My greatest hour has yet to come", "I am so happy doing what I love and loving what I do and getting richly rewarded for it", "the greatest moment of my life is this one - the more I truly live it, the more fulfilled I am and the more the future blossoms." Its also a good idea to remind yourself of what you really like/love about yourself - make a list and smile with every wonderful trait you posess. And let those you love know how wonderful it is that they are part of your life.
Every month I would put that ten percent of money towards the interest on my student loan. This helped to keep the interest rate from growing and compounding every month. I figured that I could keep this amount down even more if I could get a better job. After a year of waitressing at one place, I had enough experience to move on. I found work at a more exclusive restaurant. I made better tips and my monthly income was higher.
I was consistent with this throughout my four years at college. I know I missed out on some fun because I was often working when my mates were out on the town. But, I learned valuable life lessons about how to handle money in this time. I couldn't splash out at all. If I needed a new pair of running shoes, I would take money out of my loan, instead of using that ten percent. I only did this a few times. I can't tell you how important it is to commit to a plan of saving a certain percentage of money each month.
4. Use your talents/gifts to serve the world - the best way for you to serve the world is in doing what you love and/or loving what you do. You have a core genius. You have within you the most wonderful talents and gifts. How do you know what they are - its simple - you feel BRILLIANT when you're pursuing them! So pursue them and keep nourishing them. Then start asking questions like - how can I use my talents and gifts to serve my family, my community, my country, the world? How can I begin to earn an income from what I love and how then can I get it to grow? As you take each step on such a path you leave behind a path which is illuminated with love, with kindness, with joy, with happiness, with passion and it acts as a lighthouse for those who find themselves in stormy seas. Does it take courage? Absolutely! And this is one of the traits you have in abundance - simply take the first step and keep going!
If you get into this habit while you are a poor student, it will be much easier once you graduate. This is because you start earning a bigger salary from a full time job. This means that the ten percent of money will be an even bigger amount. Of course at this time you will have to start paying back your loan too, so you will be putting more than ten percent of your total income towards your loan. Each loan system requires different payments, but here's a little trick that worked really well for me.
I went to University for five years. I took out a student loan to cover my education and living costs for four of the five years. I graduated with a big minus to my name.
Can you remember a time of not having to worry about money? Envision yourself debt free right now. You don't want to miss this. I am about to give you some practical advice that will go a long way to making sure you don't stay in debt forever.
One of the best things you can do is to live below your means. Don't be tempted to buy the latest and the greatest. Think of people in third world countries and what little they can live on. Those of us in more advanced and developed countries just need to realize that we can really live on a whole lot less.
The minus could have been bigger. So, why wasn't it?
This is where a lot of people miss it. They think that because they are making more money, they can spend more money. No wholesale asics gel kayano, no, no! I still made sure I put ten percent from my higher income, back into the student loan. My interest rate decreased even more.
Once I knew how much my monthly payments were, I committed to pay that amount, plus I put aside a little extra money into another bank account. At the end of one year, I had saved a considerable amount of money that I then put back into my loan. This helped to bring down my monthly payments by a fraction more.
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