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Old 05-16-2011, 10:43 AM   #1
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Shoe shame: 14% of women hide some of their purcha High Heels S
Posted by admin on May 9th, 2011 — Posted in High Heels Shoes

Tags: High Heels S

Now for some shoe insights:
Oh my God, I love shoes, I probably have 20 pairs of just black shoes, Whetsell said. Buying a new pair of shoes, ah, it always makes you feel better. Whetsells daughter Savannah chimed in, saying, I bought this whole outfit, and the shoes, just when I went out for retail therapy.
Shoes are like boys and chocolate, you see a pair somewhere that you like, and you cant stop thinking about them, said Sharon Britton of Tampa, Fla., while opening her closet and guessing she may have three times the averShoe shame: 14% of women hide some of their purcha High Heels Sage of 17. That puts her in the top 13 percent of shoe ns.
About half of women bought an ugly paiHigh Heels Shoes onliner for comfort, but more women are willing to withstand pain for shion: 60 percent versus 49 percent in 2007, and six in 10 women carry a backup pair to change into after a party or event.
•Although 86 percent of women say they tell their significant other about shoe purchases, 14 percent admit to hiding at least one purchase.
•Women typically buy three pairs a year, and on average spend $49 per pair, but, nearly one-third have spent more than $100 on a pair.
Well get to the nitty-gritty of the stats, but for now, a few women have passionate opinions to share on shoes:
•Almost unheard of even five years ago, online shoe shopping is now a national obsession,black christian louboutin, with a third of women regular online shoe buyers. says some of their top customers spend well over $10,000 annually.
Line up seven women, and at least one likely has a covert pair of shoes she bought but didnt tell her significant other about because they cost so much.
As for the types of shoes women buy, most prefer low-rises, but occasionally go for height. Almost 40 percent say flats are their vorite; 8 percent wear heels more than 2½ inches high on a regular basis; and one quarter of women wear 4-inch heels for a special occasion.
Shoes never make your butt look big, you dont have to worry about squeezing into them if youve put on a couple of pounds and they can instantly make you feel ier, said Lisa Lee Freeman, editor-in-chief of ShopSmart, published by the parent organization of Consumer Reports. Maybe thats why, despite the economy, were still buying shoes.
But oh,Christian Louboutin Online shoe shopping makes many women happier. The average American woman owns at least 17 pairs of shoes, though many women have three times that many.
If youre wondering how many black shoes a woman needs, Karen Whetsell has a few around.
•More than half of women own more than 10 pairs, and 13 percent have more than 30 pairs. Thats not including athletic shoes.
The average American woman owns at least 17 pairs of shoes. Many women said in a survey they go shoe shopping to cheer themselves up.
Such are a few of the shoe insights that ShopSmart magazine found in their survey of 1,009 American women, offering something of a window into the female mind.
Her latest pair, These wonderful, golden,christian louboutin website, glittery, 5-inch Steve Madden formal heels with a zipper up the back. … But I cant pick a vorite, I love Michael Kors, Juicy, Vince Camuto, Mark Nason boots. There are flip-flops, too.
: Blisters, Consumer Reports, Editor-In-Chief, Florida, Karen Whetsell, Lisa Lee Freeman, Mark Nason, Michael Kors, Online Shoe Shopping, Other, Regular Online Shoe Buyers, Retail Therapy, Savannah, Sharon Britton, Shopsmart, Steve Madden,clearance christian louboutin, Tampa, Usd, Vince Camuto
•About one in five women go shoe shopping to cheer themselves up.
That shion can inflict a physical price, too. About half of women have shoe-related blisters, sprains or even broken bones, and one in three had an evening ruined by an uncomfortable pair of shoes and one in four said they have had a ll.

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