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Old 05-17-2011, 03:41 AM   #1
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Default Youth Soccer Drills Discover The Basics

When it comes to youth soccer drills, I’m not sure what you think,, but I believe that defense is provides the basis for the game. Both sides in the game are said to have played best defensive soccer,, when the score remains 0-0.

First is by exhibiting a wonderful defense. And the second is by having a great offense that has the capacity to overcome the other team's defense.

Your players will not be able to score if they cannot acquire the ball. There are a few coaches who tend to teach their players either of the two; offense or defense. But, a player is completely trained only when he is proficient in playing offense when the ball is with him or her and defense when it is with the other team’s players.

In youth soccer practice, players who lose the custody of the ball must immediately go after the ball. The reason that this should be followed is that the player who has lost the possession is nearest to the ball. So it's imperative for him or her to put pressure on the player who has the ball now.

This may also be seen as the player trying to get the ball back as soon as is possible. This will also provide enough time to other players in the team to return to their form and get into the defensive positions. This will restrict the opponent player’s movement in the field with the ball in his custody.

Players get to learn these skills by implementing the following techniques.

Immediate chase: When implemented correctly in youth soccer drills,, it exerts a lot of pressure on the opponents from all sides. And eventually this has the effect of them losing the possession of the ball or executing a wrong pass.

Fall back and delay: This requires the remaining team members to fall back, and challenge the opponent with the ball and delay him or her from getting into their team's goal area.

As the most risky places on the field is the center, you must instruct your players to make the opponent run towards the touchline. This ultimately leads to the player not being able to make a pass and also move around in different directions.

Arc of Concentration: When we talk of scoring,, the Arc of Concentration is the riskiest area. Most of the goals are scored by the players in the arc of concentration. So it's very important to teach the players in youth soccer coaching to concentrate on moving the ball outside of this area.

This arc falls right ahead of the goal. It starts from one corner post of the goal right through the corner of the goal box and moving right up to the touchline. When the ball is inside this area, the chances of scoring the goal are increased.

These are possibly is the easiest ways to teach your player's game strategy and youth soccer drills in an effective manner.

You can also get your hands on loads of relevant information on coaching soccer drills in form of newsletters, articles,, and videos by subscribing to our youth soccer coaching community.

About The Author
Andre Botelho is a recognized authority in youth soccer coaching. Learn how to explode your players' skills and make training more fun in record time. Download your free youth soccer coaching guide at
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