15 at 10 points,
lunettes de soleil carrera, Chu Xiong Ma and friends in China Merchants Bank Avenue, near the city library to save money, pick up the phone after the Nokia E63 mobile phone on the counter . A few minutes later returned to find , but the phone was gone. The help of the bank staff , bank surveillance video showed Mr. Ma , that looks like a cell phone was a young student who appeared to pick off.
Ma then call my phone , were initially hung up , then shut down. Because there are many important customer phone contact , Mr. Yu Shima who send text messages to pick up that phone to 300 yuan as a reward , I hope he can return the phone. Found cell phone who insisted on 500, but only return the phone card and memory card, then cut the price to 300 yuan, and its own bank account number issued to Mr. Ma , while a white plastic bag containing phone cards on the book city Next to the flower beds in front of kiosks . Ma refused to pay, but the other side still refuses to return phone.
Mr Ma said to the police, the results of the other party said that he consulted, the police said he did not violate the law, it is not moral . More frustrating is that this pick up cell phone text messages were also sent to mock him, Wang Wanxiong lawyer law firm , said that the other party picked up in their property , the owner can pay the appropriate remuneration, pick up phone when in the owner refused to return phone connection request to occupy, if picked up after the malicious claims paid , belongs to extortion, but Cable bid was low because ,
lunette ray ban pas cher, should be areas of public order cases . Ma can call the police , the police should also be placed on file.