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Old 05-18-2011, 09:14 AM   #1
Posts: n/a
Default Confirmed fifth version

0578563: 5800 H3G HK B (Light) in Hong Kong and custom blue 3G News
0576733: 5800 H3G HK R (Light) custom red 3G in Hong Kong and listening
0581337: 5800 HK CV BK Hong Kong Black
0559931: Hong Kong Bank Hong Kong BLUE blue
0559473: Hong Kong RED Kong-line red
0575408: 5800 HK CV B Hong Kong blue
0575407: 5800 HK CV R Hong Kong Red
0581337: 5800 HK CV BK Hong Kong Black

0559950: APAC1 BLUE Asia-Pacific 1 blue
0576527: APAC1 Blue CAMBODIA 1 Columbia Pacific Blue
0559960: APAC1 Indonesia BLUE 1 Indonesia,GHD IV Black Straighteners, the Asia-Pacific blue
0559670: APAC1 Indonesia RED Indonesia, the Asia-Pacific 1 red
0559476: APAC1 RED Pacific 1 red
0576530: APAC1 RED CAMBODIA 1 Columbia Pacific red
0559857: Taiwan BLUE Taiwan * Bay blue
0559472: Taiwan RED Taiwan * Bay red
0575392: Taiwan * Bay licensed red
0575387: Taiwan * Bay authorized Blue
0559963: Thailand BLUE Thai blue
0559678: Thailand RED Thailand red
0559678: Thailand red
0559962 : Vietnamese Blue
0574682: Asia-Pacific Indonesia Blue
0574676: APAC1 RED Asia-Pacific Indonesian Red
0570201: Asia-Pacific 2 Red Bangladesh
0570200: 2 Blue Pacific Bangladesh
0559950: APAC1 Asia-Pacific 1 BLUE Blue
0559958: APAC2 AU BLUE Asia 2 Australia blue
0559668: APAC2 AU RED Asia 2 Australia Red
0570203: Asia-Pacific 2 Blue
0559548: 2 red
Asia-Pacific 0559961: Asia 2 India Blue
0559673: Asia-Pacific India Red
0559669: Asia-Pacific 2 New Zealand Red
0559959: 2 New Zealand Pacific Blue
0559953: Asia-Pacific 2 Blue
0559676: Vietnam Red
0570197: 1 blue Pacific Malaysia
0570196: Asia-Pacific Malaysia
---------------------------- 1 red ----------
0576603: 5800 RM-356 TMN PT R Portugal TMNi9 custom red
0576050: 5800 VF ES R Vodafone Spain,GHD Precious Gift Set, custom red
0576051: 5800 VF PT R Vodafone Portugal Custom Red
0576714: 5800 Vodacom R Vodacom custom red
0577229: 5800 Telenor Serbia RS B Telenor Serbia, custom red
0576053: 5800 VF IT R Italian Red
0577188: 5800 Pannon Hungary HU BP Hungary pannon custom red / blue
0575632: 5800 Croatia CV R Croatian Red
0576900: 5800 Optimus PT V1 R Portugal Optimus custom red
0577324: 5800 RM-356 Croatia HR B CV CU_COLOR Croatia blue
0578086: 5800 RM-356 Sweden CV R Swedish Red
0577176: 5800 RM-356 T-Mobile Hungary HU BLUE T-Mobile Hungary,GHD Benefit Straighteners, custom blue
0575887: 5800 Switzerland CV CH R Swiss Red
0576047: 5800 VF Swisscom R Vodafone Switzerland custom red
0577482: 5800 TDC DK R Danish Red
0577323: 5800 Telia DK R Danish Red

0579934: 5800 UK CV B UK blue
0575581: 5800 UK CV R v2 British Red
0579683: 5800 RM-356 O2 Ireland IE BK V1 Ireland
0576524: 5800 RM-356 O2 UK R British Red
0577120: 5800 TIM IT R Italian red
0579934: 5800 UK CV B UK blue
0575581: 5800 UK CV R v2 British Red
0577089: 5800 VF UK B UK blue

0559395: Balkans BLUE blue
Balkans 0559299: Balkans RED Balkans red
0559377: Baltia BLUE BLUE Baltic blue
0559233: Baltia RED Baltic red
0559346: British Isles BLUE Blue British Isles of Scilly
0552438: British Isles RED British Isles of Scilly red
0559388: CIS BLUE CIS blue
0559276: CIS RED CIS red
0559368: Euro1 ALPS BLUE European version of an Alps blue
0559054: Euro1 ALPS RED European version of one Alpine region red
0559360: Euro1 BLUE European version of a blue
0570023: Euro1 BLUE Portugal Portugal European version of a blue
0559366: Euro1 France BLUE European version of a French blue
0559052: Euro1 France RED European edition of a French red
0559051: Euro1 Hispania RED European version of a Spanish / Portuguese blue
0558982: Euro1 RED European version of a red
0570022: EURO1 RED Portugal Portugal European version 1 Red
0559372: Euro2 BLUE European version of the 2 blue
0570027: Euro2 BLUE Bene European version of the 2 blue
0559066: Euro2 RED European version of the 2 red
0570026: Euro2 RED BENE European version of the 2 red
0559373: Euro2 Turkey BLUE European version of the 2 Turkish Blue
0559083: Euro2 Turkey RED European version of the two Turkish Red
0559394: Euro3 BLUE European version 3 blue
0559298: Euro3 RED European version of the 3 red
0559363: Hispania BLUE Spain / Portugal Blue
0559407: Israel BLUE Israeli blue
0559300: Israel RED Israeli Red
0559389: Moldova BLUE Moldova blue
0559297: Moldova RED Moldova red
0559378: Russia,GHD, Belarus BLUE Russia / Belarus blue
0559237: Russia,GHD Midnight Gift Set 2011, Belarus RED Russia / Belarus Red
0570122: RUSSIAN BLUE HUNGARY Russian / Hungarian blue
0570121: RUSSIAN BLUE ROMANIA Russia / Romania Mary Blue
0570123: RUSSIAN RED HUNGARY Russian / Hungarian Red
0570120: RUSSIAN RED ROMANIA Russia / Romania Red
0559375: Scandinavia BLUE Scandinavia blue
0559110: Scandinavia RED Scandinavia red
0559383: Ukraine BLUE Ukraine blue
0559246: Ukraine RED Ukraine Red

0559416: MENA_A BLUE in the Middle East blue
0575376: MENA_A EURO1BLUE Middle East Regional blue
0575374: MENA_A EURO1RED in the Middle East red
0559408: MENA_A RED in the Middle East red
0559423: MENA_B BLUE in the Middle East blue
0559410: MENA_B RED in the Middle East red
0574326: MENA_D BLUE in the Middle East blue
0574324: MENA_D RED in the Middle East red
0574329: MENA_E BLUE in the Middle East blue
0575379: MENA_E EURO1BLUE UAE in the Middle East blue
0575378: MENA_E EURO1RED UAE in the Middle East red
0574328: MENA_E RED in the Middle East red
0559425: SSA_A BLUE blue sub-Saharan
0559411: SSA_A RED sub-Saharan red
0559427: SSA_B BLUE blue sub-Saharan
0559413: SSA_B RED sub-Saharan ruddy
0577494: SSA_C BLUE blue sub-Saharan
0577493: SSA_C RED sub-Saharan red

0576603: 5800 RM -356 TMN PT R Portugal TMNi9 custom red
0576050: 5800 VF ES R Vodacom Spain custom red
0576051: 5800 VF PT R Portugal Vodacom custom red
0576714: 5800 Vodacom R Vodacom custom red
0577229 : 5800 Telenor Serbia RS B Telenor Serbia custom blue
0576053: 5800 VF IT R Vodacom custom Italian red
0577188: 5800 Pannon Hungary HU B Hungary Pannon custom blue
0575632: 5800 Croatia CV R red Croatia
0576900: 5800 Optimus PT V1 R Portugal Optimus custom red
0577324: 5800 RM-356 Croatia HR B CV CU_COLOR Croatia blue
0578086: 5800 RM-356 Sweden CV R Swedish Red
0577176: 5800 RM-356 T-Mobile Hungary HU BLUE T-Mobile Hungary,GHD Straighteners, custom blue
0575887: 5800 Switzerland CV CH R Swiss Red
0576047: 5800 VF Swisscom R Swiss Red
0577482: 5800 TDC DK R Denmark TDC Custom Red
0577323: 5800 Telia DK R Denmark Telia custom red

0579934: 5800 UK CV B UK blue
0575581: 5800 UK CV R v2 British Red
0579683: 5800 RM -356 O2 Ireland IE BK V1 Ireland
0576524: 5800 RM-356 O2 UK R British Red
0577120: 5800 TIM IT R TIM Italy, custom red
0579934: 5800 UK CV B UK blue
0575581: 5800 UK CV R v2 British Red
0577089: 5800 VF UK B custom blue Vodafone UK
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