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Old 05-24-2011, 06:20 AM   #1
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In the weeks leading up to E3, it's popular to speculate about what will be announced and shown off. We've rounded up some of the rumors and give you the odds on whether or not they're true.
Sony will apologize for the PSN debacle.
E3 press conferences are usually a time to celebrate successes over the past year (or to spin the numbers so they look like successes even when they aren't). There's no way to spin PSN in a positive light, however, and while public apologies aren't fun for anyone, it would be very hard to ignore the giant, broken, personal-identity-stealing elephant in the room -- especially because there's still a possibility PSN won't be fully functional by the press conference. Expect Sony to address the situation head-on.
Sony will announce the price, name, and launch lineup of the NGP.
OK, to be fair, this is a multipart prediction, so let's break down what "maaaaybe" means. We think it's likely Sony will announce the NGP's official name -- nothing like a new shiny logo to get people all excited. We also think that Sony will show off a lot of games for the system, and a lot of them will be games that end up being available at launch. However, it's still too far out from the NGP's release to have a solid read on which games will be official launch titles. And while the price announcement could go either way, our odds are on "no," particularly if it ends up being higher than people want it to be.
Microsoft will unveil the next Xbox.
Rumors have been floating around about the next Xbox, but don't hold your breath that you'll get to see the successor anytime soon. Microsoft spent a rumored half-billion dollars launching the Kinect last fall, so the likelihood that the company will turn around and pull the rug out from under its new peripheral's feet is practically nonexistent. It's a definite possibility that there will be tech demos of what the future of gaming might look like, but as far as seeing a new piece of hardware -- no.
Microsoft will congratulate itself on Kinect sales numbers, and then proceed to show a bunch of Kinect games that are underwhelming.
Remember how we just told you that Microsoft is rumored to have spent a half-a-billion dollars on Kinect? That's why you should expect it to have a strong presence at the MS conference. As far as having anything to get too excited about, well -- probably not. There's Kinect Star Wars, and then there's, uh....yeah.
We will see a bunch of new Project Cafe games, including a new Mario title.
Nintendo is showing off its system for the very first time, and cool-looking games are the quickest way to impress. Yes, you will see many games for Project Cafe -- that's almost guaranteed. Will one of those games star the chubby little plumber? We don't know, but it wouldn't shock us if Mario was in attendance.
Nintendo will announce that Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword will be a launch title for Project Cafe.
Nintendo's got a tough decision to make with Skyward Sword. On one hand the company has set this precedent before, when Twilight Princess was shifted from the GameCube to be a Wii launch title. On the other hand, we won't see the new Nintendo system till 2012, which means the Wii is looking at a pretty barren release schedule this fall if Skyward Sword gets taken out of the mix. This one could definitely go either way.
Grand Theft Auto V will be announced.
It's been three years since GTA IV came out, which means a lot of people are champing at the bit to see what comes next for Rockstar's signature franchise. Unfortunately, we're pretty sure you're going to have to keep waiting for the foreseeable future. Rockstar isn't on the E3 show floor in any official capacity, which means the company -- or any of the games its working on -- probably won't be there at all.
Bungie's new game will be unveiled.
Second verse, same as the first. Bungie is also not going to be at E3, so don't hold your breath that we'll get any news on their first post-Halo project yet.
Star Wars: The Old Republic will get a release date.
It's the third year running that The Old Republic has been at E3, but we still don't know for sure when Star Wars fans and MMO players will be able to get their grubby little mitts on it. Could EA's press conference finally be the moment we've been anticipating for what seems like forever? If you made us bet, we'd put our money on "yes" over "no."
We'll see a brand-new Halo.
Halo fans have been anxiously awaiting to see what the first post-Bungie game in the series will look like, but we don't think this year is the year. That doesn't mean it will be a Halo-less Microsoft press conference, however -- rumors have been floating about a Halo: Combat Evolved remake to commemorate the game's tenth anniversary. If those rumors are true, expect to see them confirmed at E3.
Microsoft will take veiled jabs at Sony, Nintendo will take veiled jabs at Apple, and Sony will just keep its mouth shut.
Microsoft will make at least one remark about how the Xbox 360 is the best place for online gameplay, followed by a self-satisfied smirk. Nintendo will comment at least once that inexpensive, low-quality software is bringing down games overall. And Sony, knowing that this year is not a good time to be cocky, will judiciously refrain from saying anything about other companies.
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