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Old 05-27-2011, 12:18 PM   #2
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By the end of this century, we could be adverse intense heat waves extensive up to mid 40 degrees centigrade in some places,Oakland Raiders jerseys, agnate to those which dead bags of people across Europe in 2003.
The weather,Cheap Bears jerseys, plants, animals and our bloom have been and will be affected by this increase in temperature.
Already, over the last 40years, in the UK we have seen warmer winters, added rains and hotter, drier summers,San Diego Chargers jerseys, which can be attributed to all-around abating.
Carbon dioxide is the capital greenhouse gas causing climate change. Over 40% of the UK’s emissions appear from the energy we use at home everyday.
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To generate electricity, we bake deposit fuels (atramentous, oil and gas) that produce greenhouse gases,New England Patriots jerseys, in particular carbon dioxide. Cars also produce a lot of carbon dioxide, but added comes from the energy we use at home.
The boilerplate house produces 6 tonnes from carbon dioxide per year!
Currently, Britain is acclaimed for its blooming and affable acreage. If temperatures abide to rise, abounding of the species of animals and plants that we commonly accessory with Britain may abandon.
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If no greenhouse gases had anytime been produced, the Earth’s average temperature would be about -18 degrees centigrade,mlb jerseys, compared with the current average of around +15 degrees centigrade. The acumen why our planet is getting hotter is that greenhouse gases have created a absolute around us, preventing calefaction from artifice into the atmosphere.
A warmer climate in the UK could access the amount of people adversity from cataracts, skin blight and even tropical diseases such as Dengue fever and West Nile virus. Even now, mosquitoes accustomed such diseases are invading the US because of ascent temperatures.

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