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Old 05-28-2011, 09:19 PM   #1
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Default Microsoft Office 2007 Sale To follow the GPL to re

excellent article recommends :

Windows7 > Microsoft confirmed : Windows7 way to activate the program has been cracked

foreign media : Microsoft should be allowed for personal use OEM version Windows7

more information , please click >>

12月10 News on Wednesday re-released Microsoft Windows7 of the USB / DVD download and install a tool that is mainly used in the absence of drive on the computer and the Internet to download and install Windows7.

but before there is open-source industry have complained about Microsoft's compliance with some of the GNU Public License (GPL v2) of the code did not open source,Microsoft Office 2007 Sale, Microsoft apologized and said that items such as redistribution so as to meet The conditions under GPL open source , Microsoft on Wednesday officially announced the open source version of the tool , the time spent than expected to be longer, the current project has been in, Microsoft's open-source software project database hosting.

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