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Old 05-29-2011, 02:22 PM   #1
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Default Windows 7 Starter Sale Software Vensim

,Windows 7 Starter Sale

New !
Vensim 5 is now introduced. See the Read Me notes here.
Vensim Simulation Software
Vensim is used for developing, analyzing, and packaging high quality dynamic feedback models. Models are constructed graphically or in a text editor. Features include dynamic functions, subscripting (arrays), Monte Carlo sensitivity analysis,Office Home And Student 2010 Sale, optimization, data handling, application interfaces, and much more. Ventana Systems also provides the Molecules software, for constructing system dynamics models from "chunks" or molecules of system dynamics structure.

Comparison Chart for different Vensim configurations

Documentation available on this website
Vensim PLE Vensim PLE (Personal Learning Edition) is software that gets you started in system dynamics modeling and is free for educational use and inexpensive for commercial use. Vensim PLE is ideal for classroom use and personal learning of system dynamics. Vensim PLE Plus
Vensim PLE Plus bridges the gap between the inexpensive (or free) PLE and our higher configurations. PLE Plus is fully featured for its price point and includes data connectivity, multiple views, Monte Carlo sensitivity simulations,Office 2007 Sale, game simulations, and the new model-user interface (Input and Output Controls). PLE Plus can be purchased by credit card on our secure sever.
Vensim Professional, and DSS
Read the Vensim Brochure. Vensim Professional is what is needed for managing large and mode complicated models. It provides Causal TracingTM of structure and behavior, and has Monte Carlo sensitivity, optimization and subscripting (array) capabilities. Vensim DSS adds an interface development tool for creating management flight simulators, external functions and macros, compiled simulations, and more.
Model Reader
The Vensim Model Reader is free software which allows you to publish models constructed with Vensim and distribute them to other people. Your model and the Vensim model reader can be copied and passed to as many people as you want,Microsoft Office 2007 Key, giving people access to your model without their needing to purchase Vensim.
Demonstration Program
The Vensim Demonstration features a tour of Vensim, includes several models with flight simulator interfaces, and contains the Vensim development environment for modeling, along with some sample models.
The Molecules software is used for constructing system dynamics models from "chunks" or molecules of system dynamics structure. This software is a collaborative effort among a number of authors.
Custom Vensim applications (flight simulators and other interfaces to models) can be developed with the Venapp builder, or in a programming language such as Visual Basic, C, C++, Visual C++, Delphi, Excel, and multimedia authoring tools, or in Sable (below).
Ventana Systems UK Ltd. — Sable
Developed by Ventana Systems UK Ltd., Sable is a programming environment used in creating application interfaces for Vensim, similar to the Venapp builder. Sable has a number of features which make it unique and useful. You can program interfaces that run over intranets or the internet.
Online Documentation
Vensim documentation available online includes installation instructions,Office Professional Plus 2010 32 Bit, Read Me notes, Vensim PLE & PLE Plus User's Guide, and the Molecules guide.
Technical Highlights
Vensim contains many industry-leading technical advances in continuous simulation technology. Read more about:

Causal Tracing™



Venapp Flight Simulators (Learning Environments)

Resource Allocation algorithm (ALLOC P)
Computer Hardware Requirements
The Vensim family of software runs on Windows XP/Vista/7. Vensim is a 32 bit progam but will run fine on 64 bit versions of Windows. The Macintosh version requires OSX version 10.4 or higher. The Windows Version will also run on the Macintosh using Crossover, or with a Windows virtual/alternate boot installation. Vensim requires about 20 megabytes of disk space for a full installation and will run with any reasonable amount of memory. For very large models more memory and disk space will be required as a single run can easily take 100 megabytes of disk space. Generally it is a good idea to have at least as much memory as the size of the largest .vdf file you are creating.
History of Vensim
The history of Vensim is here.
Y2K Compliance
Vensim is Y2K compliant. Click here for more details.
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