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Old 05-30-2011, 01:41 AM   #1
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agerly into the problem of shrew tracing and diversionwhile women and
Page 33
children moved into the main semicircle to clean up and pitch new tents. It seemed as safe a place as any
since the following horde would starve if it followed the identical route of this one. The next shrew foray
was more likely to come down the opposite bank. Besidesthere was a great deal of laundry to do in the
The bones and gear of the missing hunting party were discovered three miles upriver. Suddenly
everyone appreciated the menace properlyand no more grumbles about the work were heard. Sostoo
was treated with somewhat more respect than hitherto. He had proved his point.
Sol arrived two weeks later with another group of fifty men. He now had a fair-sized tribe of
sixty-five warriorsthough the majority of these were inexperienced and untrained youths. The best men
were still tied up in established tribesas Sos had pointed out in their discussion but that situation would
change in due course.
Sos trotted out the witnesses to the execution of Nar and had them describe to Sol what they had
observed. There were only two; the third had been a hunter on the day of warfare. Sos was not certain
how the master of the tribe would take itsince his management of the valley group had cost five men.
That was a full quarter of the complement put in his charge.
There were two guards?
Sol inquired.
The witnesses nodded. "Always."
And the other that night did not report that the first was sleeping?
Sos clapped his palm to his forehead. For a man who fancied his brainhe had blundered
ridiculously. Two had been guiltynot one.
In the end Tyl had another job with the stickswhile Sos and Sol retired for a private consultation.
Sos described in detail the events of the past five weeksand this time Sol's attention never wandered.
He had little patience with history or biologybut the practical matters of empire building were of prime
interest to him. So fly flot ladies shoes
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