Thread: Farewell video
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Old 06-07-2011, 05:44 PM   #1
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Default Farewell video

The farewell video
human do not understand while the time slumber , there will be movie apt mention goodbye , say those words ─ ─
have I in heaven namely not willing , I do not want to go ; have I not happy in perdition , I do not want to go ;
not happy with my hereafter in your golden world, I do not want to go.
But you're willing I do not .
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woo woo nearly virtually , I do not want to ,2011 Supra Shoes, I a grain of truth better than a loss .
I'm just a shadow,Supra Footwear, merely you should not have sunk in the darkness. However, will the darkness swallow me, yet light and
make me disappear.
But I do not want a loss in between light and dark , as I sank in the dark .
But I finally loss in between light and dark , I do not know or dawn twilight . I may give the hand fitted gray
drink a toast for the wine, I will not know the time when travel alone .
woo woo almost almost ,Supra Muska Skytop Shoes, whether the evening, the night will surely come sunk me, or I'll be gone during the day , whether the current is
friends , the time is approximate.
detriment in the gloom I will not land.
you want my gifts. What can I offer you ? None has , it is still dark and empty it. However, I
willing to just the dark , alternatively will fade in your daytime ; I would equitable empty , your heart will not accounted because .
I favor this , friends ─ ─
I voyage alone , not merely do not you,Supra TK Society Shoes, and not other membrane in the dark . Only I was the black and sank
that the entire earth belongs to me.
upon, recommend . Mr , very nice.
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