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Old 06-09-2011, 12:31 PM   #1
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Default Call of Duty Black Ops Errors - Freezes, Crashes a

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Call of Duty: Black Ops PC Config Tweaks here. - Make some changes and it will improve your BO gameplay !

27. Recent Server Disconnecting error in PC CoD: Black Ops !
by Vrandas
Call of Duty: Black Ops Errors - Freezes, Crashes and Install problems.
So this is place to find answers on all your questions.

1. PC resources overload = heavy lag and/or stuttering. Constant FPS Drops and Lock Ups/Freezes.
Treyarch is working on this one. Still not solved completely.
The game needs some re-coding. Can be STEAM is using to much CPU. Or the connection between client and servers is somehow borked. But whatever it is... it need to be fixed.
But you can try playing with Steam in Offline mode or just kill the STEAM process after start up. or Pull down the console and type: snd_restart or change your sound-device settings while on a server. or Open Console ( Tilde key ~ ), Type cl_maxpackets 100 and close. or Right click on Black Ops Multi in Steam games and Go Properties -> Updates -> Untick Enable steam cloud sync. or Delete the config_mp file(s) in the |steamapps|common|call of duty black ops|players folder
Official Activision fix reply :
Try downloading and installing DirectX 9.0c on your PC. It will not affect your DirectX 10/11, but it may assist with your issue as it installs DirectX files you may have. You can obtain DirectX from the following link:
Please note that this is a third party link that is not run by Activision. You may also have conflicting programs running in the background, shutdown your background programs using the following procedure:
Windows will have some programs pre loading without prompting you. You can use the system configuration utility in Windows XP and Windows Vista/7 to tell windows not to pre-load these background programs that can interfere with the game.
1. Go to your start button and select RUN and in the box labeled OPEN type MSCONFIG and press the OK button. (Windows Key + R brings up the box) 2. Click on the tab that reads SERVICES 3. Check the box that reads "Hide all Microsoft Services" 4. Click on the button that reads "DISABLE ALL" 5. Now click on the tab that reads START UP. 6. Click on the button the reads "DISABLE ALL" and press the OK button. Windows will prompt you to restart the system. 7. Once windows restarts then you may get a message that the SELECTIVE STARTUP has been used. 8. Just close the message box. Now try the game.
Please note that this method will shut down all background applications including your virus scanning software. If you wish to restore your background programs/services, you can select the "Enable All" option instead of the disable all option in the msconfig operation.

Make sure that you meet the minimum system requirements.
Make sure that you have the latest video and sound drivers from the manufacturer’s website.
Download an improved Call of Duty: Black Ops FPS config file to improve your fps in multi-player. Just replace the one you have now with this one. Your Call of Duty: Black Ops config file is here > Steam|steamapps|common|call of duty black ops|players. (If you are on 64-bit windows, you will be looking for |Program Files (x86)|)
2. You downloaded CoD: Black Ops and in STEAM you get a "STEAM must be on to play" warning.
You can try: close STEAM and delete the clientregistry.blob file (C:|Program Files|Steam )and relaunch STEAM.
3. STEAM version of Call of Duty: Black Ops doesn't "unlock".
Restart STEAM.
4. Call of Duty: Black Ops SINGLE PLAYER freezes or lags. 1. Run Steam in Offline mode 2. Run Black Ops 3. When in the game CTRL+ALT+DEL and go to the Process Manager and turn off Steam.exe there. 5. STEAM stopped working.
It seems the STEAM servers cant handle the CoD: Black Ops release and their usual gameload from other games.
So it is STEAM; not you.
6. Call of Duty: Black Ops Black Screen.
Try running the game in your native desktop resolution.
7. Stuck at Fetching Stats.
Servers are to busy.
8. Stuck on Multi Player Launch.
Try running Single Player first.
9. Call of Duty Black Ops Crashes After Changing Resolution.
Needs to be patched by Treyarch.
10. Call of Duty Black Ops Game Crashes at Menu.
Try the following:
Navigate to the following directory Steam|steamapps|common|call of duty black ops|players Rename config.cfg to configBAK.cfg Rename config_mp.cfg as well
Better to rename than deleting in case you may need those two files again later.
11. Cant bind NUMPAD in SP/MP Call of Duty Black Ops.
Turn off numpad when binding controls. Then turn back on once controls have been set.
12. Can't find Call of Duty Black Ops servers.
Disabled ICS (Internet Connection Sharing).
To Disable ICS :
1. Go to Network and Sharing Center. 2. On the top left side of the windows should be "Change Adapter Settings" Click on that. 3. Right click where your internet comes from (In this case a Wireless Network Connection). And select Properties. 4. Click the Sharing tab at the top,Cheap Windows 7 Home Premium Key, and untick all of the box's that are under the sharing tab.
The box's are listed as:
Allow other network users to connect through this computers Internet Connection.
Allow other network uses to control or disable the shared connection.
13. Corrupt file error

Verify the integrity of the game cache in Steam. Right click on Black Ops shortcut in Steam Library, go to Properties, then Local Files, then click Verify the Integrity of Game Cache.
14. Call of Duty: Black Ops ATI Graphics and Performance Issues Fix
If you are on an ATI video card, you may want to apply this ATI Catalyst Hotfix to resolve any graphic errors or low performance issues you come across.
15. Call of Duty: Black Ops Multiplayer Port Forwarding
TCP [3074] UDP [3074]
16. DirectX encountered an unrecoverable error
Go to C:|Program Files|Steam|steamapps|common|call of duty black ops|Redist DirectX and run DXSETUP.
Treyarch is working on this error.
17. Playing CoD Black Ops drops Internet Connection
Try lowering the Steam internet connection rate. Restart Steam after changing.
Can also help when having unstable in-server ping.
18. CoD Black Ops freezes in SP or MP Go to your installation directory, then the Zone folder, - The latest netbook news published daily, then Common folder. ie x:|Steam|steamapps|common|call of duty black ops|zone|Common
Delete the first seven files: code_post_gfx.FF code_post_gfx_mp.FF code_pre_gfx.FF code_pre_gfx_mp.FF common.FF common_mp.FF common_zombies.FF
Verify the game cache integrity on Steam to download fresh new copies of these files (and also checks against your other files). 19. In PC Call of Duty: Black Ops, as soon as you start multiplayer, there is HUGE lag.
The solution: click on “create a class” then the game will freeze for about 5 seconds and then no more main menu lag.
20. When you have more than 100 friends in you friends list Call of Duty: Black Ops will crash.
You click playercard > leaderboards > and then click on any option/gamemode your game freezes, crashes and makes an error message noise. You are forced to terminate the game.
No fix other than deleting friends. Need to be patched by Treyarch.
21. Default BO config assumes you are running multiple GPU cores on a single CPU. For most people, this is the other way around (multi-core CPU with a single-core GPU).
Here is the fix:
1) Your Call of Duty: Black Ops config file is here > Steam|steamapps|common|call of duty black ops|players (If you are on 64-bit windows, you will be looking for |Program Files (x86)|) 2) Open config_mp.cfg in Notepad or Wordpad (I reccomend navigating to this file from notepad's "Open" dialogue, making sure to change the dropdown from "Open *.txt files" to "Open all files *.*") 3) ctrl+F to open the "Find" dialogue 4) Search for "r_multiGpu" 5) If r_multiGpu is set to 1,Buy Office 2010 Serial, change it to 0, unless you have multiple GPU's 6) Search for r_multithreaded_device 7) If r_multithreaded_device is set to 0, change it to 1,Windows 7 Ultimate 64 Bit Key, unless you have a single core processor 22. Change default cl_maxpackets.

Your Call of Duty: Black Ops config file is here > Steam|steamapps|common|call of duty black ops|players
(If you are on 64-bit windows, you will be looking for |Program Files (x86)|)
1) Search for cl_maxpackets 2) Set cl_maxpackets to 100 3) If cl_maxpackets does not exist, enter this string at the end of the config: seta cl_maxpackets "100" 23. Change default sv_maxrate.
Your Call of Duty: Black Ops config file is here > Steam|steamapps|common|call of duty black ops|players
(If you are on 64-bit windows, you will be looking for |Program Files (x86)|)
1) Search for sv_maxrate 2) Set sv_maxrate to 25000 3) If sv_maxrate does not exist, enter this string at the end of the config: seta sv_maxrate "25000" 24. Make Config changes permanent. Doing this will lock your configuration, and we need to do this so COD:BO or Steam don't overwrite our changes. 1) Save and close config_mp.cfg 2) Right click the file and select "Properties". 3) Check "Read Only" NOTE: If you need to change any settings, any button binds, video settings, sound settings,Genuine Microsoft Office 2007, clan tag,etc. ad nauseum, you will need to unlock your configuration file as this information is stored in the configuration file that we just made "Read only". THIS DOES NOT EFFECT CLASSES,Office 2010 Serial Sale, KILLSTREAKS, OR CONTRACTS AS THESE ARE NOW HANDLED SERVER-SIDE. 25. WINDOWS VISTA AND WINDOWS 7 Registry has a setting that limits the amount of outbound packets being sent at any one time. Vista/7 caps network traffic at 10 packets per second, which is much lower than the 100 we desire from cl_maxpackets.
Here's how to remove that cap:
1) Hold the windows key and press the " r " key. This will bring up a run dialogue 2) Type "regedit.exe" in to the run dialogue, and open up the registry editing program by pressing "run" or hitting "enter" 3) Navigate through the folders to this address: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows NTCurrentVersionMultimediaSystemProfile 4) Right click on the file "NetworkThrottlingIndex" 5) Change the value from 10 (or whatever it currently is) to "FFFFFFFF" in hexadecimal 6) Restart your computer 26. Call of Duty: Black Ops Rank issues Change one perk in each of your classes. (do not set classes to Default). Exit the game. Wait 30 minutes. Start the game and check your rank. 27. Recent Server Disconnecting error in PC CoD: Black Ops !

If your error is not in the above CoD Black Ops list you can try our Modern warfare 2 - PC Version - Errors and Solutions page.
If you find a solution for your problem in the MW2 list we like to hear about it. And you can do that here.
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