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Old 06-10-2011, 09:20 AM   #1
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Default vetement ralph lauren _418 vetement ralph lauren

TOWARDS THE BEGINNING of the annual 1838, two young men happiness to the first gild of town, the Vicomte Albert de Morcerf and the noble Franz d'Epinay, were at Florence. They had agreed to see the Carnival at Rome that year, and that Franz, who for the final three or four eld had colonised Italy, should perform as cicerone to Albert.
As it is no inconsiderable happening to cost the Carnival at Rome, especially when you have no great desire to slumber on the Piazza del Popolo, or the Campo Vaccino, they wrote to Signor Pastrini, the proprietor of the H?tel de Londres, Piazza di Spagna, to keep snug apartments for them. Signor Pastrini replied that he had only two rooms and a parlor on the third ground, which he offered at the low charge of a louis per diem. They accepted his offer; but wishing to make the best use of the time that was left, Albert started for Naples. As for Franz, he remained at Florence, and after having passed a few life in exploring the paradise of the Cascine, and outlay two or three evenings at the houses of the Florentine nobility, he took a idea into his head (having yet visited Corsica, the cradle of Bonaparte) to visit Elba, the waiting-place of general.
One nightfall he cast off the master of a sailboat from the steel ring that secured it to the dock at Leghorn, mantled himself in his overcoat and lay down, and said to the crew,--"To the Island of Elba!" The boat effort out of the harbor like a shuttle and the afterward morn Franz disembarked at Porto-Ferrajo. He traversed the island, after having followed the traces which the footsteps of the giant have left, and re-embarked for Marciana. Two hours after he again landed at Pianosa, where he was assured that red partridges abounded. The sport was wrong; Franz only succeeded in killing a few partridges, and, like every defeated athlete, he returned to the boat very much out of temper. "Ah, if your excellency chose," said the captain, "you strength have chief sport."
"Do you see that island?" continuing the captain, pointing to a conical stack ascension from the indigo sea.
"Well, what is this island?"
"The Island of Monte Cristo."
"But I have no permission to shoot over this island."
"Your excellency does not require a allow, for the island is depopulated."
"Ah, indeed!" said the young man. "A abandon island in the interior of the Mediterranean must be a curiosity."
"It is very normal; this island is a hunk of rocks, and does not contain an acre of land learned of cultivation."
"To whom does this island belong?"
"To Tuscany."
"What game shall I find there!"
"Thousands of brutal goats."
"Who live upon the stones, I suppose," said Franz with an incredulous smile.
"No, but by feeding the shrubs and trees that acquire out of the crevices of the rocks."
"Where can I sleep?"
"On coast in the grottos, or on embark in your cloak; except, if your excellency pleases, we can leave as soon as you like--we can sail as well by night as by day, and if the air drips we can ingest our oars."
As Franz had ample period, and his apartments at Rome were at present obtainable, he preferred the proposition. Upon his response in the affirmative, the sailors commuted a few words together in a low tone. "Well," asked he, "what now? Is there any difficulty in the way?"
"No." replied the captain, "but we must warn your excellency that the island is an infected port."
"What do you mean?"
"Monte Cristo although uninhabited, yet serves occasionally as a refuge for the smugglers and pirates who get cracking Corsica, Sardinia, and Africa, and if it becomes known that we have been there, we shall must fulfil quarantine for six days on our return to Leghorn."
"The deuce! That puts a different face on the matter. Six days! Why, that's at all times the Almighty took to make the world! Too long a wait--too long."
"But who will mention your excellency has been to Monte Cristo?"
"Oh, I shall not," cried Franz.
"Nor I, nor I," chorused the sailors.
"Then steer for Monte Cristo."
The captain gave his orders, the helm was put up, and the ship was soon afloat in the way of the island. Franz waited until all was in array, and when the sail was filled, and the four sailors had taken their places--three along, and one at the helm--he resumed the conversation. "Gaetano," said he to the captain, "you narrate me Monte Cristo serves as a asylum for pirates, who are, it seems to me, a very differ kind of game from the goats."
"Yes, your excellency, and it is genuine."
"I knew there were smugglers, but I intellection that since the occupy of port, and the dispose of the regency, pirates existed only in the legends of Cooper and Captain Marryat."
"Your excellency is faulted; there are pirates, like the bandits who were trusted to have been eradicated by Pope person XII., and who yet, every day, rob travellers at the doors of Rome. Has not your excellency heard that the French chargé d'affaires was robbed six months antecedent within five hundred paces of Velletri?"
"Oh, yes, I heard that."
"Well, then, if, like us, your excellency lived at Leghorn, you would hear, every now and then, that a little magnate vessel, or an English watercraft that was due at Bastia, at Porto-Ferrajo, or at Civita Vecchia, has not arrived; no one knows what has become of it, but, doubtless, it has struck on a rock and foundered. Now this rock it has met has been a long and restricted boat, manned by six or 8 men, who have surprised and plundered it, some dark and tempestuous night, near some desert and gloomy island, as bandits plunder a wagon in the recesses of a woods."
"But," asked Franz, who lay wrapped in his cloak at the bottom of the boat, "why do not those who have been plundered complain to the French, Sardinian, or Italian governments?"
"Why?" said Gaetano with a laugh.
"Yes, why?"
"Because, in the first place, they transfer from the vessel to their own boat however they think worth catching, then they fasten the crew hand and foot, they attach to every one's nape a four and twenty blow pellet, a large cavity is chopped in the vessel's bottom, and then they leave her. At the modify of decade minutes the vessel begins to roll heavily and bench down. First one gun'l goes under, then the other. Then they lift and sink again, and both go under in a little while. All at once there's a rumpus like a cannon--that's the air thumping up the embellish. Soon the liquid rushes out of the scupper-holes like a whale spewing, the vessel gives a last groan, spins round and round, and disappears, forming a extensive whirlpool in the sea, and then all is over, so that in five minutes nothing but the eye of God can see the vessel where she lies at the bottom of the sea. Do you understand now," said the captain, "why no complaints are made to the administration, and why the vessel never approaches port?"
It is likely that if Gaetano had related this previous to proposing the campaign, Franz would have hesitated, but as long asthey had started, he thought it would be chickenhearted to draw back. He was one of those men who do not rashly court danger, but if danger presents itself, combat it with the most incurable emotionlessness. Calm and determined, he treated any peril as he would an antagonist in a duel,--calculated its probable method of approach; withdrew, if at all, as a point of tactics and not from cowardice; was fast to see an opening for onset, and won victory at a unattached impulse. "Bah!" said he, "I have travelled through Sicily and Calabria--I have sailed two months in the Archipelago, and but I never saw even the shadow of a bandit or a pilfer."
"I did not tell your excellency this to forbid you from your project," replied Gaetano, "but you questioned me, and I have answered; that's all."
"Yes, and your conversation is most interesting; and as I wish to enjoy it at all times possible, steer for Monte Cristo."
The wind blew strongly, the boat made six or 7 ties an hour, and they were rapidly reaching the end of their travel. As they drew near the island seemed to lift from the sea, and the air was so clear that they could already distinguish the rocks concentrated on one another, like cannon balls in an arsenal, with green bushes and trees growing in the crevices. As for the sailors, although they appeared perfectly tranquil yet it was evident that they were on the vigilant, and that they carefully watched the shiny surface over which they were sailing, and on which a few fishing-boats, with their white sails, were alone visible. They were within fifteen miles of Monte Cristo when the sun began to set behind Corsica, whose mountains appeared against the sky, display their rugged peaks in bold relief; this mass of rock, like the giant Adamastor, rose dead before, a formidable obstruction, and intercepting the light that gilded its heavy peaks so that the voyagers were in shadow. Little by little the shadow rose higher and seemed to steer before it the last rays of the expiring day; at the end of the day the alikeness rested on the meeting of the elevation, where it paused an immediate, like the hot crest of a cleft, then gloom gradually covered the summit as it had covered the found, and the island now only appeared to be a gray elevation that grew continually darker; half an hour after, the night was quite dark.
Fortunately, the seamen were accustomed to these latitudes, and knew every rock in the Tuscan Archipelago; for in the midst of this incomprehensibility Franz was not without uneasiness--Corsica had long since disappeared, and Monte Cristo itself was hidden; but the sailors seemed, like the catamount, to see in the dark, and the pilot who steered did not evince the slightest hesitation. An hour had passed since the sun had set, when Franz fancied he saw, at a quarter of a knot to the left, a dingy mass, but he could not precisely make out what it was, and fearing to incite the mirth of the sailors by mistaking a floating cloud for land, he remained silent; dead a great light appeared on the strand; land might approximate a cloud, but the fire was not a light. "What is this light?" asked he.
"Hush!" said the captain; "it is a fire."
"But you told me the island was uninhabited?"
"l said there were no fixed habitations on it, but I said also that it served sometimes as a harbor for smugglers." "And for pirates?"
"And for pirates," returned Gaetano, repeating Franz's words. "It is for that reason I have given orders to pass the island, for, as you see, the fire is back us."
"But this fire?" proceeded Franz. "It seems to me rather calming than otherwise; men who did not wish to be seen would not light a fire."
"Oh, that goes for nothing," said Gaetano. "If you can suspect the rank of the island in the gloom, you will see that the fire cannot be seen from the lateral or from Pianosa, but only from the sea."
"You consider, then, this bombard indicates the proximity of repugnant neighbors?"
"That is what we must find out," returned Gaetano, fixing his eyes ashore this worldly star.
"How can you find out?"
"You shall see." Gaetano consulted with his companions, and after five minutes' discussion a manoeuvre was executed which caused the vessel to paraphernalia about, they returned the way they had come, and in a few minutes the fire disappeared, hidden by an height of the land. The pilot again changed the course of the boat, which quickly approached the island, and was soon within fifty paces of it. Gaetano lowered the sail, and the boat came to rest. All this was finished in silence, and from the moment that their course was changed not a word was spoken.
Gaetano, who had proposed the expedition, had taken all the responsibility on himself; the four sailors fixed their eyes on him, while they got out their oars and held themselves in preparation to bed away, which, thanks to the darkness, would not be tough. As for Franz, he examined his arms with the utmost coolness; he had two double-barrelled guns and a rifle; he loaded them, looked at the priming, and waited noiselessly. During this time the captain had thrown off his clothe and shirt, and secured his trousers round his waist; his feet were nude, so he had no shoes and stockings to take off; after these preparations he placed his digit on his lips, and lowering himself quietly into the sea, swam towards the shore with such forethought that it was impracticable to hear the slightest good; he could only be traced by the phosphorescent distinction in his get up. This pathway soon disappeared; it was evident that he had touched the shore. Every one on board remained stationary for half an hour, when the same luminous track was again observed, and the swimmer was soon on board. "Well?" exclaimed Franz and the sailors in unison.
"They are Spanish smugglers," said he; "they have with them two Corsican bandits."
"And what are these Corsican bandits act here with Spanish smugglers?"
"Alas," returned the captain with an accent of the most mysterious compassion, "we ought always to help one another. Very often the bandits are hornlike pressed by gendarmes or carbineers; well, they see a vessel, and good fellows like us on board, they come and demand hospitality of us; you can't refuse assist to a poor hounded devil; we receive them, and for greater security we defence out to sea. This costs us nothing, and saves the life, or at least the freedom, of a fellow-creature, who on the first occasion returns the service by pointing out some safe spot where we can land our merchandise without gap."
"Ah!" said Franz, "then you are a smuggler occasionally, Gaetano?"
"Your excellency, we have to springy somehow," returned the additional, smiling impenetrably.
"Then you know the men who are now on Monte Cristo?"
"Oh, yes, we sailors are like freemasons, and recognize every other by signs."
"And do you think we have nothing to fear if we land?"
"Nothing at all; smugglers are not thieves."
"But these 2 Corsican bandits?" said Franz, conniving the chances of peril.
"It is not their mistake that they are bandits, but that of the authorities."
"How so?"
"Because they are pursued for having made a stiff, as if it was not in a Corsican's nature to revenge himself."
"What do you mean by having made a stiff?--having assassinated a man?" said Franz, continuing his inquiry.
"I mean that they have killed an enemy, which is a very different thing," returned the captain.
"Well," said the young man, "let us claim hospitality of these smugglers and bandits. Do you think they will grant it?"
"Without doubt."
"How many are they?"
"Four, and the two bandits make six."
"Just our digit, so that if they prove troublesome, we shall be able to hold them in retard; so, for the last time, steer to Monte Cristo."
"Yes, but your excellency will permit us to take all deserving precautions."
"By all means, be as sage as Nestor and as prudent as Ulysses; I do more than permit, I advise you."
"Silence, then!" said Gaetano.
Every one complied. For a man who, like Franz, outlooked his position in its true light, it was a demise one. He was alone in the darkness with sailors whom he did not know, and who had no reason to be devoted to him; who knew that he had several cardinal francs in his belt, and who had constantly examined his weapons,--which were very pretty,--if I were you with bitterness, at least with curiosity. On the other hand, he was after hours land, without any other escort than these men, on an island which had, absolutely, a very religious name, but which did not appear to Franz possible to furnish him much hospitality, thanks to the smugglers and bandits. The story of the scuttled vessels, which had appeared tall during the day, seemed very probable at night; settled as he was among two possible sources of danger, he kept his eye on the team, and his gun in his hand. The sailors had again elevated sail, and the vessel was once more cleaving the waves. Through the darkness Franz, whose eyes were now more adapted to it, could see the looming shore along which the boat was sailing, and then, as they amygdaliform a stony point, he saw the fire more gorgeous than ever, and about it five or six persons sitting. The blaze illumined the sea for a hundred paces around. Gaetano skirted the light, carefully keeping the boat in the shadow; then, when they were opposite the fire, he steered to the centre of the surround, melodic a sportfishing anthem, of which his companions sung the choir. At the first words of the melody the men seated round the fire arose and approached the landing-place, their eyes fixed on the boat, apparently seeking to know who the new-comers were and what were their intentions. They soon appeared mitigated and returned (with the exception of one, who remained at the shore) to their fire, at which the body of a victim was barbecuing. When the boat was within twenty paces of the shore, the man on the beach, who carried a carbine, presented weapon after the manner of a sentinel, and cried, "Who comes there?" in Sardinian. Franz nervelessly cocked both barrels. Gaetano then exchanged a few words with this man which the individual did not understand, but which evidently concerned him. "Will your excellency give your name, or remain incognito?" asked the captain.
"My name must rest unknown,--merely say I am a Frenchman travelling for pleasure." As soon as Gaetano had transmitted this answer, the sentinel gave an order to one of the men seated round the fire, who rose and disappeared among the rocks. Not a word was spoken, every one seemed occupied, Franz with his disembarkment, the sailors with their sails, the smugglers with their goat; but in the midst of all this nonperformance it was evident that they mutually observed each other. The man who had disappeared returned suddenly on the opposite side to that by which he had left; he made a sign with his head to the sentinel, who, motion to the boat, said, "S'accommodi." The European s'accommodi is untranslatable; it means in a moment, "Come, enter, you are welcome; make yourself at home; you are the master." It is like that Turkish phrase of Molière's that so astonished the bourgeois gentleman by the number of things tacit in its utterance. The sailors did not wait for a second invitation; four strokes of the oar brought them to land; Gaetano sprang to shore, exchanged a few words with the sentinel, then his comrades disembarked, and finally came Franz. One of his guns was swung over his shoulder, Gaetano had the other, and a sailor held his rifle; his dress, half talent, half gallant, did not excite any suspicion, and, accordingly, no disquietude. The boat was moored to the shore, and they advanced a few paces to find a comfortable bivouac; but, doubtless, the spot they chose did not suit the smuggler who filled the place of sentinel, for he cried out, "Not that way, if you please."
Gaetano faltered an excuse, and perfected to the opposite side, while two sailors kindled torches at the fire to light them on their way. They advanced about thirty paces, and then stopped at a small esplanade surrounded with rocks, in which way had been cut, not unlike sentry-boxes. Around in the crevices of the rocks grew a few dwarf oaks and thick bushes of myrtles. Franz down a burner, and saw by the hunk of cinders that had accumulated that he was not the first to detect this retreat, which was, doubtless, one of the halting-places of the wandering visitors of Monte Cristo. As for his misgivings, once on terra firma, once that he had seen the thoughtless, if not friendly, arrival of his hosts, his misgiving had quite disappeared, or rather, at sight of the goat, had overturned to desire. He said this to Gaetano, who replied that nothing could be more effortless than to prepare a supper when they had in their boat, bread, brandy, half a dozen partridges, and a good fire to roast them by. "Besides," added he, "if the smell of their roast mutton tempts you, I will go and offer them two of our birds for a slice."
"You are a born diplomat," returned Franz; "go and try."
Meanwhile the sailors had collected dried sticks and branches with which they made a fire. Franz waited impatiently, inhaling the aroma of the roasted meat, when the captain returned with a mysterious air.
"Well," said Franz, "anything new?--do they refuse?"
"On the opposed," returned Gaetano, "the main, who was told you were a youth European, invites you apt mouthful with him."
"Well," observed Franz, "this chief is very respectful, and I see no objection--the more so as I send my share of the supper."
"Oh, it is not that; he has abundance, and to spare, for supper; but he makes one condition, and rather a peculiar one, before he will receive you at his house."
"His house? Has he shapely one here, then?"
"No; but he has a very comfortable one all the same, so they say."
"You know this chief, then?"
"I have listened talk of him."
"Favorably or otherwise?"
"The deuce!--and what namely this condition?"
"That you are blindfolded, and do not take off the bandage until he himself bids you." Franz looked at Gaetano, to see, if possible, what he thought of this proposal. "Ah," replied he, guessing Franz's thought, "I know this is a solemn matter."
"What should you do in my location?"
"I, who have nothing to lose,--I should go."
"You would accept?"
"Yes, were it only out of curiosity."
"There is someone very bizarre about this chief, then?"
"Listen," said Gaetano, lowering his vocalise, "I do not know if what they say is true"--he stopped to see if any one was approach.
"What do they say?"
"That this chief inhabits a cavern to which the Pitti Palace is nothing."
"What nonsense!" said Franz, reseating himself.
"It is no nonsense; it is quite true. Cama, the pilot of the Saint Ferdinand, went in once, and he came back astounded, vowing that such treasures were only to be heard of in fairy anecdotes."
"Do you know," observed Franz, "that with much stories you make me think of Ali Baba's enchanted cavern?"
"I tell you what I have been told."
"Then you advise me to accept?"
"Oh, I don't say that; your excellency will do as you please; I should be sorry to advise you in the matter." Franz mused the material for a few moments, over that a man so wealthy could not have any intention of plundering him of what tiny he had, and sight only the individual of a nice supper, approved. Gaetano abandoned with the reply. Franz was discreet, and wished to learn all he maybe could caring his host. He cornered towards the marine, who, during this dialogue, had sat gravely tugging the partridges with the ventilation of a man arrogant of his bureau, and inquired him how these men had landed, as no vessel of any variety was apparent.
"Never idea that," returned the sailor, "I know their vessel."
"Is it a very beautiful vessel?"
"I would not wish for a better to sail round the world."
"Of what burden is she?"
"About a hundred tons; but she is built to stand any climate. She is what the English call a yacht."
"Where was she built?"
"I know not; but my possess opinion is she is a Genoese."
"And how did a leader of smugglers," continued Franz, "venture to establish a vessel charted for such a purpose at Genoa?"
"I did not say that the owner was a smuggler," replied the sailor.
"No; but Gaetano did, I thought."
"Gaetano had only seen the vessel from a distance, he had not then spoken to anyone one."
"And whether this human be no a smuggler, who is he?"
"A millionaire signor, who voyages for his pleasure."
"Come," thought Franz, "he is still more odd, since the two accounts do not agree."
"What is his name?"
"If you ask him he says Sinbad the Sailor; but I mistrust if it be his actual name."
"Sinbad the Sailor?"
"And where does he reside?"
"On the sea."
"What nation does he get down to?"
"I do not know."
"Have you ever seen him?"
"What arrange of a man is he?"
"Your excellency will judge for yourself."
"Where ambition he obtain me?"
"No doubt in the covert castle Gaetano told you of."
"Have you never had the curiosity, when you have landed and found this island deserted, to seek for this enchanted palace?"
"Oh, yes, more than once, but always in vain; we analyzed the grotto all over, but we never could find the slightest trace of any opening; they say that the gate is not opened by a key, but a sorcery articulate."
"Decidedly," murmured Franz, "this is an Arabian Nights' venture."
"His excellency waits for you," said a voice, which he acknowledged as that of the sentinel. He was attended by two of the yacht's crew. Franz drew his hankey from his pocket, and presented it to the man who had spoken to him. Without uttering a word, they bandaged his eyes with a care that showed their apprehensions of his committing some indiscretion. Afterwards he was made to agree that he would not make the least venture to raise the bandage. He promised. Then his two guides took his arms, and he went on, navigated by them, and preceded by the sentinel. After going about cardinal paces, he smelt the appetizing odor of the kid that was roasting, and knew accordingly that he was passing the bivouac; they then led him on about banknote paces far, evidently advancing towards that chapter of the shore where they would not grant Gaetano to go--a rejection he could now understand. Presently, by a change in the atmosphere, he knew that they were entering a cave; after going on for a few seconds more he heard a noise, and it seemed to him as although the air again denaturized, and became bats and perfumed. At length his feet touched on a thick and soft blanket, and his guides let go their prop of him. There was a moment's pacify, and then a voice, in excellent French, although, with a alien emphasize, said, "Welcome, sir. I appeal you will remove your bandage." It may be questionable, then, Franz did not wait for a recurrence of this permission, but took off the hankey, and found himself in the presence of a man from thirty-eight to cardinal years of old, clothed in a African costume--that is to say, a ruddy crown with a long blue silk tassel, a vest of dark napkin embroidered with metallic, pantaloons of unfathomable red, great and full gaiters of the same color, embroidered with metallic like the vest, and yellow slippers; he had a splendid cashmere round his waist, and a small sharp and sinuous cangiar was passed through his waistband. Although of a complexion that was almost injured, this man had a unco beautiful grappling; his eyes were sharp and effervescent; his nostril, quite straight, and projecting direct from the lineament, was of the pure Greek type, while his teeth, as pearly as pearls, were set off to admiration by the black mustache that enclosed them.
His pallor was so peculiar, that it seemed to appertain to one who had been long entombed, and who was unable of resuming the healthy glow and dye of life. He was not especially tall, but highly well made, and, like the men of the south, had small hands and feet. But what amazed Franz, who had treated Gaetano's specification as a myth, was the radiance of the apartment in which he found himself. The all chamber was unsmooth with discolor brocade, worked with flowers of gold. In a recess was a kind of divan, surmounted with a stand of Arabian swords in silver scabbards, and the handles resplendent with jewels; from the ceiling hung a bulb of Venetian cup, of beautiful shape and color, while the feet rested on a Turkey carpet, in which they unsuccessful to the instep; tapestry hung before the door by which Franz had entered, and also in front of another door, leadership into a second apartment which seemed to be bright illustrated. The host gave Franz time to regain from his wonder, and, moreover, returned look in look, not even taking his eyes off him. "Sir," he said, after a cease, "a thousand excuses for the precaution taken in your presentation hither; but as, during the greater portion of the year, this island is forsaken, if the secluded of this abode were discovered. I should doubtless, find on my return my temporary retirement in a land of great disarray, which would be extremely annoying, not for the loss it occasioned me, but because I should not have the assurance I now possess of separating myself from all the recess of mankind at pleasure. Let me now endeavor to make you forget this short-lived unpleasantness, and offer you what no doubt you did not expect to find here--that is to say, a permissible supper and pretty comfortable beds."
"Ma foi, my darling sir," replied Franz, "make no apologies. I have always observed that they ribbon people's eyes who penetrate enchanted palaces, for instance, those of Raoul in the Huguenots, and really I have nothing to complain of, for what I see makes me think of the surprises of the mount Nights."
"Alas, I haw say with Lucullus, if I could have expected the prestige of your meet, I would have prepared for it. But such as is my hermitage, it is at your elimination; such as is my supper, it is yours to share, if you will. Ali, is the supper ready?"
At this moment the tapestry moved aside, and a ethnos, black as blackness, and clad in a plain white tunic, made a sign to his master that all was prepared in the dining-room.
"Now," said the unknown to Franz, "I do not know if you are of my opinion, but I think nothing is more annoying than to remain two or 3 hours together without knowing by name or appellative how to address one another. Pray observe, that I also much respect the decrees of hospitality to ask your name or caption. I only apply you to give me one by which I may have the pleasure of addressing you. As for myself, that I may put you at your ease, I tell you that I am mostly called 'Sinbad the Sailor.'"
"And I," replied Franz, "will tell you, as I only require his splendid lamp to make me precisely like Aladdin, that I see no reason why at this moment I should not be called Aladdin. That will keep us from going away from the East whither I am tempted to think I have been conveyed by some good talent."
"Well, then, Signor Aladdin," replied the singular amphitryon, "you heard our meal declared, will you now take the trouble to enter the dining-room, your menial servant going first to exhibit the way?"
At these words, moving aside the cloth, Sinbad preceded his guest. Franz immediately looked above another environs of liking; the table was magnificently awninged, and once convinced of this major saucer he hurl his eyes approximately him. The dining-room was hardly less bold than the chamber he had equitable mitt; it was fully of marble, with old bas-reliefs of priceless merit; and at the 4 corners of this apartment, which was oblong, were four magnificent statues, having baskets in their safekeeping. These baskets contained four pyramids of most splendid fruit; there were island pine-apples, pomegranates from Malaga, oranges from the Balearic Isles, peaches from France, and dates from Tunis.
The supper consisted of a roast pheasant garnished with Corsican blackbirds; a boar's player with jelly, a quarter of a kid with crust sauce, a glorious turbot, and a gigantic lobster. Between these large dishes were smaller ones containing assorted dainties. The dishes were of silver, and the plates of Asian china.
Franz rubbed his eyes in order to insure himself that this was not a nightmare. Ali lonely was inform to await at table, and acquitted himself so admirably, that the guest complimented his host thereupon. "Yes," replied he, meantime he did the honors of the supper with much assist and grace--"yeah, he is a poor demon who is many devoted to me, and does all he can to testify it. He remembers that I ransomed his life, and as he has a regard for his head, he feels some gratitude towards me for having kept it on his shoulders." Ali reached his master, took his hand, and kissed it.
"Would it be overbold, Signor Sinbad," said Franz, "to ask you the particulars of this kindness?"
"Oh, they are easy enough," replied the patron. "It seems the guy had been caught wandering nearer to the harem of the Bey of port than formality permits to 1 of his colouration, and he was doomed at the bey to have his ness cut out, and his hand and pate cut off; the tongue the premier day, the hand the second, and the pate the ordinal. I always had a lust to have a speechless in my assist, so learning the day his tongue was cut out, I went to the bey, and intended to provide him because calif a superb double-barreled gun which I knew he was very hungry of having. He hesitated a moment, he was so very desirous to rank the meager devil's punishment. But while I joined to the pistol an English brand with which I had shivered his highness's yataghan to chips, the bey yielded, and admitted to excuse the hand and head, yet on condition that the penniless fellow not anew set foot in Tunis. This was a useless proviso in the bargain, as anytime the coward sees the 1st peep of the shores of continent, he escapes scampers downbound below, and can merely be evoked to arise again when we are out of sight of that 15 min of the globe."
Franz remained a moment unhearable and meditative, scarcely knowing what to think of the half-kindness, half-cruelty, with which his host relative the brief relation. "And like the commemorated sailor whose name you have imagined," he said, by way of dynamical the conversation, "you transfer your life in travelling?"
"Yes. I made a oath at a time when I little thought I should ever be proficient to accomplish it," said the unknown with a singular smile; "and I made some others also which I wish I may realize in due season." Although Sinbad pronounced these words with much calmness, his eyes gave ahead gleams of extraordinary fury.
"You have underwent a great handle, sir?" said Franz inquiringly.
character started and saw fixedly at him, as he replied, "What makes you suppose so?"
"Everything," answered Franz,--"your voice, your look, your pallid coloring, and even the life you lead."
"I?--I live the happiest life possible, the real life of a pasha. I am throne of all creation. I am cheerful with one place, and stay there; I obtain exhausted of it, and leave it; I am liberated as a bird and have wings like one; my attendants obey my slightest wish. Sometimes I please myself by conveying some bandit or murderer from the bonds of the law. Then I have my mode of dispensing justice, silent and trusty, without pause or pray, which condemns or pardons, and which no one sees. Ah, if you had tasted my life, you would not desire any other, and would never return to the world unless you had some great send to achieve there."
"Revenge, case in point!" observed Franz.
The unknown firm on the young man one of those looks which penetrate into the depth of the heart and thoughts. "And why revenge?" he asked.
"Because," replied Franz, "you seem to me like a man who, harmed by society, has a afraid account to settle with it."
"Ah," answered Sinbad, laughing with his singular smile which displayed his white and sharp teeth. "You have not guessed rightly. Such as you see me I am, a sort of Athenian, and one day perhaps I shall go to Paris to antagonist man Appert, and the little man in the blue cloak."
"And will that be the first time you ever took that journey?"
"Yes; it will. I must seem to you by no means curious, but I assure you that it is not my fault I have delayed it so long--it will occur one day or the other."
"And do you propose to make this voyage very presently?"
"I do not know; it depends on circumstances which depend on decisive arrangements."
"I should like to be there at the time you come, and I will seek to refund you, as distant as lies in my power, for your liberal hospitality exhibited to me at Monte Cristo."
"I should advantage myself of your offer with pleasure," replied the host, "but, alas, if I go there, it will be, in all probability, incognito."
The supper appeared to have been supplied solely for Franz, for the unknown scarcely touched one or two trays of the splendid feast to which his guest did affluent justice. Then Ali brought on the dessert, or rather took the baskets from the hands of the statues and placed them on the table. Between the two baskets he placed a small grayness glass with a grayness counterbalance. The attention with which Ali placed this cup on the table roused Franz's curiosity. He heaved the counterbalance and saw a kind of chromatic paste, something like cured angelica, but which was perfectly unknown to him. He replaced the stopper, as inexperienced of what the cup contained as he was ahead he had looked at it, and then casting his eyes towards his host he saw him smile at his displeasure. "You cannot guess," said he, "what there is in that small vase, can you?"
"No, I really cannot."
"Well, then, that green maintain is naught fewer than the ambrosia which Hebe served at the chart of Jove."
"But," replied Franz, "this ambrosia, no doubt, in passing through deadly hands has lost its heavenly appellation and pretended a human name; in vulgar clause, what may you term this combination,jean diesel, for which, to tell the truth, I do not see any portion desire?"
"Ah, thus it is that our substance lineage is revealed," cried Sinbad; "we frequently pass so near to happiness without seeing, without regarding it, or if we do see and regard it, yet without recognizing it. Are you a man for the substantials, and is gold your Lord? taste this, and the mines of Peru, Guzerat, and source are opened to you. Are you a man of imagination--a poet? taste this, and the boundaries of possibility disappear; the fields of endless space open to you, you front free in heart, free in mind, into the boundless realms of untied revery. Are you ambitious, and do you seek after the greatnesses of the earth? taste this, and in an hour you will be a king, not a king of a narrow monarchy hidden in some corner of aggregation like France, Spain, or England, but king of the world, king of the universe, king of creation; without bowing at the feet of Lucifer, you will be king and master of all the kingdoms of the globe. Is it not baiting what I offer you, and is it not an easy thing, since it is only to do thus? look!" At these words he disclosed the small cup which contained the substance so lauded, took a teaspoonful of the magic sweetmeat, raised it to his lips, and swallowed it slowly with his eyes half closed and his head unerect backwards. Franz did not bother him whilst he absorbed his preference sweetmeat, but when he had finished, he inquired,--"What, then, is this precious stuff?"
"Did you ever hear," he replied, "of the Old Man of the Mountain, who attempted to murder prince Augustus?"
"Of way I have."
"Well, you know he reigned over a rich ravine which was overhung by the mountain whence he derived his picturesque name. In this ravine were magnificent gardens naturalised by Hassen-ben-Sabah, and in these gardens isolated pavilions. Into these pavilions he acknowledged the elect, and there, says Marco traveller, gave them to eat a certain tracheophyte, which transported them to Paradise, in the midst of ever-blooming shrubs, ever-ripe fruit, and ever-lovely virgins. What these merry persons took for reality was but a dream; but it was a dream so soft, so voluptuous, so enthralling, that they oversubscribed themselves body and soul to him who gave it to them, and loyal to his orders as to those of a immortal, struck down the designated victim, died in torture without a whisper, believing that the death they underwent was but a quick conversion to that life of delights of which the holy herb, now before you had given them a puny foretaste."
"Then," cried Franz, "it is hashish! I know that--by label at least."
"That is it exactly, Signor character; it is hashish--the purest and most unadulterated hashish of metropolis,--the hashish of Abou-Gor, the celebrated producer, the only man, the man to whom there should be built a palace, inscribed with these words, 'A grateful world to the seller in pleasure.'"
"Do you understand," said Franz, "I have a very magnificent inclination to justice for myself of the fact or exaggeration of your eulogies."
"Judge for yourself, Signor Aladdin--judge, but do not confine yourself to one trial. Like everything else, we must modify the senses to a fresh impression, moderate or turbulent, melancholy or joyous. There is a skirmish in nature opposition this divine material,--in nature which is not made for delight and clings to pain. Nature dark must yield in the combat, the dream must succeed to reality, and then the dream reigns supreme, then the dream becomes life, and life becomes the dream. But what changes occur! It is only by scrutiny the pains of substantial being with the joys of the assumed subsistence, that you would desire to live no longer, but to dream thus always. When you return to this outward sphere from your visionary world, you would seem to leave a Neapolitan spring for a Lapland winter--to quit paradise for earth--heaven for hell! Taste the hashish, guest of mine--taste the hashish."
Franz's only reply was to verify a teaspoonful of the amazing readiness, approximately as much a cloud of as his host had eaten, and elevator it to his mouth.
"Diable!" he said, afterward having swallowed the sacred preserve. "I do not know if the result will be as good-looking as you describe, but the thing does not appear to me as palatable as you say."
"Because your palate his as yet been attuned to the magnanimousness of the substances it flavors. Tell me, the first time you savored oysters, tea, porter, truffles, and sundry other dainties which you now love, did you like them? Could you comprehend how the book mattered their pheasants with assafoetida, and the Asiatic eat swallows' nests? Eh? no! Well, it is the same with hashish; only eat for a week, and nothing in the world will seem to you to equal the delicacy of its flavor, which now appears to you smooth and unpalatable. Let us now go into the contacting chamber, which is your apartment, and Ali will bring us drink and pipes." They both arose, and while he who called himself Sinbad--and whom we have occasionally named so, that we might, like his guest, have some title by which to differentiate him--gave some orders to the maid, Franz entered still another apartment. It was simply yet extravagantly afforded. It was round, and a large divan entirely decorated it. Divan, wall, ceiling, floor, were all covered with magnificent skins as soft and soft as the richest carpets; there were heavy-maned lion-skins from Atlas, patterned tiger-skins from Bengal; panther-skins from the Cape, spotted beautifully, like those that appeared to Dante; bear-skins from Siberia, fox-skins from Norway, and so on; and all these rinds were strewn in plenitude one on the other, so that it seemed like hiking over the most unstylish turf, or reclining on the most luxurious mattress. Both laid themselves down on the chamber; chibouques with jasmine tubes and yellowness mouthpieces were among reach, and all prepared so that there was no absence to smoke the same pipe twice. Each of them took one, which Ali lighted and then retired to prepare the coffee. There was a moment's silence, during which Sinbad gave himself up to thoughts that seemed to preoccupy him incessantly, even in the midst of his conversation; and Franz abandoned himself to that mute abstraction, into which we always sink when respiration excellent tobacco, which seems to remove with its transude all the troubles of the mind, and to give the smoker in exchange all the visions of the marrow. Ali brought in the drink.
"How do you take it?" inquired the unknown; "in the land or Turkish style, lusty or languid, sugar or none, cool or boiling? As you please; it is ready in all structure."
"I will take it in the Turkish style," replied Franz.
"And you are right," said his host; "it shows you have a proclivity for an Oriental life. Ah, those Orientals; they are the only men who know how to live. As for me," he added, with one of those singular smiles which did not run the young man, "when I have completed my concern in Paris, I shall go and dead in the East; and should you wish to see me again, you must seek me at port, Bagdad, or Ispahan."
"Ma foi!" said Franz, "it would be the easiest thing in the world; for I feel eagle's wings springing out at my shoulders, and with those wings I could make a voyage of the world in four and twenty hours."
"Ah, yes, the hashish is starting its go. Well, unfurl your wings, and fly into godlike zones; fear nothing, there is a watch over you; and if your wings, like those of Icarus, thaw before the sun, we are here to ease your start." He then said something in Arabic to Ali, who made a sign of meekness and withdrew, but not to any distance. As to Franz a curious transformation had taken place in him. All the bodily labor of the day, all the abstraction of mind which the events of the evening had brought on, disappeared as they do at the first approach of sleep, when we are still sufficiently conscious to be aware of the reaching of sleep. His body seemed to earn an airy weight, his knowledge brightened in a remarkable manner, his senses seemed to amplify their power, the horizon continued to inflate; but it was not the gloomy scope of ambiguous fears, and which he had seen before he slept, but a blue, perspicuous, unbounded horizon, with all the blue of the ocean, all the spangles of the sun, all the perfumes of the summer breeze; then, in the midst of the songs of his sailors,--songs so explicit and sonorous, that they would have made a divine agreement had their notes been taken down,--he saw the Island of Monte Cristo, no longer as a threatening rock in the midst of the waves, but as an shelter in the desert; then, as his boat drew nearer, the songs became louder, for an enchanting and mysterious agreement rose to paradise, as if some Loreley had settled to fascinate a soul thither, or Amphion, the enchanter, proposed there to build a city.
At length the boat touched the shore, but without effort, without impact, as lips contact lips; and he entered the grotto amidst continued strains of most palatable music. He descended, or rather seemed to move, several treads, inhaling the fresh and balmy air, like that which may be supposed to reign around the grotto of sorceress, bacilliform from such perfumes as set the mind a dreaming, and such fires as scald the very senses; and he saw again all he had seen before his sleep, from Sinbad, his singular host, to Ali, the mute attendant; then all seemed to cut down and convert confused before his eyes, like the last shadows of the magic lantern before it is extinguished, and he was again in the chamber of statues, lighted only by one of those sallow and antique lamps which watch in the die of the night over the sleep of pleasure. They were the same statues, rich in form, in magnet. and genre, with eyes of charm, smiles of love, and shine and streaming cilia. They were Phryne, Cleopatra, Messalina, those three celebrated courtesans. Then amid them glided like a pure ray, like a Christian seraph in the midst of Olimbos, one of those decent diagrams, those silence shadows, those soft visions, which seemed to garment its virgin brow before these marble wantons. Then the three statues advanced towards him with looks of love, and approached the seat on which he was reposing, their feet secret in their long white tunics, their larynges bare, hair flowing like waves, and assuming opinions which the gods could not resist, but which saints resisted, and looks adamantine and fervent like those with which the serpent beauties the bird; and then he gave way before looks that held him in a persecution grab and delighted his senses as follows a voluptuous kiss. It seemed to Franz that he winking his eyes, and in a last look about him saw the vision of modesty completely disguised; and then followed a dream of passion like that promised by the Prophet to the elect. Lips of stone turned to blaze, breasts of ice became like heated lava, so that to Franz, relinquishing for the first time to the swing of the pill, love was a sorrow and voluptuousness a torment, as burning mouths were pressed to his thirsty lips, and he was held in cool serpent-like hugs. The more he strove against this unhallowed passion the more his senses yielded to its thrall, and at length, tiresome of a struggle that taxed his very soul, he gave way and sank back dyspneal and tired beneath the kisses of these marble goddesses, and the enchantment of his marvellous dream.
一八三八年初,巴黎上流社会的两个青年,阿尔贝·马尔塞夫子爵和弗兰兹·伊皮 奈男爵,到了佛罗伦萨。他们约定好了来观看那一年的罗马狂欢节,弗兰兹事先说定充当阿尔贝的向导,因为他最 近这三四年来一直住在意大利。在罗马度狂欢节不是一件轻而易举的事,尤其是如果你不愿意在呸布尔广场或凡西 诺广场上过夜。所以他们写信给爱斯巴广场伦敦旅馆的老板派里尼,吩咐为他们保留几个舒适的房间。派里尼老板 回信说,他只有两间寝室和一间内房,在三楼上,租金很低廉,每天只要一个路易。他们接受了这个条件,但为了 尽可能好好地利用空暇的时间,阿尔贝就动身到那不勒斯去游览。而弗兰兹则留在佛罗伦萨。在这儿过了几天以后 ,他去过那家叫卡西诺的俱乐部,并且在佛罗伦萨的几家贵族家里过了两三个夜晚,在他访问了波拿巴的摇篮科西 嘉以后,他忽然想去访问一下拿破仑的监禁地厄尔巴岛。
一天傍晚,他解开一艘拴在里窝那港内铁环上的小船,跳到船上,用他的披风裹住身体,在船里躺下,对船员们说 :“开到厄尔巴岛去!”小船就飞也似的驶出了港口,第二天早晨,弗兰兹便在费拉约港弃舟登岸。在沿着那位巨 人所留下的足迹走过一遍以后,他又在岛上游览了一番,然后重新上船,向马西亚纳驶去。两小时以后,他在皮亚 诺扎上岸,他曾听人煞有介事地说过,那儿到处都是红色的鹧鸪。但打猎的成绩却不佳,他只打下来几只鹧鸪,于 是他如同每一个失败的猎人一样,回到船上就大发脾气。
“岸上的岩洞,或者裹上披风睡在船上,而且,要是大人高兴的话,我们可以打完猎以后马上就走。我们夜里白天 都一样能航行,如果风停了,我们可以用桨。”
弗兰兹觉得和他同伴会聚的日子还早,而且在罗马的寓所也没什么别的麻烦,所以他就接受了这个建议。一听说他 同意了,水手们就互相低语了几句。“喂,”他问道,“怎么?还有什么困难吗?”
“就是,基督山虽然没有人在上面住,但偶尔也被走私贩子和海盗用作避难所,他们都是从科西嘉、撒丁,或是非 洲来的。假如有人告我们曾到过那儿,那么我们回到里窝那的时候,就得上检疫所扣留六天。”
“见鬼!那就得好好考虑考虑了!六天正好是上帝创世用的时间。伙计们,这个时间是不是太长了一点 。”
船长下了几个命令,船头开始朝那个岛调转过去,不多会儿小船便朝着那个方向驶过去。弗兰兹等船一切都调整好 ,船帆鼓起了风,四个水手站定了位置,三个在船头,一个在船尾,然后又重新接上话头。“盖太诺,”他对船长 说,“你跟我说基督山是海盗的一个避难所,我想他们可并不象山羊那么好玩吧。”
“我知道确实有走私贩子,但我想,自从阿尔及尔被攻克,摄政制度被摧毁以来,海盗只是库柏和玛里亚特上尉的 传奇小说中的人物了吧。”
“大人有所不知,海盗确实有,就象现在还有强盗一样——大家不是都以为强盗已经让教皇利奥十二世灭绝了吗? 可是他们天天还在罗马的城门口抢劫来往过客。难道大人没有听说过,六个月前,法国代理公使在离韦莱特里五百 步的距离里内被抢的那件事吗?”
“那么好,如果大人也象我们一样一直生在里窝那,您就会常常听人说,一艘小商船,或是一艘英国游艇,本来是 要开到巴斯蒂亚、费拉约港,或契维塔·韦基亚去的,结果却没了影儿。谁也不知道那条船出什么 事了,肯定是触到岩石上沉没了。哼,它碰上的这块岩后大概是一艘又长又狭的船,船上有六个人或者八个人,他 们趁着一个风高月黑的晚上,不知在哪一个荒凉的小岛附近袭击了它,抢劫了它,就象强盗在一处树林的拐角上抢 劫一辆马车一样。”
“但是,”裹紧了披风躺在小船里的弗兰兹问道,“那些遭抢的人为什么不向法国、撒丁,或是托斯卡纳政府去控 告呢?”
“因为他们先是把帆船上所有他们觉得值得拿的东西都搬到他们自己的小船上,然后把船员的手脚都绑起来,往每 个人的脖子上都绑上一个二十四磅重的铁球,在帆船底上凿一个大洞,然后就离开。十分钟以后,帆船就开始前后 左右地摇荡起来,然后就向下沉,一会儿往这边倾倒,一会儿又往那一边倾倒。几番沉浮后,突然间放出大炮一样 的一声巨响——这是甲板里的空气爆炸了。一会儿,排水孔里就象鲸鱼的喷水口一样喷出水来,帆船最后哼哼一声 ,vetement ralph lauren,打几个转转,就不见了,只在水面上形成了一个大漩涡,于是一切就都完了。仅五分钟之内,只有上帝的眼睛才 看得到帆船究竟躺在海底的哪一个角落。现在你明白了,”船长大笑着说,“为什么没有人去向政府去控告,为什 么帆船到不了港的原因了吧?”
要是盖太诺在提议去岛上行猎以前讲了这番话,弗兰兹在接受他的建议时大概会犹豫一下,但是他们现在已经出发 了,他认为后退就是示弱。有些人不会轻率地自甘冒险,但假如有危险临头,却能处之泰然,他便是那种人。有些 人十分镇定果敢,他们把危险看成是决斗时的敌手,他们琢磨它的动作,研究它的路数,他们的后退不过是为了喘 息一下而已,并不是表示懦怯。他们表示捕捉一切于自己有利的地方,而一下置敌人于死地,他也是那种人。“哼 !”他说,“我游遍了西西里和卡拉布里亚,我在爱琴海上曾经航行过两个月,什么海盗强盗我连影子都从没见过 一个。”
“我给大人讲多些,并不是要您改变计划,”盖太诺答道,“只是您问到我,我就回答您,如此而已。 ”
风势很猛,小船以每小时六七海里的速度前进。他们十分快地接近航行的目的地。当他们接近那个岛的时候,它象 是从海底里冒出来的一个庞然大物,透过明净天际下的薄暮余辉,他们辨得出岩石一块一块地堆积在一起,象一座 弹药库里的炮弹一样;石缝里则生长着青绿色的灌木和小树。至于水手们,表面上看似十分平静,但显然都十分警 惕,小心翼翼的注视着展开在他们前面的玻璃般光洁的海面。海面上只能看到几艘渔船和船上的白帆。当他们离基 督山只有十五哩的时候,太阳开始沉落到科西嘉的后面,科西嘉的群山在天空的衬托下划出明晰轮廓,雄劲地呈现 出峥嵘的山峰。这座大岩山象巨人亚达麦斯脱似的气势汹汹地俯视着小船,遮住了太阳,而太阳又染红了它的山巅 。阴影渐渐从海上升起,好似在驱逐落日的余辉。最后,太阳的余辉驻足在山顶上,在那儿逗留了一会儿,把山顶 染得火红,如同一座火山顶。然后,阴影渐渐吞蚀了山顶,象它刚才吞蚀山脚一样,于是整个岛子现在变成了一座 灰蒙蒙的山,愈来愈阴沉。半小时后,黑夜就完全笼罩了。
好在海员们常走这些航线,熟悉托斯卡纳群岛一带的每一块礁石。毕竟在这样的昏黑之中,弗兰兹并不那么镇定自 若。科西嘉早已看不见了,基督山也不知隐蔽在了何处,可水手们却象大山猫一样,能暗中识物,并且掌舵人也没 有显露出丝毫犹豫。太阳落山后一个钟头了,弗兰兹好象觉得在左侧四分之一哩处看到一大堆黑乎乎的东西,但辨 不出到底是什么。
为了怕把一片浮云错认作陆地而引起水手们的嘲笑,他一直保持着沉默。突然间,那里出现一大片光,陆地或许会 象一片云,但火光却不可能是一颗殒星。
“还有海盗,”盖太诺把弗兰兹的话重复一遍。“就是因为那,我才吩咐驶过那个岛,所以您也可以看到,那片火 光现在在我们身后了。”
“但这个火光,”弗兰兹又说,”在我看来,倒是不必让我们警惕反而应当让我们放心,凡是不想被人发现的人是 不会烧火的呀。”
“噢,这倒不见得,”盖太诺说,”如果您能在黑暗中猜到这个岛的方位,您就会知道,那一片火光从侧面或从皮 亚诺扎岛那边看过去是望不见的,只有从海面上才看得到。”
盖太诺和他的伙计们开始商量起来。五分钟以后,他们采取了一个行动,把小船掉过头来。他们朝来时的方向转回 去,几分钟以后,就不见火光了,一片隆起的高地遮住了它。掌舵人又改变了小帆船的方向,船就急速地向岛子靠 拢过去,不久就离岛只有五十步之遥了。盖太诺扯落了船帆,小船就停了下来。所有这一切都在沉默中完成,自从 他们改变方向以来,就不曾再说过一个字。
这次前来行猎是盖太诺提议的,所以他自动负起全责。四个水手的眼睛都盯在他的身上,同时都把他们的桨准备好 ,以便随时可以划开去。在这一点,靠了黑暗帮忙,大概是做起来不难。至于弗兰兹,他极其冷静地检查了一下他 自己的武器。
他有两支双铳枪和一支马枪。他上了子弹,望着枪机,静静地等着。这时,船长已脱掉他的背心和衬衫,紧了紧他 的裤子;他原来就赤着脚,所以根本没有鞋袜可脱。完成这些以后,他把手指放在嘴唇上做一个要大家保持肃静的 动作,就一点儿声响没有地滑入海里,极其小心的游向岸边,没有一丝哪怕最轻微的动静。只有从那条闪着磷光的 水痕才能跟踪到他。这道水痕迹一会儿也不见了;显然他已上了岸。在半个小时内,船上的每一个人都一动不动, 当那道发光的水痕又出现时,他用力划了两划就回到了船上。
“唉!”船长用基督教徒般的悲天悯人的口吻回答说,“我们应该永远互相帮助。强盗常常让宪兵和马枪兵逼得走 投无路。唉,他们看到一条小船,而船上是象我们这样的好人,他们就来要求我们庇护。对于一个走投无路的可怜 虫,你怎么能拒绝帮忙呢?我们就收留了他们。而为了更加安全起见,我们就驾船到海上来。我们并不因此破费什 么,但却救了一个相同命运人的性命,或至少使一个伙伴获得了自由,而他,一有机会就会报告我们,指示一个安 全地点,使我们可以把货物顺顺利利地卸到岸上。”
“他们被追得走投无路,就因为‘摘了一个瓢儿’,而当局似乎认为科西嘉人的天性里 不该有复仇的念头似的。”
“你这‘摘了一个瓢儿’是什么意思,是指暗杀了一个人吗?”弗兰兹继续刨根问底地 说道。
“正和我们相等,那么他们假如要找麻烦,我们也能够对付他们。我最后再对你说一遍,到基督山去吧 。”
每一个人都不再作声了。象弗兰兹这样一个看事明了的人,知道所处的位置很重要,他现在是孤零零地独自和一群 水手在黑暗里,他并不认识他们,他们没有理由要尽忠于他;他们知道他身上藏着几千法郎;他们曾查看他的武器 ,他那几支枪非常漂亮,当他们查看的时候即使说不带着嫉妒,至少却充满着好奇心,另一方面,他就要上岸了, 除了这些人以外,他再无其他任何的保护,这个岛虽然有着一个非常富于宗教色彩的名字,但在弗兰兹看来,这些 走私贩子和强盗除了给他以被钉在十字架上的待遇外,似乎不会给他什么别的接待,帆船被凿的那种故事,在白天 听来难以相信,但在夜里想来却似乎非常可能。处在这两种想象的危险之间,他眼睛不敢离开船员,手不敢离开枪 。
水手们扯起了帆,帆船正破浪前进。弗兰兹的眼睛现在已比较习惯了黑暗,他可以在黑暗中辨别出小船沿着它航行 的那个巨人般的花岗石;然后,转过一块岩石,他看到了明亮的火光,火光周围坐着五六个人。火焰照亮了百步之 内的海面。
盖太诺沿着光圈的边缘航行,小心地使船保持在光线之外;就这样,当他们驶到火光正面的时候,他就笔直地驶入 光圈的中心,嘴里唱起了一首渔歌,他的伙计们也同声合唱着。歌声一响,坐在火堆周围的人就站起身向登岸的地 方走过来,他们的眼睛死盯着小船,显然是在判断和推测来者的情况和意图的。
不久,他们象是满意地得到了答案,又回到(只剩一个人还站在岸边)了他们的火堆那儿,火堆上正烤着一整只野 山羊。当小船距岸二十步之内时,滩头上的那个人就把他的马枪做了一个哨兵遇见巡逻兵的姿势,并用撒丁语喊道 :“哪一个?”弗兰兹冷静地把手指按在枪机上。盖太诺同这个人交谈了几句,这几句话那位游客虽然不懂,但一 听便知是在讲他。
盖太诺把这个答复转达了以后,哨兵就对坐在火堆旁边的一个人发了一声命令,那个人就站起来消失在岩石堆里了 。
谁都没有讲话,每个人似乎都在忙着自己的事。弗兰兹正忙着上岸的准备,水手们正忙着收帆,走私贩子们正忙着 烤他们的野山羊,但在这一切互不相关的动作之中,他们显然互相在打量着对方。那个走开的人突然从他离开的那 个地方的对面回来了;他向那哨兵示意,那哨兵就转向小船,喊出了“Saccommodi”这个字。“Sac commodi”这个意大利字是无法翻译的,它的意思同时包含着:“来吧,请进,欢迎光临,只当在你自己家 里一样,你就是家里的主人。”这个字就象莫里哀那句土耳其语一样,使那些醉心于贵族的小市民大为吃惊,因为 它所包括的内容太多了。水手们不等对方发出第二声邀请,就用桨猛划了四下,小船便到了岸边。盖太诺一跃上岸 ,和那哨兵交谈了几句,接着他的伙计们也上了岸,最后才轮到弗兰兹。他把一支枪背在自己的肩头,另一支由盖 太诺背着,而他的马枪则由一个水手拿着。他的服装半似艺术家,半似花花公子,并没有引起对方的怀疑,因此也 没有惹起什么不安。小船已系在岸边,他们向前走了几步,找到了一块舒适的露宿地点,但他们所选择的地点显然 不合那个当哨兵的走私贩子的心意,因为他大声喊道:“请你们别在那儿。”
盖太诺低声道了一声歉,便向对面走去,有两个水手已在火堆上点燃了火把,照着他们向前走。他们约莫前进了三 十步左右,便在一小堆岩石环绕的空地上停了下来,空地里的座位已准备好了,象哨兵的岗亭一样。四周的岩石缝 里生长着几株矮小的橡树和繁密的金娘花丛。弗兰兹用火把向下照了一下,借着火光可以看到一堆灰烬,说明这个 隐蔽的地方并不是他第一个发现的,而无疑的是那些好奇的访问者在基督山的驻足之一。至于他以前的种种预测, 在他登陆以后,看到那批主人的无所谓的——即使不算是友谊的——态度以后,他的成见已经打消了,或更准确一 点说,是因为看到了那只山羊,以致他的念头已转到食欲上去了。他向盖太诺提起了这一点,盖太诺回答说,准备 晚餐是最容易不过的事了,因为他们的船里有面包、酒和半打鹧鸪,只要生起一堆火来烤熟它们就得 了。
这时,水手们已拾了许多枯枝,生起一堆火来。弗兰兹嗅着烤山羊的香味,正在等得不耐烦的时候,船长带着一种 神秘的神色回来了。
“您得蒙住眼睛,直到他亲自吩咐您的时候才可以把绑带取下来。”弗兰兹望着盖太诺,想知道他对于这个建议是 怎么看的。“啊,”他猜到了弗兰兹的想法,就回答说,“我知道这是值得考虑一下的。”
“听着,”盖太诺压低了嗓音说道,“我不知道他们说得是不是真的,”他停下来,看看附近有没有人 。
“这不是胡说,是真的。圣·弗狄南号的舵手卡玛曾经进去过一次,他出来以后惊奇得了不得,发 誓说那么多的金银珠宝只有在童话里才听说过。”
弗兰兹想了一下,觉得一个人既然那么有钱,lunettes soleil,是决不会想来抢他腰中的区区之数的;既然等着他的是一顿美餐,他就接受了。盖太诺带着他的答复走了。弗兰 兹是很审慎的,很希望尽可能多知道些关于他这位东道主的一切。在对话的时候,他注意到一个水手坐在旁边,在 一本正经地翻弄着鹧鸪,带着一种很忠于职守的神气,于是他转向这个水手,问这些人是怎么来的,因为根本看不 见有什么帆船。
“噢,找过不止一次了,但结果是一场空。我们把那个岩洞全都搜查过了,但始终找不到一点儿洞口的痕迹。他们 说那扇门不是用钥匙打开的,而是用一个魔字叫开的。”
“爵爷在恭候。”一个声音说道,弗兰兹听出这是那个哨兵的声音,他还带游艇上的两个船员。弗兰兹从口袋里抽 出一条手帕,交给了对他说话的那个人。他们一言不发地把他的眼睛蒙了起来,而且蒙得很小心,说明他们很清楚 他想乘机偷看。
蒙好以后,就要他答应决不抬高蒙布。于是他的两个向导夹住他的手臂,扶着他向前走去,那个哨兵在前面领路。 走了二十多步左右,他就嗅到开胃的烤山羊香味,知道他正在经过露营的地点了,他们又领他向前走了五十步左右 ,显然在向那个禁止盖太诺走的方向前进,他现在才明白为什么不准他们在那儿露宿的原因了。不久,由于空气的 转变,他知道他们已走进了一个洞里;又走了几秒钟,他听到喀喇喇一声响,他觉得空气似乎又变了,变得芳香扑 鼻。终于他的脚踏到了一张又厚又软的地毯上,这时他的向导放松了他的手臂。
沉默了一会儿以后,一个声音用优美的法语——虽然带着一点外国口音——说道:“欢迎光临,先生!请解开您的 蒙布吧。”这当然是很容易想象得到的:弗兰兹无须这种许可再说第二遍,就立刻解开了他的手帕,他发现自己已 站在了一个年约三十八至四十岁的男子面前。那人穿着一套突尼斯人的服装,那是一顶红色的便帽,帽上垂下一长 绺蓝色的丝穗,一件绣金边的黑色长袍,深红色的裤子,同色的扎脚套,扎脚套很宽大,也象长袍一样是绣金边的 ,一双黄色的拖鞋;他的腰部围着一条华丽的丝带,腰带上插着一柄锋利的小弯刀。虽然他的脸色苍白得象死人, 但这个人的脸实在是很漂亮;他的眼睛闪闪发光,象是具有穿透力似的;鼻梁笔直,几乎和额头齐平,纯粹的希腊 型鼻子;他的牙齿洁白得象珍珠,排列得很整齐美观,嘴上是一圈黑胡须。
但那种苍白的脸色是很显眼的,仿佛他曾被长期囚禁在一座坟墓里,以致无法再恢复常人那种健康的肤色了。他的 身材并不很高,但却极其匀称,使弗兰兹惊奇的是,他曾把盖太诺的话斥为荒唐之言,而现在竟亲眼得以证实了。 只见眼前整个房间里都挂满了绣着金花的大红锦缎。房间里有一个象天然从墙上凿成的壁龛,上面放着一套阿拉伯 式的宝剑,剑鞘是银的,剑柄上镶嵌着灿烂的宝石;天花板上悬下一盏突尼斯琉璃灯,式样和色彩都很美丽,脚下 是土耳其地毯,软得陷及脚背;弗兰兹进来的那扇门前挂着织锦门帘,另外一扇门前也挂着同样的门帘,那大概是 通第二个房间门的,那个房间里似乎灯火辉煌。
那位主人暂时让弗兰兹表示他的惊讶,同时却在打量他,始终不曾把目光离开过他。“先生,”他终于说道,“刚 才领您到这儿的时候多有冒犯,万分抱歉,但这个岛一向是荒无人烟的,假如这个住处的秘密被人发现了,在我外 出回来的时候,无疑地会发现我这所临时别墅会被人翻得乱七八糟,那就未免太不令人愉快了,倒也不是因为怕受 损失,只是因为我现在可以过一种与世隔绝的生活,而到那时怕再也无法享受这种乐趣了。现在让我尽量来使您忘 记这暂时的不快,而献给您绝对想不到在这儿能找到的东西吧,就是说,一顿还说得过去的晚餐和相当舒服的床铺 。”
“真的!我亲爱的主人,”弗兰兹答道,“不必为此道歉。我知道,那些深入魔宫的人总是被蒙上眼睛的,譬如说 ,《新教待列传》里莱奥尔便是其中之一。而且我实在毫无抱怨的理由,因为我所看到的是《一千零一夜》神话故 事的一部续集。”
“唉!我或许可以借用鲁古碌斯的一句话,‘假如我早知道先生的光临,我会事先准备一下的。&r squo;现在蓬荜未扫,只是草舍悉听您随意支配,粗茶淡饭,如不嫌弃,敬请分享。阿里,晚餐准备好了没有 ?”
话音刚落,门帘撩开了,一个穿着一套白色便服,黑得象乌木似的的黑奴对他的主人做了一个手势,表示餐厅里的 一切都已准备好了。
“哦,”那陌生人对弗兰兹说,“我不知道您是否与我有同感,但是我认为两个人如果面对面呆上两三个小时,而 互相竟不知道如何称呼对方,实在是件不太令人愉快的事,请注意,我很尊重待客之礼,决不敢强问您的大名或尊 衔。我只是请您随便给我一个名字,以便人可以称呼您而已,至于我自己,我可以先使您安心,我告诉您,大家通 常都叫我‘水手辛巴德’”。
“我,”弗兰兹答道,“可以告诉您,由于我只要得到一盏神灯,便可以十足变成阿拉丁。那很可以使我们不致于 忘掉神秘的东方世界,不论我怎样想,总之我是被某些善良的神灵带到这里啦。”
“好吧,那么,阿拉丁先生,”那位奇怪的主人回答说。“您已经听到我们的晚餐已准备好了,现在请您劳驾到餐 厅里去好吗?鄙人当在前引路。”说着,辛巴德就撩开门帘,先客而入。
于是弗兰兹便从一座魔宫走进了另一座魔宫,餐桌上真可谓是摆满了珍奇佳肴,他先使自己相信了这重要的一点之 后,他的目光环顾四周。餐厅同他刚才离开的客厅相比毫不逊色,整个房间全部是用大理石筑成的,刻着古色古香 价值连城的浮雕,餐厅是长方形的,两端各有两尊精美的石像,石像的手里拿着篮子。这些篮子里盛着四堆象金字 塔似的珍果,有西西里的凤梨,马拉加的石榴,巴里立克岛的子,法国的水蜜桃和突尼斯的枣。晚餐是一只烤野鸡 配科西嘉乌,一只港澳火腿,一只芥汁羔羊腿,一条珍贵无比的比目鱼和一只硕大无朋的龙虾。在这些大菜之间, 还有较小的碟子盛着各种珍馐味。碟子是银制的,而盘子则是日本磁器。
弗兰兹抹了一下眼睛,努力使自己确信这不是一个梦。在餐桌旁侍候着的只有阿里一人,而且手脚非常灵便,以致 客人向他的主人大加赞赏。
“是的,”他一面很安闲凝重地尽主人之谊,一面回答,“是的,他是一个可怜虫,对我忠心耿耿,而且尽可能的 竭力来证明这一点。他知道是我救了他的命,而由于他很爱惜他的脑袋,他觉得他的脑袋之所以站得住,这一点不 得不感谢我。”
“噢!说来很简单,”主人回答说,“这个家伙好象是因为在突尼斯王的后宫附近游荡时被捉住的,按法律是这种 地方不许黑人去的,国王就判了他的罪,要割掉他的舌头,第二天要砍断他的手,第三天砍下他的头。我早就想雇 用一个哑巴。等到他的舌头被割掉以后,我就去向国王请求,要他把阿里卖给我,代价是一支漂亮的双筒长枪,因 为我知道他非常想要一支这样的枪。他犹豫了一会儿,因为他非常想结果了这个可怜虫。但我还有一把英国弯刀, 这把弯刀可以把国王的土耳其剑切得粉碎,当我在长枪以外又加上这把英国弯刀时,国王就让步了,同意饶了他的 手和脑袋,只是有一个条件,不许他的脚再踏上突尼斯。这项交易条件实在是没必要的,因为那胆小鬼一望见非洲 海岸,就立刻跑到舱底下去了,非到我们望不见世界第三大洲的时候,才能劝他上来。”

弗兰兹沉默了一会儿,对于他的东道主在叙述这件事情时是那样的冷漠无情,不知作何想法好,为了转变话题,他 说:“您的名字太让人羡慕了,你真的也很象那个水手,您是在航行中度过一生的吗?”
“是的。我曾发誓这样做,但在当时,我丝毫想不到竟能实现这一誓言,”陌生人带着奇怪的微笑说。“我另外还 发了几个誓,我希望都能按时实现它们。”
“一切都使我这样想!”弗兰兹答道,“您的声音,您的目光,您那苍白的肤色,和甚至您所过的这种 生活。”
“我!我过着我所知道的最快乐的生活,真正的总督般的生活。我是万物之王。如果我喜欢某个地方,就住在那儿 ;厌倦它了以后,就离开。我象鸟一样的自由,也象鸟一样有翅膀。我只要略微示意,我的部下就立刻服从。有时 候,我同人类的法律开个小小的玩笑,带走一个它所通缉的强盗,或它所追捕的犯人。然后我就施行我的法律,我 的法律是无声的,但却是确实的,没有缓刑,也没有上诉,有罚有赦,而谁都不知道。啊!假如您体验过我的生活 ,您就不会再希望任何其他的生活了,您决不愿再回到尘世里去了,除非您要到那儿去完成某件大事 。”
“因为,”弗兰兹答道,“在我看来,您似乎是一个为社会所迫害的人,和社会有不共戴天之仇似的。 ”
“啊!”辛巴德用他那种怪笑大笑着回答,笑时露出他那雪白锐利的牙齿,“您猜错了。你以为我如此,实际上我 是一个哲学家。有一天,或许我会到巴黎去,跟亚伯特阁下和穿蓝色小外套的那个人作对。”
“是的,是第一次。您一定觉得我这个人很古怪,但我向您保证,我之所以把它推迟了那么久,错不在我,我有一 天总要绕着弯儿达到目的的。”
这时,他们继续在用晚餐,但这顿晚餐倒象是专为弗兰兹而准备的,因为那位陌生人对于这一席丰盛的酒筵简直碰 都没有碰一下,而他的不速之客却饱餐了一顿。最后,阿里把甜食捧了上来,说得更确切一点,就是从石像的手上 拿下篮子,把它们捧到了桌子上。在两只篮子之间,他放下了一只银质的小杯子,银杯上有一个同样质地的盖子。 阿里把这只杯子放到桌子上时那种小心翼翼的态度引起了弗兰兹的好奇心。他揭开盖子,看到一种浅绿色的液体, 有点象陈年的白葡萄酒,但却一点都不认得那是什么东西。他把盖子重新盖好,对于杯子里的东西,仍象看以前一 样莫名其妙,于是他把目光投向了他的主人,他看到对方正在对他的失望微笑。
“但是,”弗兰兹答道,“这种神浆,既然落到了凡人的手里,无疑的已丧失了它在天上时的尊号而有了一个人间 的名称,用谷语来说,您可以把这种药液叫做什么呢?说老实话,我倒并不十分想尝它。”
“啊!我们凡夫俗子的真面目就此显露了,”辛巴德大声说道,“我们常常和快乐擦身而过,可是却对它视而不见 ;或即使我们的确看到它而且注意到了它,但是却又不认得它。你是一个重实利的拜金主义者吗?尝尝这个吧,秘 鲁,古齐拉,戈尔康达的金矿都会打开在你眼前的。你是一个富于想象的诗人吗?尝尝这个吧,一切的界限都会消 失的,无限的太空就会展现在你的眼前,你可以自由自在地走入无边无际,无拘无束,尽情欢乐的天地。你有野心 ,想在世上高官厚禄吗?尝尝这个吧,一小时以内,你就是一位国王了,不是处在欧洲某个角落里的某个小国王, 而是象法国、西班牙或英国一样,是世界之王,宇宙之王,万物之王。你的宝座将建立在耶稣被撒旦所夺去的那座 高山上,但却不必被迫向撒旦称臣,不必被迫去吻他的魔爪,您将是地球上一切王国的至尊,这还不诱人吗?这还 不是一件容易的事情吗?因为只要这样做一下就得啦,瞧!”说着,他揭开那只里面盛着被他这样一番赞美过的液 体的小杯子,舀了一匙神浆,举到唇边,半眯着眼睛,仰起头,慢慢地把它吞了下去。
当他聚精会神地吞咽他那心爱的珍品的时候,弗兰兹并没有去打扰他,但当他吃完以后,他就问道:“那么,这个 宝贵的东西究竟是什么呢?”
“那好,你该知道,他统治着一片富庶的山谷,山谷两旁是巍然高耸的大山,他那富于诗意的名字就是这么得来的 。在这片山谷里,有山中老人海森班莎所培植的美丽的花园,花园里,有孤立的亭台楼阁。在这些亭台楼阁里,他 接见他的选民。而就在那儿,据马可波罗讲,他把某种草药给他们吃,吃下去以后,他们就飞升到了乐园里,那儿 有四季开花的常青树,有长年常熟的果子,有青春永驻的童男童女。嗯,这些快乐的人所认为的现实,实际上只是 一个梦,但这个梦是这样的宁静,这样的安逸,这样的使人迷恋,以致谁把梦给他们,他们就把自己的肉体和灵魂 卖给他。他们服从他的命令象服从上帝一样。他指使他们去杀死谁,他们就走遍天涯海角去谋害那个牺牲者,即便 是他们在毒刑拷打之下死去,也没人发出一声怨言,因为他们相信死只是超度到极乐世界的捷径,而他们已从圣草 中尝到过极乐世界的滋味。现在放在你面前的就是那种圣草。”
“正是这个东西,一点不错,阿拉丁先生,这是印度大麻,是亚历山大出产的最好最纯粹的大麻,是阿波考调制的 大麻。阿波考是举世无双的制药圣手,我们应该给他建造一座宫殿,上面刻这样几个字:‘全世界感 恩的人士献给出售快乐的人。’”
“您自己去判断吧,阿拉丁先生,判断吧,但切勿浅尝一次就停下来,象对其他一切事物一样,我们的感官对于任 何新事物的印象,不论是温和的还是猛烈的,悲哀的还是愉快的,一定得尝试了多次以后才会习惯。人类的天性同 这种圣物必须作一番争斗,人的天性生来不适宜于欢乐,只会紧紧地抱住痛苦。在这一场斗争中,天性一定会被克 服,现实生活的后面一定紧接着梦,那时,梦统治了一切。梦变成了生活,生活变成了梦。但把实际生活的痛苦同 幻境里的欢乐比较起来,那种变化是多大呀!你不想再生活,只想永远地呆在这样的梦里。当你从虚幻的世界回到 现实中来的时候,你就象是离开了那不勒斯的春天而来到了北极拉伯兰的冬天,就象离开乐园到了尘世,离开天堂 到了地狱!尝尝大麻吧,我的客人,尝尝大麻吧!”
弗兰兹惟一的回答就是舀起了一匙那种神妙的药剂,份量约莫和他的主人所吃的差不多,把它送到嘴边。“见鬼! ”他在咽下了神浆以后说道,“我不知道它的效果是否会象你所描写的那样美妙,但这种东西在我看来似乎并不象 你所说的那样有趣呀。”
“因为您的味觉还没有尝出这东西的真味。告诉我,当您第一次品尝牡蛎,茶,黑啤酒,松菌,以及其他种种您现 在可口知名人士赞为无上美味的东西的时候,您喜欢它们吗?您知道为什么罗马人烧野雉吃的时候要在它的肚子里 塞满魏散草吗?您知道为什么中国人爱吃燕窝吗?哦,不知道!好,大麻也一样,只要连吃一星期,您就觉得世界 上再没有别的东西能比得上它的甘美了,而现在您只觉得它很讨厌,毫无味道。我们到厢房里去吧,那是您的房间 ,阿里会给我们把咖啡和烟斗拿来的。”
他们都站起身来,当那个自称为辛巴德(我们偶而也这样称呼他,因为我们就象他的客人一样,得给他一个称呼才 是)的人吩咐他的仆人的时候,弗兰兹就走进隔壁房间里去了。这个房间陈设得很简单,却很华丽。房间是圆形的 ,靠墙钉着富丽堂皇的兽皮,踏上去象最贵重的地毯一样柔软;其中有鬃毛蓬松的、阿脱拉斯的狮子皮,条纹斑斓 的、孟加拉的老虎皮,西伯利亚的熊皮,挪威的狐皮;这些兽皮都一张叠一张地铺得厚厚的,走上去就象在青草最 茂密的跑马场上散步,或躺在最奢侈的床上一样。他们在长椅上坐了下来,素馨木管琥珀嘴的土耳其式长烟筒已放 在了他们的身边,伸手就可以拿到,而且并排放着许多支,没必要把一支烟筒连抽两次,他们每人拿起一支,阿里 上来点上火,就退出去准备咖啡了。房间里暂时沉默了一会儿,这时,辛巴德继续想着他的事,他似乎老是在想某 种念头,甚至在谈话的时候也不曾间断过;弗兰兹则默默地陷入了一种恍惚迷离的状态之中,这是吸上等烟草时常 有的现象,烟草似乎把脑子里的一切烦恼都带走了,使吸烟者的脑子里出现了形形色色的幻景玄想。
“您喜欢怎个喝法?”陌生人问道,“法国式的还是土耳其式的,浓的还是淡的,冷的还是热的,加糖还是不加糖 的?随您喜欢,样样都很方便。”
“您选得对,”主人说,“这说明您喜欢东方式的生活。啊!那些东方人,只有他们才知道该如何生活。至于我, ”青年看到他脸上又现出一个古怪的微笑,“当我把巴黎的事情了结了以后,我就要去死在东方,假使您想再见到 我,您就必须到开罗,巴格达,或是伊斯法罕来找我了。”
“啊哟!”弗兰兹说道,“那是世界上再容易不过的事了,因为我觉得我的肩膀上已长出两只老鹰的翅膀,凭着这 一对翅膀,我可以在二十四小时以内环绕世界一周。”
“啊,啊!大麻终于起作用了。好吧,展开您的翅膀,飞到超人的境界里去吧。什么都不必怕,有人守着您呢,假 如您的翅膀也象伊卡路斯的那样被太阳晒化了,我们会来接住您的。”
他于是对阿里说了几句阿拉伯话,阿里便做了一个服从的表示,退后了几步,但仍旧站在附近。至于弗兰兹,他的 身体里面起了一种奇异的变化。白天肉体上的一切疲劳,傍晚脑子里被事态所引起的一切焦虑,全都消失了,正象 人们刚刚入睡,而仍自知快要睡熟的时候一样。他的身体轻飘飘的似乎象空气一样,他的知觉变得非常敏捷,他的 感官似乎增强了一倍的力量。地平线在不断地扩大,这不是他在睡觉以前所看到的那种在上空翱翔着的漠然的,恐 怖的,阴郁的地平线,而是一种蓝色的,透明的,无边无际的地平线,弥漫着海的全部蔚蓝色,太阳的全部光辉, 和夏季的微风的芬芳,然后,在水手们的歌声里,那歌声是这样的响亮动听,要是能把他们的乐谱记下来,就成了 一首神曲,他看到了基督山岛,这已不再是波涛汹涌中的一座吓人的岩石了,而是象流落在沙漠里的 一片绿洲。
当小船驶近它的时候,歌声更响了,因为岛上飘扬起一片令人销魂心荡的神秘的和声,直升天际,象有一个罗莱似 的女妖或一个安菲翁似的魔术家在引诱一个灵魂到那儿去筑起一座城池。
船终于碰到了岸,但毫不费力,毫无震荡,就象用上嘴唇碰到下嘴唇一样。于是他在那不断的美妙的旋律声里走进 岩洞。他向下走了几步,或说得更确切些,是觉得向下走了几步,一边走,一边吸着清新芳香的空气,好似到了那 香得令人心醉、暖得令人神迷的塞茜的魔窟里一样,他又看到了睡觉以前所见的一切,从辛巴德他那古怪的东道主 ,到阿里那哑巴奴仆。然后一切似乎都在他的眼前渐渐地逝去了,渐渐地模糊了,象一盏昏黄的古色古香的油灯, 只有这盏灯在夜的死一般的静寂里守护着人们的睡眠或安宁。石像还是以前的那几尊,姿态栩栩如生,极富于艺术 的美,有迷人的眼睛,爱的微笑和丰盛飘垂的头发。她们是费蕾妮,喀丽奥柏德拉,美莎丽娜这三个鼎鼎大名的荡 妇。然后,在她们之间,象一缕清光,象一个从奥林匹斯山里出来的基督的天使似的,轻轻地飘过了一个纯洁的身 影,一个宁静的灵魂,一个柔和的幻象,它似乎羞于见到这三个大理石雕成的荡妇,象是用面罩遮住了它那贞洁的 额头。然后,这三尊石像脉脉含情地向他走过来,走到他躺着的床前,她们的脚遮在长袍里面,她们的脖子是赤裸 着的,头发象波浪似的飘动着,她们那种妖媚的态度即使神仙也无法抗拒,只有圣人才能抵挡,她们的目光里充满 着火一般的热情,一眨不眨地望着他,象一条赤练蛇盯住了一只小鸟一样;在这些象被人紧握住的痛苦和接吻似的 甜蜜的目光之前,他只能屈服了。弗兰兹似乎觉得他闭上了眼睛,在他作最后一次环顾时,他看到那些贞洁的石像 都完全遮上了面纱;他的眼睛已闭上了,已向现实告别了,他的感官却已打开了,准备接受奇异的印 象。


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