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Old 06-14-2011, 01:50 AM   #1
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Default Hisbody had been slain

only the body of the man before him, and other bodie s lying in the
growing shadows nike shox nz clearance, men and beasts alike, and the smell of blood anddeath.

With a conscious effort, he forced himself to relax the physical tension of hisbody, breathing again,
flexing the hands which had clenched in readiness a tthe first inkling of disaster. Setting the handfire to
hover like an early moon, h ewearily crossed the few steps to kneel at Cullen's head, stripping off gauntlet
sbefore he held one hand above the priest's brow. A chill swept through him a she extended his Deryni
awareness along the dead man's body .

Cursed be whoever had done this nike shox youth, for Cullen both was and was not dead! Hisbody had been slain, but
some essence of his being remained—isolated fro m
his body beyond all reunion clearance nike, yet caught still in some vicious bond whichendured even beyond the death
of his assailant. There could be no return o f that essence to its body in this life, for the silver cord had
been severed, the bond of soul and body broken. The body was already past all animation, thevaults of
memory fading with the body's warmth.

With a shudder, not yet prepared to do what must be done to release thedead man nike air max store, Camber closed his
eyes and searched for strength. It seemed onl y seconds before he felt Joram's approach. He raised his
head in anxious query as his son shuffled slowly into the circle of hovering handfire.

Joram's face was ashen, the strain of unspeakable tension etched so indelibly on his features that
Camber dared not even ask its source. He fell heavily to his knees across from Camber, his head pitching
forward so looselyon his chest that for an instant Camber feared for him—until he heard th e
stifled sob.

Then Camber knew that it was grief, not personal injury, which blurred hisson's mind to despair. He
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