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Old 06-15-2011, 07:54 PM   #1
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Default nike shox clearance - obstructing breathing. Food

Breathing difficulties can seriously handicap our ability to
function and enjoy life. Air is our most vital source of energy
and vitality. When we suffer from asthma,Nike Shox NZ, bronchitis, allergies,
frequent colds or simply insufficient oxygen intake, we are
prone to a lack of energy, vitality and /or mental clarity.
Every cell within our body depends on an abundant supply of
oxygen for proper metabolism and vitality.
Some Causes of Breathing Problems
1. Hereditary weakness may make our lungs or other organs of
respiratory apparatus weak points in our system. Thus when
tired, overworked, anxious or stressed, these parts of the body
will start to malfunction. This does not mean, however, that we
must suffer. It is in our hands to live in a certain way so as
nurture and protect our bodies and minds. Among such weaknesses
we should include the inability of the immune system to
effectively protect the body from microbes and viruses. In some
cases the immune system may work overtime trying to protect the
body from "imagined" dangers. Allergies and asthma are often the
result of such over-reactions from the immune system.
2. Environmental factors may also aggravate the condition. Cold
and humid weather tend to accentuate breathing problems. Pollen
and other particles in the air may cause allergic reactions.
Occupational conditions such as working in a dusty area or in a
smoke filled room may also aggravate the problem. Pollution
irritates our nasal passage and lungs. Smoking cigarettes
obviously damages our lungs, cutting off our supply of oxygen.
3. An over production of mucus clogs up the breathing passages,
obstructing breathing. Foods,nike shox clearance, which tend to cause excess mucus,
are all dairy products, white flour, white rice and sweets.
4. A lack of sufficient liquid intake causes the mucus to
thicken and cling to the lungs and other breathing passages.
This creates a favorable environment for microbes to reproduce.
5. Blockages in the spinal vertebrae or tension in the muscles
of the upper back may also obstruct the flow of nerve impulses
and bioenergy to the lungs. This may inhibit the proper
functioning of the lungs.
6. Emotional blockages are directly connected with our
breathing. People, who experience anxiety, depression, fear,
nervous tension or a poor self-image, tend to subconsciously
hold their breath. Thus their breathing is tense, shallow, and
sometimes spasmodic. Long-term emotional blockages may also
affect the adrenal glands and thus hormonal disorders may also
play their part in the problem. Negative emotions also depress
or disturb the functioning of the immune system.
7. A lack of proper education in breathing is another reason why
people suffer from breathing problems. It is entirely possible
for us to learn to use our lungs more effectively for greater
energy, vitality, peace and clarity of mind. This should be
learned from an experienced breath coach.
Some Solutions
1. Environmental & Habitual Factors
a. Surround yourself with large green leafed plants, which
produce oxygen and absorb pollution. b. Get out of the city
frequently. Go the sea or mountains and breathe fresh clean air.
c. Use regular deep breathing to clean out and rejuvenate your
lungs. d. Deep breathing while walking can clean out a
considerable amount of pollution from the lungs. e. If you
smoke, then - love yourself - and stop.
2. Dietary Guidelines
a. Avoid all diary products, white sugar, sweets, white flour
and white rice. When the problem has subsided, then we can start
taking small quantities of dairy products while watching the
body?s reaction. b. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables. c.
Drink plenty (6 or 8 cups per day) of warm liquid daily. This
may be water,Nike shox deliver, herb teas, or water with lemon. Do not drink
refrigerated or iced drinks. d. When one has a cold, an onion
and garlic soup spiced with pepper, cinnamon ginger and cloves,
opens up the nasal passages and allows the congestion to flow
out. e. In some cases the use of natural vitamin C tablets can
be helpful.
3. Facing emotional factors is essential for healing the cause
of the breathing problems. There are various ways in which we
can find relief from these emotional factors and then eventually
analyze them and transcend them. a. Self-analysis or
objective-self observation can free us from various emotional
attachments and fears. b. Positive thinking, affirmations, and
positive thought projection can neutralize negative emotions and
tendencies. c. Various Body-centered catharsis techniques in
addition to reprogramming techniques such as EMDR, TFT and EFT
can free us from emotional based psychosomatic symptoms.
4. Exercises and Techniques
A. With the help of various exercises and techniques we seek to:
1. Remove the blockages and tensions from the upper back and
chest area. 2. Develop greater freedom and control over the
muscles of breathing. 3. Bring blood and healing energies to the
chest area. 4. Open up the nasal passages if they are blocked.
5. Stimulate the harmonious functioning of the adrenal glands
and immune system.
B. Techniques will need the guidance of an experienced coach
are: 1. To start with we can simply practice deep breathing
exercises. These exercises will give us relief from tension and
may even bring the cause for our emotional tension to the
surface so that we may see it more clearly and objectively. 2.
Exercises for the upper back and chest can also bring
considerable relief from emotional tensions. 3. Deep relaxation
techniques are also very effective for relaxing the whole system
so that the muscles of breathing may function more freely. 4. In
guided deep relaxation sessions the source of the emotional
blockages can be researched through regression.
We can care for our bodies and minds and they will care for us.
(Adapted from the forthcoming "Self Healing" by Robert Elias
Najemy. His book "The Psychology of Happiness" (ISBN
0-9710116-0-5) is available at and His writings can be viewed at where you can also download FREE
articles and e-books.
About the author:
Robert Elias Najemy is the author of over 600 articles, 400
lecture cassettes on Human Harmony and 20 books, which have sold
over 100,000 copies. He is the Founder and director of the
Center for Harmonious Living in Greece with 3700 members. His
book The Psychology of Happiness; ISBN 0-9710116-0-5 is
available at and
where you can view and download FREE articles and e-books.
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