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Old 07-23-2011, 07:13 AM   #1
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Default Dre Beats Solo HD (White)High Definition On-ear He

His synthetic voice became high-pitched and staccato. "Scriber was a good friend. We could build a two-wheel cart for Ja's rear; he'd be able to move around some. The hard part will be finding a pack for him. You know we're looking for other fragments; we may be able to patch something up. If not ... well,mbt imara shoes, I have only four members. I will try to adopt him." As he spoke one head patted the wounded member. "I'm not sure it will work. Scriber was not a loose-souled person, not in any way a pilgrim. And right now, I don't match him at all." Johanna slumped back. Scarbutt wasn't responsible for everything that went wrong in the universe. "Woodcarver has excellent brood kenners. Maybe some other match can be found. But understand ... it's hard for adult members to remerge, especially non-talkers. Single fragments like Ja often die of their own accord; they just stop eating. Or sometimes.... Go down to the harbor sometime, look at the workers. You'll see some big packs there ... but with the minds of idiots. They can't hold together; the smallest problem and they run in all directions. That's how the unlucky repacks end...." Scarbutt's voice traded back and forth between two of his members, and dribbled into silence. All his heads turned to Ja. The member had closed his eyes. Sleeping? He was still breathing, but it sounded kind of burbly. Johanna looked across the room at the trapdoor to the loft. Woodcarver had stuck a single head down through the hole. The upside-down face looked back at Johanna. Another time, her appearance would have been comical. "Unless a miracle happens, Scriber died today. Understand that,mbt women, Johanna. But if the fragment lives,复件 (84) air max, even a short time, we'll likely find the murderer." "How, if he can't communicate?" "Yes, but he can still show us. I've ordered Vendacious's men to confine the staff to quarters. When Ja is calmer, we'll march every pack in the castle past him. The fragment certainly remembers what happened to Scriber,Dre Beats Solo HD (White)High Definition On-ear Headphones with ControlTalk?, and wants to tell us. If any of the killers are our own people, he'll see them." "And he'll make a fuss." Just like a dog. "Right. So the main thing is to provide him with security right now ... and hope our doctors can save him." They found the rest of Scriber a couple of hours later, on a turret of the old wall. Vendacious said it looked like one or two packs had come out of the forest and climbed the turret, perhaps in an attempt to see onto the grounds. It had all the markings of an incompetent, first-time probe: nothing of value could be seen from that turret,复件 (47) air max2, even on a clear day. But for Scriber it had been fatally bad luck. Apparently he had surprised the intruders. Five of his members had been variously arrowed, hacked,复件 (85) air max1, decapitated. The sixth -- Ja -- had broken his back on the sloping stonework at the base of the wall. Johanna walked out to the turret the next day. Even from the ground she could see brownish stains on the parapet. She was glad she couldn't go to the top. Ja died during the night, though not from any further enemy action; he was under Vendacious's protection the whole time. Johanna went the next few days without saying much. At night she cried a little. God damn their "doctoring". A broken back they could diagnose, but hidden injuries, internal bleeding -- of such they were completely ignorant.
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