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Old 07-24-2011, 06:35 PM   #1
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Thumbs up Black Locust Tree's Painting

Black Locust Tree’s oil on linen panel 10 by 8 in. This group of tree’s catch my eye every morning as I leave my North Carolina studio andĀ* head down Rabbit Hop Road. They are Black Locust tree’s, <a href=""><strong>Cheap Steelers Jerseys 2011</strong></a> hard and dense, used for making fence posts as they last decades. Their bark is gnarly and studded with thorns. This is the wood Abraham Lincoln probably split for fence rails. After handling some of these heavy <a href=""><strong>Cheap Bengals Jerseys 2011</strong></a> tough logs, I’ve got a new respect forĀ* old Abe. This was a beautiful morning. As I stood beside the road painting, birds were singing all around and a gentle breeze filled the <a href=""><strong>Cheap Eagles Jerseys 2011</strong></a> quiet air. Quiet until one of the neighbors started yelling at his dog to come inside. Then a horse came up unseen next to me on the other side of a hedge and snorted while I was making a delicate adjustment with my brush, causing me sling it the air. I like painting rural scenes. The neighbors all wave as they pass by, lifting just the index finger from the wheel if they don’t know me, two <a href=""><strong>afe and easy to order your replica watches online from ...</strong></a> fingers if they think they do but are not sure, and if we’ve met and talked a bit, I get a full hand hearty smiling wave. &nbsp; &nbsp;
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