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Old 07-30-2011, 11:28 AM   #1
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Default Replica Oakleys Clearance How to Run a Successful

Jackson had a difficult relationship with his father. He said that he was physically and emotionally abused during incessant rehearsals Replica Oakleys Clearance, whippings, and name-calling, though he credited his father's discipline for his success In one altercation recalled by Marlon, Joseph held Michael upside down by one leg and "pummeled him over and over again with his hand, hitting him on his back and buttocks". Joseph would also trip or push the boys into walls. One night while Michael Jackson was asleep, Joseph climbed into his room through the bedroom window, wearing a fright mask and screaming. He said he wanted to teach the children not to leave the window open when they went to sleep. For years afterward, Jackson said he suffered nightmares about being kidnapped from his room Joseph acknowledged in 2003 that he had whipped Jackson as a child.
Jackson was born the seventh of nine children on August 29, 1958, in Gary, Indiana, an industrial suburb of Chicago, to an African American family. His mother, Katherine Esther Scruse, was a devout Jehovah's Witness, and his father, Joseph Walter "Joe" Jackson, a steel mill worker who performed with an R&B band called The Falcons. Jackson had three sisters, Rebbie, La Toya, and Janet, and five brothers, Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon, and Randy.
If your blog was to be your home - your professional representation, it has to be professional and presentable. The truth is, the longer your visitors stay on your site and the more often they return, the more likely they will purchase your product. However, statistics say the majority of the visitors only stay for 30 seconds or less, which means you have just a few seconds to entice them. People's attention span is generally very short on the internet, so you will need to make a good first impression.
1. Visual Appeal
Looks matter. That's the first thing everybody sees. You don't have to hire a web designer or have a fancy flash intro, but it needs to be visually appealing enough that your visitors will want to explore your site. You will want a clean layout where information can be easily found. Use colors, stock photos or illustrations to give it some "pop". If you post a photo of yourself, make sure it looks good - no blurry, poorly lit photos, and no colored glasses. The reason why you post your photo is to give your audience a visual reference to connect with you, and the eye contact is important. Think of it as if you were meeting your clients in person.
2. Navigation
If your visitors can't navigate your site, don't expect them to stay and figure it out or much less return. It is very frustrating when you can't get to the information you are looking for, and as I said, you only have a few seconds before they move on to the next site just like yours. Make it super easy to navigate. Make sure your menu and links are accessible and easy to follow, and all of your content can be found through them. If you have a lot of content, consider adding a sitemap and a search box.
3. Noise
I would click on a link to an article I saw on a tweet, the page shows up and I'm still looking for the article because it's so noisy with all the ads, it apparently got lost somewhere. The whole point of spreading your links all over the internet is so that people can find your content. If the ads are louder than your content Ray Ban online Store How To Kill A Tree_30, your page becomes destructive which defeats the whole purpose, and it is just not easy on the eyes. Are you promoting your content, or is your blog a placeholder for your ads? Same with the widgets. Trying to pack too many elements on one page is not effective. We already have enough information overload everywhere else, so let's not add to it.
4. Updates
Your blog is what provides fresh content to your site and invites your visitors to return. If you update frequently, your visitors are likely to return more often. They will see that you are actively involved in your industry and it will give you more credibility. Post a new article at least once a week, and don't let your blog become stale.
Having said all this, if you are new to blogging, don't be afraid to get started. If it's not perfect, run with it anyway and you will learn as you go along. Just be aware of the items that need improvement, and continue tweaking. When in doubt, keep it simple.
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