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Old 07-31-2011, 04:51 PM   #1
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Default Chi Running, Nike +, And A Cheap Ass

I am going to catch you guys up with how my training is going and what I have been up to lately. As I mentioned in my previous post, I took some time off of resistance <a href=""><strong>timberland boots mens</strong></a> training because of some pain in my elbow. To make up for it, I have been running more often than usual. I also mentioned in my last post how I started to practice Chi Running. I ran 62.5 miles so far in July which is around 20 miles per week. This past Sunday, I ran 9 miles, which was my longest run for the month. [Me and my wife have been running on the trail by my house recently. I think it would be great to live by a beach and to be able to run like this in the mornings!] I only ran 5 miles this past Wednesday because it has been in the high eighties and even above ninety degrees outside in Pittsburgh. It has been brutal to try and run in, and add in the high humidity that Pittsburgh is known for, and it is almost unbearable! I am going to have to keep my runs limited to early morning or later at night. As far as Chi Running goes, I have still had absolutely no pain in my knees or anywhere else since I started concentrating on running this way. It is one of the few things in life that you hear about and then when you try it, it actually works even better than expected. I will continue to keep you guys posted on how it is going. I downloaded the Nike + app for my Iphone to track my individual runs. It tracks your distance, pace, speed, etc. For 1.99 it is pretty awesome and works off of your phone’s GPS. It has been really accurate when I checked it off of the mile markers on the trail that I run. I actually bought a Nike + watch that does the same thing for 200 and then quickly returned it once I found this app. Not trying to be a cheapass, but why spend 200, when you can spend 1.99? The watch may of did a few extra things, but the app does more than enough for me. [Here is a screenshot from the app. If you have an Iphone, you should check it out.] Guess what has happened since I cut down on resistance training and increased running? I gained weight! In fact, I gained around five pounds in the last month. I probably fasted only two times <a href=""><strong>timberland boots sale </strong></a> this whole Summer, so far. I have been maintaining my weight at around 170 for months now and didn’t have any reason to fast. I am now up to around 174-175, which isn’t bad, but it is slowly creeping up. My diet has been pretty bad recently given all of the picnics, camp outs, and get togethers since the weather got warmer. No big deal, I am happy to live my life how I want and let intermittent fasting clean up the mess, so to speak. It was just a little surprising to see the scale go up after running so much. The bottom line though is that it shouldn’t be surprising at all. Since I have been running, I seem to be starving all the time, and have been eating way more than usual. I always say that you can’t out exercise a bad diet and this is a perfect example. Regardless of whether you are lifting, running, or doing both like me, calories in versus calories <a href=""><strong>timberland boots</strong></a> out still are the key. I am going to continue to run until it isn’t fun anymore and I am starting to ease back in to lifting again. I never would of imagined in a million years that I would like running, but I actually find myself daydreaming about it during the day at work. Weird. Who knows, I am going to just roll with it for now. I am going to do a half marathon in October and see how I feel after that. I will let everyone know how that goes once I do it. [Once I get Chi Running down, I am going to start working on this!聽 Fast forward to around 50 seconds or so.] I will start to eat better now that I gained some weight and I will probably fast a little more to get back down to around 170 lbs. That is the beauty of intermittent fasting. It is a tool that can be used on and off as needed. I don’t recommend getting too far out of shape or gaining thirty pounds and then losing it again like a yo-yo, but it is nice to let loose at times and then just get back on track. Once you start to know how your body reacts to certain types of training and foods, it really isn’t hard to stay on top of things. My friend Rusty from Fitness Black Book talks about getting <a href=""><strong>Styling The hair Using the Chi Flat Iron | CHI Blog Of ...</strong></a> in shape once in your life and then just maintaining it for the rest of your life. You only really have to work extremely hard once to get in shape, after that it is easier to stay in shape. Later Peeps. Let me know if you have any questions or comments.
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