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Old 07-31-2011, 05:32 PM   #1
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r the profit of their members, but also for what is usually defined as ‘furthering the ends of society’. At first sight, the two functions are bound to conflict with each other, because at some point the interests of the individual member might be supposed to clash with those of the greater collective. In fact, this is not so. Responsible leaders of any organization, whatever its political complexion or social composition, would say that what is good for society is good for the individual, and therefore conflict is impossible. There is little dissidence. The collective mentality of the Swede, and his historical corporative instinct mbt shoes australia , make him consider himself as a limb of society, so that he regards communal interests as his own, and sees no conflict between the two. By extension, he identifies himself with the State. He therefore associates himself <a href=""><strong>timberland</strong></a> with the bureaucrat, instead of nursing a sense of estrangement and, in consequence, treats official rescripts, however uncomfortable, not with suspicion, but with a kind of intimate acceptance, as if they were personal resolutions. The power of the central organizations in public administration has been recognized by treatment equating them with the civil service. Public service directorates maintain so-called lay boards, consultative bodies designed to provide outside scrutiny; membership is drawn from government offices and central organizations. Taking the National School Directorate, the governmental members of the lay board are the University Chancellor’s Office (the directorate in charge of the universities), the Labour Market Directorate, the Provincial Government Federation and the mbt shoes municipalities’ union (the last two are official bodies representing local government in The Corporate State 119 the hierarchy of the central authorities). The non-governmental members are: the LO, TCO, the Employers’ Confederation mbt shoes sale and the University Graduates’ Central Organization. Similarly, the TCO and LO, the boards of management of the State Radio corporation, the iron mines, and other State-owned enterprises. If the corporative principle has been accepted in administrative practice, it was late mbt stockists being enshrined in the law. It made its debut in 1970, in legislation introduced by the Social Democratic government for consumer protection. It is designed not only to regulate conditions of sale, ensure good quality and abolish the concept of caveat emptor, but to influence manufacturers in the selection and design of products. It is, in fact, a means of steering production. Now if the law stopped there, it might be good or bad, according to your point of view, but it would remain a piece of Western jurisprudence. But something has been added to remove that characteristic. It is not the State itself that will enforce the law, mbt shoes review but a corporate organization. It did not exist when the law was drafted, but had to be created. In the manner of all Swedish corporate bodies, it is to be a non-governmental agency that will execute government policy. It will be constructed as a central organization, representing the consumers. In the first place, this will bring the citizen, as a consumer, into the corporate structure. He will not necessarily have to join the organization; it will be deemed by law as acting for him. Furthermore, it will be able to influence manufacturers tinder the mask of representing the people. Like the House- Owners’ Association, and the Tenants’ Association, the consumers’ organization will give official rescripts the appearance of being negotiated agreements. One effect will be to persuade the public that what the organization has decided is really what they want. It is a means by which the State can influence demand, mbt shoes online and that is the admitted intention. There is now scarcely a field of Swedish life in which the 120 The New Totalitarians cheap mbts corporate <a href=""><strong>timberland boots</strong></a> principle does not obtain. In the universities, the agents are student corps, mbt chapa roughly equivalent to English student unions, but copied from German institutions of the same name. With membership compulsory under university rules, the corps are used by the authorities to channel State educational grants, social security and certain university functions. It is as if, at an English university, the Students’ Union did the work of the bursar’s office, local welfare authorities and the Department of Education and Science. Student democracy, well established in Sweden, is managed exclusively through the corps. In each university, student representatives on the various academic boards and committees are appointed by the corps, not elected by the undergraduate body. Nationally, student representation in the University Chancellor’s Office is managed by the Swedish Federation of Students’ Corps, the central organization for all undergraduates. Thus, university, for those who want it, is a tutorial class in bureaucratic management. University authorities and government departments insist on dealing with the mbt one approved corporative body. Mr Sven Moberg, then deputy Minister of Education, has put the Social Democratic viewpoint in this way: ‘Corps membership is an old tradition, the expression of collective thinking, which is mbt discount consistent with the aims of my government. Now I must admit that there is some dissatisfaction with the corps system because it is old-fashioned, and I dare say we will have to change with tastes and fashion. Some other solution will have to be devised for the organization of the students in a corporate body. But the principle remains that students must be linked <a href=""><strong>timberland shoe</strong></a> through a corporation to the university and the State, and not individually. What we want in the academic world is an analogy of the relationship between the trade unions and the employers’ association on the Labour Market. The students, you understand, corresponding to the trade-union side. The Corporate State 121 ‘Students must learn to work in some kind of collective organization at university. I admit that this resembles a medieval corporation, but our aim is the establishment of a corporate State. We are aware of the abuses of this mbt sale system, as in Fascist Italy, and we intend to avoid them. But corporatism has succeeded on the Labour Market, and we believe that it is the solution for the whole of society. Technology demands the collective.’ This is not exclusively a Government opinion. There is little reason to suppose that it does not follow the general consensus. 6. Judiciary and Ombudsman If the Swede mistrusts parliamentary institutions, he also has a singular concept of the law. In Western countries, the security of the individual derives from the rule of law; but in Sweden it is based on social welfare alone. For this reason, welfare enjoys in Sweden the respect and prestige of the judiciary in England. In Sweden, the law is commonly regarded as a means of putting social welfare into practice. The Swedish attitude resembles the medieval view of canon law as an instrument of divine, or, at least, superior mbt shoes uk , will. To the Swede, the law is not the protector of the citizen, but the agent of the State. Mr Carl Lidbom, a former judge of appeal, a Cabinet minister and a prominent Social Democratic theoretician, has expressed the idea in these words: ‘The purpose of the law is to realize official policy,’ adding in a significant rider: ‘It is one of the instruments of changing society.’ A legal official puts her feelings this way: ‘The law is not there to protect mbt walking shoes the individual. I feel that very strongly. It is a norm for civil servants, and it has got nothing to do with guaranteeing one’s freedom. Somehow, it seems natural to me that the law is there to put the intentions of the bureaucracy into practice. It never occurred to me until you brought the point up that it was there for the protection of the individual. The whole of my training suggests the opposite.’ ‘The law in Sweden,’ to quote the deputy Ombudsman, ‘is an instrument of the civil service, mbt trainers outlet codifying its decisions.’ * * The Ombudsman, as he is seen abroad mbt lami , is a legal officer with the duty of protecting the citizen against administrative injustice. Judiciary and Ombudsman 123 This dictum has a constitutional foundation. The judiciary in Sweden is not perfectly independent. Supreme Court judges, although appointed for life, are subject to review by a parliamentary committee empowered to dismiss them. The usual justification offered by legal theorists is that, since these powers have scarcely ever been invoked, judicial independence is in practice guaranteed. It is an interesting illustration of the Swedish attitude that it is not the principle but the practice that counts. Yet principles may in fact affect popular opinion, for all that they are minimized by professional advocates. There is a very widespread feeling in Sweden that the judiciary is politically directed, and that it hands down politically coloured judgements. This may not be entirely justified; the important thing is that it is believed. In other words, the law mbt kisumu is considered to be not the protector of the citizen but the servant of the State. The attitude of the judges bears this out to a certain extent. Men of tremendous integrity in the administration of justice, they nevertheless look upon themselves as civil servants, rather than as guardians of an independent institution. Their loyalty is to the State as such, not to the law. Justice to them means upholding the interests of the State, <a href=""><strong>fundemension: keithy050's blog: Nike Shox Junga 2 article043</strong></a> not primarily guaranteeing fair play to the citizen. That the government mbt walking shoes r
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