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Old 08-03-2011, 02:36 AM   #1
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Default Read a {unattached} laboratory

(Yours is inductive, it is required to study medicine in this version of Oh When the accumulation) A urine

Second, the blood

three other tests

5 biochemical tests

test items


Clinical significance of normal scope

alanine aminotransferase /
alanine aminotransferase


0-40U / L

① significant increase seen in the acute period of hepatitis,GHD Hair Straightener, drug-induced liver disease, liver cell death.
② moderately increased, liver cancer, cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis and myocardial infarction. ③ slightly increased biliary obstructive disease.

total bilirubin quality


0 ~ 18.8umo1 / 1

total bilirubin, such as liver cell mar, liver among and extrahepatic biliary obstruction, hemolytic disease, neonatal hemolytic jaundice.

direct bilirubin


0 ~ 6.84umo1 / 1

reference protein, total bilirubin,GHD Purple Butterfly 2011, total


60 ~ 80g / 1

① serum aggregate protein additional water intake, such as diarrhea, dehydration, spewing, diabetic acidosis, intestinal obstruction alternatively perforation, burns, traumatic shock, keen catching diseases. ② multiple myeloma monocytic leukemia ③ tuberculosis, syphilis, blood protozoal and so above. ① serum total protein decreased bleeding, ulcers, and proteinuria ② malnutrition, low-protein diet, vitamin deficiency, sarcoma, wrong hygiene, anemia, diabetes, toxemia of pregnancy and so ashore.

serum albumin


35.0 ~ 55.0G / L

and serum total protein in the same alkaline phosphatase



adult 20-110U / L
babies 20-220U / L

increase seen in bone essence disorders ① ② ③ other hepatobiliary disorders hyperthyroidism thyroid adenoma, hyperparathyroidism.

γ-glutamyl transferase


(γ-GT) 40 (1.03)
female> 45 (1.16)

cholesterol and a negative correlation among the digit of coronary heart disease has been confirmed many of the Institute of Epidemiology .1. Physiological rise: training (such as sportsmen in general the higher HDL-C),GHD Diamond Flag 2011,
beverage brandy,GHD IV Pink Straighteners, women taking birth control drugs tablets, some of the cholesterol-lowering pills (such as Novo amount) and so on.
2. Physiological reduction: less action, accentuate response.
3. Pathological reduction: coronary heart disease, patients with hypertriglyceridemia, cirrhosis, diabetes, chronic renal insufficiency, malnutrition.
4. Pathological rise: chronic liver disease, chronic noxious diseases, genetic high HDL blood.
HDL cholesterol and total cholesterol concentration is one neutral risk factor and a high expected value.
Thus, HDL cholesterol concentrations on coronary heart disease risk appraisal determination is required
low-density lipoprotein protein cholesterol


2.84 ~ 3.10mmol / L

addition in atherosclerosis namely the major risk factors.


serum 0-220U / L
urinary <1000U / L..

increase seen in acute pancreatitis, parotid pestilence abscess.
abatement seen in caustic liver disease (serum and urine amylase and lower)

carbon dioxide combined rate / power


45.0 ~ 65.0ml%

reduction seen in metabolic acidosis or respiratory alkalosis compensatory increase in metabolic alkalosis and respiratory acid poisoning compensation.

six, meaning five indicators of hepatitis B:

HBsAg,GHD Green Butterfly 2011, anti-HBs, HBeAg, anti-HBe, anti-HBc. Hepatitis B is more than the

following manifold Commonly known as
② HBsAg, anti-HBe, anti-HBc (1, 4,5 item) positive: acute hepatitis B tend to revive, asymptomatic HBV (hepatitis B virus) carriers. Commonly known as
③ HBsAg, anti-HBc (1,5 item) positive: asymptomatic HBV (hepatitis B virus) to carry, acute HBV infection.
④ anti-HBs, anti-HBe, anti-HBc (2, 4,5 item) positive: that recovery after infection,GHD Green Straighteners, has received immunity.
⑤ anti-HBe, anti-HBc (4,5 item) positive: a history of before infection, acute HBV infection recovery.
⑥ anti-HBs (2 items) positive: passive or vigorous immunization for HBV (hepatitis B virus) have immunity.
⑦ anti-HBc (5): acute HBV (hepatitis B virus) infection in the kernel window period (at present obtainable, but the incidence of infection).
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