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Old 08-03-2011, 02:53 AM   #1
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Default Raising Backyard Chickens For Eggs & Profit -

You've been thinking about raising chickens but are not completely sure if it would be worth the effort. Here are some 'egg'cellent reasons why you should:
Free, organic eggs for your family. When it comes to breakfast nothing beats a fresh cooked egg that you picked up right in your own backyard. You know where it's been, you know where it comes from, you know how it was nourished and you know how old it is.
Super fresh chicken eggs from your backyard have a large delicious yolk that is simply bursting with flavor. Unlike the small yellow yolks you find in eggs you get at the store. Since you have raised these chickens you are aware of what has gone into making them; no growth hormones or chemicals and your chickens aren't living in small overcrowded unsanitary cages. They get to run around free all day and sleep in a clean and sanitary place. Happy and healthy chickens lay healthy eggs that you can collect each and every morning. These aren't just better for breakfast; they will add a nice texture and richness to your cakes, cookies, pies, and whatever else you use them for.
Another great point is they really aren't that expensive to feed; vegetable peels off the veggies you had for dinner, leftovers from that dinner or the ones in your refrigerator that you know will never make it back to the table and even that week old loaf of bread (even if a bit moldy) can be fed to the chickens. Chickens are not finicky they will eat whatever you give them. This helps two fold you have less refuse going into a trash bin and you will pay quite a bit less money on poultry pellets.
Chickens help with the environment too, especially with your yard work. Keep that lawnmower in the garage and the bug killer too the chickens will take care of all that. As they run around the yard they will eat the grass, leaves and weeds. They will also gobble up the bugs and slugs that invade your flower garden. Though bugs may not be a delicacy for humans for the chicken they are yummy little goodies they have found to munch on. You can relax with a tall glass of iced-tea in the shade and watch your little gardeners do all the work. They may do a lot of cluck clucking but they will never ask you for a raise and with their diet rich in green grass and the protein filled bugs it can provide your garden with another necessity, manure a great all natural and free fertilizer to help your garden grow.
Chickens are actually easier to raise then you might expect. You will never have to brush, bathe, or walk them. They won't bark and keep your neighbors and you up all night, they won't dig big holes in your yard or under the fence and they won't chew your shoes. All a chicken needs and wants are food, water,Jordan 11, and a place to run around. Their house will need cleaning and their beds will need changing 2-3 times a month and basically that's it they are cared for. With not much effort on your part you can enjoy free eggs, free gardeners, and free bug extermination. You may even make a few extra bucks by selling any extras. So, I say since the benefits far outweigh the hassle go on and get yourself some chickens for your backyard and sit back and enjoy the rewards.
The first-second combination allows for easy maneuvering and nice "zippy" moves on the streets. If you're expecting the slouched-over, "lone, unloved and apathetic biker" riding position that many cruisers offer, you're going to be disappointed. The best position on this bike is a standard straight up and down, nearly cop-like. It's comfortable, gives you tons of visibility - you're eye-to-eye with drivers in all but the tallest SUVs. Friends that see me on the road say that I look better on this bike than the others that I've ridden - time to have a chat with the wife and see if she likes white or black.The controls have a nice "retro" look, but they are most definitely modern. Italian bike owners will be familiar with this layout. The clutch is butter smooth, allows for a lot of feathering and never gives a hint of any wooden or binary grabbiness. The instruments all have a slightly retro character, and this is also attractive,True Religion shorts, down to the speedometer that reads about 10% optimistic.
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