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Old 08-04-2011, 01:29 AM   #1
Commander In Chief
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sandy7827 is on a distinguished road
Default you do not have to light up. See

So womens air jordans , you have a big job interview coming up and to say that you are nervous is most definitely the understatement of the millennium. The last thing you need to worry about is whether or not you smell like cigarette smoke, right? Right. And normally that would not be on the mind of a non-smoker, except for one small factor: you are not a non-smoker. Assuming you smoke a pack a day, you are probably well aware of the unpleasant odor that your addiction to nicotine brings about in social settings, let alone the affect it will have on your potential future employer in the middle of your interview. Fortunately, there are several solutions you can go with. You could quit smoking. Oh, you are a dedicated smoker? Well, you could always spray yourself with air freshener before the interview nike high heels prices , although that might also send the wrong signal. However, there is a third option. You could buy one of those electronic cigarette things you have heard so much about. What? You have not heard of electronic cigarettes? Well, in that case, here is some info that you need if you are even going to consider buying one.The first thing you need to know is that the electronic cigarette is smoke free. You are probably wondering how a cigarette can be smoke free nike dunk high online , right? Well, that is because the electronic cigarette utilizes a liquid vapor as opposed to smoke. In other words, you do not have to light up. See? You no longer have to deal with buying lighters only to lose them the next day. And do you know what the best thing is about the vapor? Aside from there being no tar to stain your teeth, the vapor is almost completely odorless. This means that at no point will your clothes or breath come away with that nasty odor that all of your friends and family hate. It can even be somewhat of a money saver for you. Not only can you exclude the cost of cigarette lighters from your budget, but you can even save money due to the fact that one e-liquid cartridge outlasts a pack of cigarettes if used correctly.So what do you think? Is it worth that job interview, making the switch over to the electronic cigarette? If you do not want to make the switch, I suppose you could always go with the air freshener.
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