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Old 08-06-2011, 03:44 AM   #1
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Default Links Of London Charms Compile 】 【 soft media RT

: soft- medium create 】 【 RTM escrow - Windows seven Construct 7260 Yesterday we noted that Windows seven Create 7232 leaked the news. These days, the Russian website Wzor leaked out with the 7260 re- release from the specifics, they also unveiled that Windows seven RTM will likely be among 15-19 days , that is compiled this weekend , that is steady with our prior data received . the very same time , the resources pointed out that the 7260 edition from the edition quantity is 7260.win7_rtm.090612-2110, is really a edition of RTM escrow . Quite simply,Links Of London Charms, this version of Microsoft's most likely to figure out the last code for testing . This also had the very same message we obtain . this edition for a lot more info : file : 7260.0.x86fre.win7_rtm.090612-2110.client_en-us.greatest.vhd (the initial VHD in packed RAR archive, size RAR file: one,919,Thomas Sabo Engagement Rings,600,205 byte SHA1: 0FF53F8ED2BBC0B1B174B47F80055BB3DACF2F01) Dimension: 5,Thomas Sabo Black Necklace,185,507,840 byte CRC: 67C23FE0 MD5: 0703C259676D7E4C58E0EF2184369663 SHA1: 7540399601506675CF1B329CB3507875F64C555B Screenshots : with some text : Earlier currently Neowin reported that Windows seven build 7232 had leaked. What a difference some a lot more hours makes,Links Of London Charm, now 7260 has leaked as well as the Russian site Wzor claims that Microsoft will create the RTM (release to production) create in between June 15-19. .... ,Thomas Sabo Store, adore the web, adore On
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