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Old 08-10-2011, 05:06 PM   #1
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Thumbs up The man hat. | Stuff Christians Like – Jon Acuff

Recently, a friend surprised me with a problem she was having at church. I'd never thought about this particular issue. I'd never once even noticed it. But here's how our conversation went: My friend: I really <a href=""><strong>Women's nike free 5.0 shoes</strong></a> don't like all these “man hats” at church. Me: Man hats? What are you talking about? My friend: There's a lot of guys wearing “man hats” these days. Like those two guys over there. They kind of look like something out of Oliver, kind of a "Hello Guvnor" meets Urban Outfitters. Those bother me. Me: Cause you hate Oliver? My friend: No, because it feels disrespectful to me. Me: What? Ladies wear hats to church all the time. My friend: No they don't. They only wear them on Easter Sunday. But there's all these guys wearing Che Guevara revolutionary style hats and those little bowlers that you think will look good on you when you're at the store by yourself <a href=""><strong>San Francisco 49ers NFL jerseys</strong></a> but should really only be worn by Justin Timberlake. And the winter beanie in July in Nashville makes no sense. Throw on some woolen mittens while you're at it. Me: Agreed. Some of those look silly, but how is a man hat disrespectful to church? My friend: Back in the day, when we cared about manners, it was considered disrespectful for a guy to even wear a hat indoors. Anywhere. In your house. In the airport, you didn't wear your hat indoors. I get that times have changed, but even at baseball games you take off your hat for the National Anthem as a sign of respect. So why don't guys take them off at church? Me: Do you want me to Jesus Juke you? My friend: No. Me: I'm going to take that as a "yes." I really wish you would focus on the joy of seeing people attend church, not worry about whether or not they're wearing hats. My friend: Maybe you're right. Am I becoming an old lady? Is that <a href=""><strong>black Ugg Argyle Knit Boots Women</strong></a> what happens? It's not your eyesight that goes first or your hearing, it's your ability to overlook a hat at church. Am I going to start using the word "whippersnapper" soon? Am I getting enough fiber in my diet, or will I need to start supplementing my day with Metamucil or maybe an Ensure drink? Please don't write about this conversation on Stuff Christians Like. Me: I won't. I promise. Man hats. Who knew they were such a cause of distraction? And my friend did say I could write about this conversation. And that "friend" may or may not have been my wife. And that whole chat might have just been her way to keep my growing fascination with hats at bay. She doesn't hate your hat, but she's just afraid I'll go to New York sometime to do some media, shop at H&amp;M without her, and return home with some sort of urban top hat. I'll look like Mr. Peanut in skinny jeans, and no wife wants that. &nbsp; Question: Have you ever seen a man hat at <a href=""><strong >AUD/NZD</strong></a> church? &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;
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