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Old 08-12-2011, 07:05 AM   #1
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Default 拿破仑写给爱妻的缠绵情书

Paris, December 1795
I wake filled with thoughts of you. Your portrait and the intoxicating evening which we spent yesterday have left my senses in turmoil. Sweet,传奇私服, incomparable Josephine,The Rose, what a strange effect you have on my heart,传奇私服! Are you angry? Do I see you looking sad? Are you worried?... My soul aches with sorrow, and there can be no rest for you lover; but is there still more in store for me when,传奇私服, yielding to the profound feelings which overwhelm me, I draw from your lips, from your heart a love which consumes me with fire? Ah,传奇私服! it was last night that I fully realized how false an image of you your portrait gives,爱情小说,传奇私服!
You are leaving at noon; I shall see you in three hours.
Until then, mio dolce amor, a thousand kisses; but give me none in return, for they set my blood on fire.
  注:拿破仑(Napoleon Bonaparte)(1769-1821)出生于法国的科西嘉,传奇私服。他不仅是一位出色的军事家和另人敬畏的统治者,传奇私服,足球宝贝堀北真希出版半裸写真集,还是一位多产的书信写手,传奇私服,一生写了数万封信,传奇私服,其中大部分是写给其漂亮的妻子约瑟芬的,传奇私服。这封信写于1796年他们的婚礼之前,表明了这位未来君主对爱人的温柔与情感。
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