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Old 08-12-2011, 09:13 AM   #1
Private First Class
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 34
aubookkeeping is on a distinguished road
Thumbs up Shoebooks Online Quoting and Invoicing Software Features

Does your business needs quoting on projects or sending customers quotes for sales orders? Then check out the online quotes and invoicing module of Shoebooks, Australia's leading provider of accounting software solutions for SME businesses. With Shoebooks accounting software for small business, you can quickly and accurately quote your customers on new job opportunities or product sales. You can also do this online and email the quote to your customers in a professionally presented format.

Automatically convert you quotes to an invoice without having to re-enter all the emails of the sale. You can do this by simply transferring your quote line items to the sales order. And if you are working on a project basis in your business, instead of converting the quote to an invoice, you can convert it to a project and then generate time sheet postings and invoices against that project.

Sign up now for a free accounting software trial version from Shoebooks! Enjoy the advantages of Shoebooks Australian accounting software business services.

Shoebooks is located at Unit 12, 118 Church Street, Hawthorn Victoria 3122, Australia. Call +613-9818-1515 or visit WWW.SHOEBOOKS.COM.AU
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