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Old 08-12-2011, 03:41 PM   #1
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Default 学习是自己的责任

It is appropriate on an anniversary of the founding of a university to remind ourselves of its purposes.It is equally appropriate at such time for students to reflect on why they have been chosen to attend and to consider how they can best benefit from the privilege of attending.
在学校建成的周年纪念日里,传奇私服,提醒我们自己思考一下校庆的意义是很合适的。同样,对于同学们来讲,在这样的时刻要好好地想一下,为什么 他们被选来参加这一盛会,以及如何最好地从这种殊荣中获益,传奇私服,也是非常合适的。

At the least you as students can hope to become proficient in subject matter which may be useful to you in later life.There is,however,much more to be gained.It is now that you must learn to exercise your mind sufficiently so that learning becomes a joy and you thereby become a student for life.At first this may require an effort of will and a period of self discipline.Certainly it is not accomplished without hard work.Teachers can guide and encourage you,but learning is not done passively.To learn is your responsibility.
你们作为学生,至少可以希望成为某一方面的专家能手,这或许会对你们日后的生活有用。但是,需要获取的知识 实在太多了。所以,伤感散文,香港六合彩,从现在开始,你们就必须学会充分运用你们的头脑,使学习成为一种乐趣,传奇私服,你也因此而为一名终生的学生,传奇私服。首先,这需要自愿的努力和一段时期的自我约束,传奇私服。当然,传奇私服,这也必然伴随着艰苦的工作。老师可以指导你,鼓励你,但是对待学习是不可采取消极被动的态度的,学习是你 们自己的责任,10 First-date mistakes

There is to the trained mind satisfaction to be derived from exploring the ideas of others,mastering them and evaluating them.But there is another level of inquiry which I hope that some of you will choose.If your study takes you to the limits of understanding of a subject and,香港六合彩,have reached so far,you find that you can penetrate to where no one has been before,you experience an exhilaration which can't be denied and which commits you to a life of research.
通过探索别人的思想,掌握、评估这些思想,可以获取思维能力得到锻炼的满足。但是,还有另外一种层次上的探 索,我希望你们当中的一些人会选择这种探索。如果你的学习使你对事的的理解达到某一境界,而且你已经达到了 这个程度,你就会发现你能超越以前无人能企及的水平,你就会感到有种仰制不住的高兴和振奋,这种高兴和振奋 带你进入一种研究的生活。

Commitment to a life of scholarship or research is compatible with many other laudable goals.It is edifying,传奇私服,and it is a source of inner satisfaction even should other facets of life prove disappointing.I strongly recommend it.
投入到做学问或研究的生活,是与许多其他值得称赞的目标相一致的。这一点是很有启发性的;它也是内心满足的 源泉,甚至当生活的其他方面不尽如人意时,The Joy of Living,只要你投入到研究中去,你也会感到满足的。我力荐这样的生活。

Having delivered myself of these rather solemn thoughts let me add that I hope you do not forgo other opportunities which the university environment offers for you to learn to get the most out of living.I wish you well.
在表述完我认为的这些十分重要的想法后,我还要说,我也希望你们不要放弃学校提供给你们的其他机会去学会从 生活中获取最多的知识。祝你们一切顺利,传奇私服
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