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Old 08-13-2011, 09:12 AM   #1
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Default Ray Bans Sunglasses Glaucoma, symptoms and causes

He lost weight in the early 1980s because of a change in diet and a desire for "a dancer's body." Witnesses reported that he was often dizzy and speculated that he was suffering from anorexia nervosa; periods of weight loss would become a recurring problem later in life. Some medical professionals have said he was suffering from body dysmorphic disorder Ray Bans Sunglasses Getting Rid of Acne _43, a psychological condition whereby the sufferer dislikes his appearance and has no concept of how he is viewed by others. He had a fourth rhinoplasty in 1986, and had a cleft put in his chin.
Glaucoma witch is called the sneak thief of sight because it has no obvious symptoms at first―it’s painless, and there’s no effect on vision. By the time you notice that your sight isn’t what it used to be, glaucoma has done its damage.
The symptoms of glaucoma are blurred vision, eye pain, red eye, dilated pupils, severe pain in the head, nausea, vision loss and seeing halos around lights.
The causes of glaucoma, are diabetes, a previous eye injury or surgery, bad diet, wearing contact lenses, steroids in the eye drops, use of systemic ant cholinergic medications (such as atropine or eye dilation drops), enervation and toxemia.
There are two types of glaucoma one is "closed-angle glaucoma" and the other is called "chronic open-angle glaucoma". Closed angle is the more serious and occurs less often, early warning signs include: eye pain - especially in the morning, blurred vision, and the pupils have a hard time adjusting in a dark room. Open angle glaucoma occurs in around 90% of people.
The first symptoms of Glaucoma are tunnel vision and the narrowing in the field of vision. This quickly moves into the final stages of Glaucoma which is permanent blindness.
The main causes of Glaucoma are poor circulation around the eyes, plugged channels, and poor drainage. These symptoms are caused by too much stress, strain, outside stressors, and too many toxins in the body.
The only cure for Glaucoma is to give medication for the tension or to drain the fluid from the eyes. These are both quick fixes and they only work to relive the symptoms, not the problem. Most people will still end up with blindness. These fixes just prolong the inevitable for awhile longer.
Glaucoma is usually caused by stress and once diagnosed with the disease the stress doesn’t stop. In most cases, the stress only becomes worse. Now people are anxious and nervous and scared of the blindness. Fear of the unknown and worry starts to consume their daily life, only adding to the stress and strain on the eyes. In the end, they are only making the symptoms worse instead of taking steps to try and fix the issue.
Anyone who suffers from Glaucoma should seek medical attention because if left undetected permanent blindness will happen. However, you can take steps to cure your eye ailments yourself by learning to relax the eyes. Take the time each night to fully relax before going to sleep. While lying in bed with your eyes closed, picture your muscles relaxing from your head down to your toes. Concentrate especially on relaxing those muscles around the eyes. Fully relaxing before falling asleep will ensure a better night’s sleep and waking up refreshed.
Glaucoma may be a scary thought, but by learning to relax the eyes you can take natural steps to cure the ailment, Rest makes vision better, strain or effort makes vision worse. There are several exercises to Practice every day for five minutes or more and keep a record of your progress.
Take the first step to make your eyesight improve without glasses, contact lenses or expensive surgery here:
Improve eyesight
Jackson's skin had been a medium-brown color for the entire duration of his youth, but starting in the early 1980s, it gradually grew paler. The change gained widespread media coverage, including rumors that he was bleaching his skin. In 1986, he was diagnosed with vitiligo and lupus; the vitiligo partially lightened his skin, and the lupus was in remission; both illnesses made him sensitive to sunlight. The treatments he used for his condition further lightened his skin tone, and, with the application of pancake makeup to even out blotches, he could appear very pale. The structure of his face changed too: several surgeons speculated that he had undergone multiple nasal surgeries, a forehead lift, thinned lips, and cheekbone surgery.
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