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Old 08-14-2011, 03:02 PM   #1
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Thumbs up Popular Car Accessories And Gadgets | Ranger RV

Most drivers adore gadgets and accessories and the chances are that, if you have a vehicle, you do too. Drivers are keen on accessories and gadgets from the humble dashboard compass or radio to the on board satellite navigation system <a href=""><strong>monster beats</strong></a> and the sophisticated CD or even DVD player. They increase the pleasure that you derive from your driving experience and help turn your car into a copy of the comforts that you enjoy at home. If you travel a lot, driving can become boring and so some accessories and gadgets are designed to alleviate that boredom although they should never distract the driver’s attention from the primary job in hand, which is getting safely from A to B. I have listed a couple of the most prevalent, non attention-diverting accessories and gadgets below so that you can see how many of them you already possess. The number one, all-time favourite is the car radio, although this was long ago upgraded to the car CD , DVD or even MP3 player. Few drivers would be without their car stereo. The car stereo can be a very functional tool too, because you can set it so that, even if you are playing CD’s, the radio will cut in if there is a significant road traffic announcement that will or could affect you. This can be invaluable information, particularly if you do not have the next device. The next most popular modern gadget is satellite navigation, often called sat nav or GPS, which stands for ‘global positioning <a href=""><strong>Monster Beats Headphones</strong></a> service’. Sat nav can replace the radio announcement cut-ins and even go two steps further by suggesting an alternative route in order to circumvent the impediment and giving you directions how to do it. An important piece of equipment that every driver must have in the boot is jump leads. Fan belts slacken, batteries short out, all kinds of items can happen, but if you want to get on the road again without delay, the best thing you can have if you have a flat battery is your own set of jump leads. It is no good depending on someone to stop and help you get your car started hoping that they will have jump leads. Get your own, they only cost a couple of dollars. If you have children that are a pain in the backside on long journeys, why not get them an in-car entertainment system? Strapped or cut into the back of the front seats, the screens can display video games or films – a bit like airplane seats, but more so. If you like to drive fast but are cheesed off with speed cameras, why not fit a speed camera detector? They are not that expensive and can be installed by yourself do-it-yourself. It could save you hundreds in fines and even your license. In truth, there are far too many car accessories and gadgets to be listed here and I am sure that you could mention a dozen that I have left out, but the point is simply that car accessories and gadgets can enhance your driving experience and that is what it is all about at the end of the day. Owen Jones, the author of this piece writes on many topics, but is at present concerned with Hybrid Electric Engines. If you want to know more please go to our site at New Hybrid Vehicles. Random Posts: ATV Loading Ramps – How To Choose The Best One The Best Reason to RV Full Time Reply To Ad Is Your Motorcycle Ready To Spend The Winter Indoors? Buy <a href=""><strong>Laptop AC Adapter Power Supply for HP Compaq Notebook PC 510, 530 ...</strong></a> New And Used Travel Trailers The Best Vehicles for Towing Your RV and Boat Articles Do You know how to learn the Codes of Lemon Laws in California? Hybrid Cars – What Are the Pros and Cons Your RV Will Love These! Similar Posts: Gadgets For Your Garage 4WD Accessories – Many Shapes and Sizes! RV Safety Tools The Best Vehicles for Towing Your RV and Boat Logic Behind Why You Should really Get A Hybrid Car Your RV Will Love These! How Do Hybrid Cars Work? Hybrid Cars – What Are the Pros and Cons Car Safety Suggestions You Can Utilize Today The Impressive Toyota Prius Hybrid Car – Our Automobile Of The Future?
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