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Old 08-16-2011, 10:47 AM   #1
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Thumbs up The Learning Network Blog: How Have You Paid Tribute to Loved Ones?

After her sister died, Nina Sankovitch kept herself busy with everyday tasks and activities. She eventually decided that the best way to remember her sister–and deal with her grief–was to read one book per day for an entire year. Why do you think she did that? How would you pay tribute to a lost loved one? In “Nina Sankovitch, Allaying Grief Through Books,” Jan Hoffman writes about Ms. Sankovitch’s project: For three years after the death of her adored eldest sister, Anne-Marie, Nina Sankovitch <a href=""><strong>Vibram Five Fingers Sprint Taupe putty clay</strong></a> mourned by staying relentlessly busy. She felt a guilt-strafed survivor's obligation to live life enough for two.The mother of four sons, she signed up for PTA committees, coached soccer and a Lego robotics team, taught art appreciation classes to elementary school students, took Pilates classes and parenting classes, joined a book group and a tennis group, began kayaking, started a theater group for children in <a href=""><strong>mens nike shoes</strong></a> her basement and a Web site for trading books, gardened ferociously and wrote a novel (unpublished).But in her increasingly frantic efforts to taste joy for herself and her sister, she tasted only ashes. She would still wake in <a href=""><strong>supra 051 mens black and silver grey</strong></a> the night, sobbing.Finally, she jettisoned almost all her commitments in favor of the one pursuit that had always given her special pleasure. She committed herself to reading a book a day for an entire year."After years of chasing after joy, I finally sat down and let it come to me," Ms. Sankovitch, 48, a tall, tennis-vibrant woman, said over coffee at her kitchen table in Westport, Conn.Students: Tell us about ways you or people you know have paid tribute to loved ones who have died–or who are still living, perhaps on the occasion of a milestone birthday. How was the loved one’s life or interests incorporated? How did your tribute also help or benefit you or others? How can you honor and celebrate the special people in your life, like parents, siblings, friends, teachers or neighbors, today?Students 13 and older are invited to comment below. Please use only your first name. For privacy policy <a href=""><strong>Designer Bags, Purses and Handbags - Coach Madison Carriage ...</strong></a> reasons, we will not publish student comments that include a last name.
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