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Old 08-26-2011, 01:29 AM   #1
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Thumbs up 2moons Dil to power up your army or character

The corruption is connected with the whole world. It's dark and gloomy. When the two moon meet or overlapping with each other, the Rictus who is the exiled king will open the gate with his magic power and let off the Pestilence of the Pitborn. As a result, the immortal land, Haran will be occupied by the dark ruler Abaddon. Rictus is a very proud and selfish king, he think he could control them and torture them totally and completely, make making them living as slave. Then he will conquer the land of Haran with the crest of a black wave that was accursed. However, the truth is that there is no alliance and company with Abaddon. The enchantment of the lord of the pit is the wage of sorrow. He bound the Rictus in the darkness of the abyss. No matter who you are, the Bagi Warrior or the Segnale, you are determined to win this fighting and conquer the world. The Bagi are not of the Abyss, yet they are not completely the Haran either. Thousands years ago, the warrior race known as The Bagi was not they are now. that's not the point, for win, we need army and top equipment, so we should buy the 2moons Dil to power up your army or character, in this way you will have the possibility to become the king of this bloody world. Now, you need to make the decision and buy our great 2moons Gold at here.
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