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Old 08-29-2011, 02:03 AM   #3
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Reprinted from alumni of the user at 14:50 on December 28 2010 read (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
0 seconds to clear the garbage in your computer (your computer fast flying) to the Internet easy and smooth if you notice that your computer system disk space is available each day to reduce it? The Monkey King is not the same as the old day by day slowly moves it?

right! In the Windows installation and use of the process will have a lot of junk files, including temporary files (such as: *. tmp,louboutin sale, *. _mp) log files (*. log), temporary help files (*. gid),replica christian louboutin, the disk check file (*. chk), the temporary backup file (such as: *. old,christian louboutin slingbacks, *. bak) and other temporary files. Especially if time is not clear IE's temporary folder \These files not only waste valuable LJ disk space, serious cases cause the system to run slow as a snail. This is definitely believe you can not stand it! Therefore, prompt cleaning system blockage LJ document and maintain the system's \Friends Come on, now let us work together to quickly remove system junk it! ! Here are the steps on the two-step simple!

lower left corner of the computer screen, press the \\Remember it must be a suffix. Bat, ok! Your garbage cleaner production so successful! Double-click it can quickly clean up junk files,louboutin shoes sale, about less than a minute.

====== The following is the text (do not copy this line )================ =============

@ echo off
echo is clear the system junk files, please wait ......
del / f / s / q% systemdrive% \ *. tmp
del / f / s / q% systemdrive% \ *. _mp
del / f / s / q% systemdrive% \ *. log
del / f / s / q% systemdrive% \ *. gid
del / f / s / q% systemdrive% \ *. chk
del / f / s / q% systemdrive% \ *. old
del / f / s / q% systemdrive% \ recycled \ *.*
del / f / s / q% windir% \ *. bak
del / f / s / q% windir% \ prefetch \ *.*
rd / s / q% windir% \ temp & md% windir% \ temp
del / f / q% userprofile% \ cookies \ *.*
del / f / q% userprofile% \ recent \ *.*
del / f / s / q \Temp \ *.* \
echo. & pause

===== here so far (do not copy this line )=================== ==========================

run after double-click the file as long as When the screen says \LJ is the meaning of garbage! this mode of optimization than the so-called master of easy to use,christian louboutin shoes! most important thing is the default system at the corporate environment or in their own home computer will not damage the system files.
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