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Old 08-29-2011, 06:34 AM   #1
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Thumbs up Sunset oil painting progression step by step colors used in art

I started with a rudimentary drawing. Then blocked in the large dark shapes. The sun will come from the right, so that is the lightest side of the trees. dioxazene purple, sap green, cad red light, Permanent green light, cad yellow med and a little white. That’s it so far. Here I started adding my cad orange with cad yellow light and a little white. I also started adding <a href=""><strong>555 cigarette store Cigarette outlet</strong></a> some ground color with some cad red light, cad yellow lt, white and a little dioxazene purple. My intent will be to make the color cooler as I move away from the source of the light. I continued with the ground color and added bushes using the same colors that I had been using. I put the mountains in using ultramarine blue, dioxazene purple and the orange, but I realized that I also didn’t have the mountains dark enough or the the sky light enough. So, it is <a href=""><strong>Discount Marlboro cigarettes</strong></a> adjustment time now. I had adjusted the mountains and added more cad yellow lt and white to the sky, painted the clouds with dioxazene purple, cad orange, white and ultramarine blue. The sky has cad yellow lt, cad orange, white and ultramarine blue. I continued withÂ*the same colors on the ground, cooling the sky, clouds and ground as the color moved away from the source of light. I have a reflection on the road with a puddle of water, but I removed that thinking that I wanted to keep it more simplified without that reflection. this is the final painting, without the puddle, the clouds softened and some fence posts along the left side of the road. I also adjusted the colors on the plants with a little more ultramarine blue on the cool side. This cooled and grayed the colors some. I also took <a href=""><strong>Discont Newport cigarettes</strong></a> some of the colors that I used in the plants and painted some of it on the ground. This helped to integrate the colors more. I softened some of edges of the clouds and the trees. So there you have it. That is all the colors that I used. I have the finished painting listed on my website at I’m hoping to post more information about my paintings and guest posts from other artists about their paintings. Check back there is more to come, including some work to my blog. I have someone putting this blog together for me in a more cohesive, professional look. Tagged as: demo, how to, oil, painting, step by step, studio
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