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Old 09-02-2011, 09:05 PM   #1
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&nbsp; <?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />&nbsp; &nbsp;In all populous cities there is hermes birkin bags great consumption of oysters, both of the large common kinds termed 'scuttlemouths' <a href=""><strong>UGG Boots Clearance </strong></a> by the venders, and of the more expensive and small delicate hermes birkin handbags fed 'native.' Even the mangrove or tree oyster is esteemed in the tropics. One hundred or two hundred of these parasitic oysters may often be found on a single bough, pendent in the water, in the rivers hermes handbags of Africa, or the <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />West Indies. We hermes outlet can well conceive the astonishment of Columbus and his mariners when, in the Gulf of Paria, they first hermes birkin found oysters clinging to the branches, their mouths open as was supposed, to receive the dew, which was afterwards to be transformed into pearls. The spawn of the fish is attached by a glutinous substance to any object with which it comes in contact, and the hermes bags adhesion continues until the oyster is forcibly removed. &nbsp;On the southern coasts of the United States, in Florida and Louisiana, oysters may thus be seen growing as it were on trees, or the limbs at least of those which have sunk into the water, by the weight of hermes handbags the foliage, or from any other cause. The opossum and the racoon feed upon these oysters, procuring them by lifting the boughs from the water, and hence the American name racoon <a href=""><strong>UGGS Clearance Sale </strong></a> oysters, a term they are universally known by. They are of a long slender shape, and growing very rapidly, always have thin and delicate shells. The value of the hermes outlet oysters sold in the city of New York now exceeds&nbsp; 1,260,000 sterling. &nbsp;The Hermes birkin money invested in the trade by 150 wholesale dealers is about&nbsp; 100,000, and hermes kelly the number of persons employed hermes birkin in the business, directly or indirectly, including saloon hermes bags keepers, street venders,&nbsp; c., is 50,000. Of the whole amount sold in the markets, about two-thirds come from Virginia, which has a more extensive oyster trade than any other State in the Union. The residue is obtained, according to the New York Herald, from the waters of their own State, and those of New Jersey the East River furnishing the largest <a href=""><strong>UGG Boots 5825 Classic Short </strong></a> quantity. A considerable supply is procured hermes kelly from Shrewsbury and York Bay&nbsp; but very few of the latter are consumed in the city, as they are cultivated particularly for the western market.
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