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60082 2009 年 05 月 10 日 23:02 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (1) Category: Personal Diary
foreign terrorist organizations:
Abu? Abu Nidal Organization (Abu Nidal organization, ANO) Abu? Sayyaf (Abu Sayyaf Group, ASG)
Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades (Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade)
Ansar al- Islam (Ansar al-Islam, AI)
Islamic militant groups (Armed Islamic Group, GIA)
Ansar Union (Asbat al-Ansar)
Aum Shinrikyo (Aum Supreme Truth, Aum; Amu Shinrikyo, Aleph)
and Liberty Basque (Basque Fatherland and Liberty, ETA)
the Communist Party of the Philippines / New People's Army (Communist Party of Philippines / NewPeoplesArmy, CPP / NPA)
Islam (Al-Gamaa al-Islamiyya ; slamic Group, IG)
Hamas (HAMAS), also known as the Islamic Resistance Movement (Islamic Resistance Movement)
Jihad Movement (Harakat ul-Mujahidin, HUM)
Hezbollah (Hizballah; Party of God)
Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan, IMU)
Army of Mohammed (Jaish-e-Mohammad, JEM)
Jemaah Islamiyah (Jemaah Islamiya,la gear womens shoes, JI)
Egyptian Islamic Jihad (Al- Jihad; Egyptian Islamic Jihad, EIJ)
defend the Jewish Alliance (Kahane Chai, Kach)
Kurdistan Workers Party (Kongra-Gel, KGK; Kurdistan Workers Party, PKK, KADEK)
Lashkar - e-Tayyiba (Lashkar-e-Tayyiba, LT)
Lashkar - Jane Gewei Organization (Lashkar I Jhangvi, LJ)
Tamil Tigers Organization (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam, LTTE)
MKO (Mujahedin-e Khalq Organization, MEK or MKO)
Colombian National Liberation Army (National Liberation Army-Colombia, ELN)
Palestinian Islamic Jihad (Palestine Islamic Jihad, PIJ)
Palestine Liberation Front (Palestine Liberation Front, PLF)
PFLP (Popular Front for the Liberation ofPalestine, PFLP)
the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (Popular Front for the LiberationofPalestine-General Command, PFLP-GC)
revolutionary core ( Revolutionary Nuclei, RN)
11 月 17 日 revolutionary organizations (Revolutionary Organization 17 Novr, 17 Novr)
Revolutionary People's Liberation Party / Front (Revolutionary PeoplesLiberationParty / Front, DHKP / C)
Salafist Group for Call and Combat (Salafist Group for Call and Combat,la gears, GSPC)
Shining Path (Sendero Luminoso; Shining Path, SL)
United self-defense forces of Colombia (United Self-Defense Forces / Group of Colombia, AUC)
Badr Jihad (Al-BadMujahedin,la gear mens shoes, al-Badhr)
Islamic Solidarity Organization (Al-Ittihad al-Islami, AIAI)
Alex? banca Yao Journey (Alex Boncayao Brigade, ABB)
Liberation of Rwanda ( Army for the Liberation of Rwanda, ALIR)
local anti-imperialist core (Anti-Imperialist Territorial Nuclei, NTA)
freedom fighters in Cambodia (Cambodian Freedom Fighters, CFF)
Communist Party of Nepal / United People's Front (Communist Party of Nepal (Maoist) / UnitedPeoplesFront)
lasting Irish Republican Army (Continuity Irish Republican Army, CIRA)
East Turkistan Islamic Movement (Eastern Turkistan Islamic Movement,la gear light, ETIM)
10 月 1 日 anti -fascist resistance groups (First of October AntifacistResistanceGroup, GRAPO)
commando Great Eastern Islamic Front (Great East Islam Raiders-Front, IBDA-C)
Islamic Jihad Movement (Harakat ul-Jihad-I-Islami, HUJI)
Bangladesh Islamic Jihad Movement (Harakat ul-Jihad-I-Islami/Bangladesh, HUJI-B)
Gulebuding Islamic Party (Hizb-I Islami Gulbuddin, HIG)
Jihad Party (Hizbul-Mujahedin,la gear police, HM)
Irish National Liberation Army (Irish National Liberation Army, INLA)
IRA (Irish Republican Army, IRA)
Islamic Army of Aden (Islamic Army of Aden, IAA)
Islamic International Peacekeeping Brigade (Islamic International Peacekeeping Brigade, IIPB)
Jihad (Jamiat ul-Mujahedin, JUM)
Japanese Red Army (Japanese Red Army, JRA)
Malaysia Jihad (Kumpulan Mujahidin Malaysia, KMM)
Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, LIFG)
LRA (Lords Resistance Army, LRA)
Zhong Ying Volunteers (Loyalist Volunteer Force, LVF)
Communist Centre of India (Maoist Communist Center of India, MCCI)
Moroccan Islamic Combatant Group ((Moroccan Islamic CombatantGroup, GICM) New Red Brigade / communist fighter party (NewRed Brigades / Communist CombatantParty, BR / PCC)
people against bandits and drug organizations (People Against Gangsterism and Drugs, PAGAD)
people's war (Peoples War)
Red Hand Defender (Red Hand Defenders, RHD)
proletarian revolution mobile core (Revolutionary Proletarian Initiative Nuclei, NIPR)
Maria dos - Sali Xin Chechen Martyrs Reconnaissance Sabotage Battalion ( Riyadus-Salikhin Reconnaissance andSabotageBattalion of Chechen Martyrs, RSRSBCM)
West - Sa Haba Organization / Pakistan (Sipah-I-Sahaba/Pakistsan, SSP)
Islamic Special Corps (Special Purpose Islamic Regiment, SPIR)
Tunisian Combat Group (The Tunisian Combatant Group, TCG)
Tupac? Amaru Revolutionary Movement (Tupac Amaru Revolutionary Movement, MRTA)
Turkish Hezbollah (Turkish Hizballah)
Ulster Defense Association / Ulster Freedom Fighter (Ulster Defense Association / UlsterFreedomFighters, USA / UFF)
Ulster Defense Army (Ulster Defense Forvce, UVP)
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