Thread: 80% The Woman
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Old 11-06-2011, 05:35 PM   #1
Sergeant First Class
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Default 80% The Woman

For those not in the know, this truly disturbing film is the follow-up to Andrew van den Houten's Offspring , an adaptation of the book of the same name by Jack Ketchum which I have not yet seen and after watching this one, I am not in the mood to do so anytime soon. When all is said and done, The Woman is <a href=""><strong>Food & Beverage on sales</strong></a> a must-see for only those who think they can handle the content. A successful estate lawyer named, Chris Cleek, captures and attempts to &quot;civilize&quot; the last remaining member of a violent clan, The Woman who finds herself alone, severely wounded and vulnerable when the last of her family is killed in a battle with <a href=""><strong>How to Copy D5 , D9 DVD movie disc to D9 disc</strong></a> the police. Now you might ask yourself why someone would find a wild woman in the woods and want to keep her as a pet of sorts but as this movie progresses we notice that Chris and his family aren't really what most of us would call &quot;normal.&quot; It doesn't take a psychiatrist to immediately see that this guy has a few screws loose. His eldest daughter, Peggy (Lauren Ashley Carter), is pregnant and one can only assume that the child was conceived via incest. The son, Brian (Zach Rand), is definitely following in his father's footsteps while the wife (Angela Bettis) is the timid and meek housewife that is completely oblivious to her surroundings. <a href=""><strong>Telecommunications on sales</strong></a> This leaves us with the youngest daughter, who is also a victim, but more to the point, she is about 8 and doesn't really understand what is going on.Let this be a moral lesson to you: You should never try to capture women you find in the woods and attempt to tame them as though she is new dog for you to break, train, and condition or turn her into ###### slave punching bag. July 30, 2011
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