Before listing the 7 steps on how to start a window cleaning business below, I'd like to first say that I'm going to assume you know that you need to register a business name (preferably with the term "window cleaning service" or "window washing service" in the name). OK...let's move on...
1. Image - In order to grow your window cleaning business the way you want to grow it, you MUST establish a high quality image. There are window cleaners all over the place that look "average". They show up to do a window washing estimate and they look like they just rolled out of bed. Put yourself in a prospect's shoes. 3 window cleaners show up to provide 'em an estimate. Only one of them (hopefully you) is in company uniform (polo shirt/logo) and presents a nice estimate presentation package (references, cover letter, etc.) with a written estimate (most window cleaners provide verbal estimates with no references). Who do you think the prospect will choose to clean their windows. Um...let me think. YOU!
2. Market - Do some initial research into your target market of prospects and what subdivisions/areas where they live. My markets were generally higher income homeowners and retirees. Then distribute flyers into these areas. Flyers are cheap and they generate activity, calls, and jobs. You can expect on average about a 1% return, so don't just put out 100 flyers and think you're good to go. Sorry. It doesn't work like that. You can eventually reinvest into postcards to automate more of your marketing.
5. Get Insured - I saw a video on Youtube the other day where this window cleaner recommended that you don't carry insurance. His reasoning? It's too expensive. That is the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time. You're exposing yourself and your company w/o the proper insurance coverage. If you're in the window cleaning business for the long haul, then why risk it all? But you also need to understand that you can charge more if you're insured. So the insurance premiums are paid for by the extra profits you'll make. At the end of every estimate presentation I made to a prospect, I always said:
Oh by the way , I'm fully insured and bonded.
4. Reliability - When you and a customer agree to a job time, be on time. Elementary and I shouldn't even have to mention it, but unfortunately I do. And if you're running late, call the customer. No one likes to wait. So it's a great way to make the wrong impression by being late. Do it too many times and you'll see your customer base start dwindling.
If your goal is to make it as an artist in the music industry, understanding how to obtain a record deal is critical. Even with the many advances in technology today, signing a record deal with some type of record company is essential if you hope to establish a successful career as an artist in the music industry.There are millions of aspiring artists out there all competing for a limited number of legitimate record contracts. Due to this fact
cheap baseball hats, there are requirements that must be met before you will ever draw interest from a record label. If you can meet all of these requirements, than you will greatly improve your chances of landing a record deal.Ideally, you want to have:Now these three requirements are EXTREMELY simplified. We must break each one down into further detail before we can determine which areas need improvement. Keep in mind that the record industry is in the business of Marketing.
7. Communicate - The window cleaning business is a repeat business. That's what makes it the ideal business. BUT you have to treat it as such. Don't "forget" about your customers after the job is done and you have your money. First, you should always send them a "thank you" letter a day or two after the job is done. And next you should stay in touch throughout the year by sending greeting cards regularly. Too much work you say? Maybe. But every single time w/o fail that I sent out a batch of greeting cards to my customers, I walked away with exceptional profits. worth it? Yeah...I think so.
Therefore, the more marketable you appear, the more likely a record label will take a chance on you. This is why all three of the above requirements are so important.If you have an existing Fan Base that is buying albums, merchandise, and concert tickets, the record labels will have undeniable proof that you are marketable. This undeniable proof is a huge advantage over the millions of aspiring artists across the world and an absolute requirement if you hope to edge them out for your record deal.However, before you can hope to build a Fan Base, you must first have Quality Songs and a somewhat Marketable Image. So, we will start by breaking down what makes a Quality Song that demands a record label's attention.Quality SongsA Quality Song in the eyes of any record executive is one that has the potential to be a hit. As any artist will tell you, creating a hit song is not an easy thing to do.
6. Be thorough - I know window cleaners who refuse to open up the windows that they're cleaning. In my opinion these window cleaners are not doing a complete and thorough window cleaning job. A window cleaning service has to consist of cleaning the glass, tracks, frames, sills, screens, etc. If any one of these are not done, then what's the point? No sense having clean glass and dirty screens, right?
Hot Tip: When I first started marketing to an area/subdivision, I would do it once every 3 or 4 weeks to this same subdivision for the first 3 months. No exceptions
59fifty hats! At the end of this 3 months, you'll be well known in these particular subdivisions and you will have plenty of jobs on your calendar.
Repeat 1 through 7 over and over again, and when they build a Hall of Fame for window cleaners, you'll be in it. It'll take you from a so-so, average window cleaning business to a successful, extremely profitable business that you'll be proud to call your own.
3. Market...Again! - This is actually what separates the successful window cleaners from the not so successful window cleaners. You need to absolutely repeat your marketing efforts to the SAME prospects over and over again. Repeat, consistent flyer distributions, postcard mailings, etc., is what will make your business and window cleaning customer base skyrocket. The first time someone sees your flyer, they say "oh hum, who are you?" The next time they see your flyer, now they know your company. The 3rd time they see your flyer
mlb hats, they begin to trust you. And now is about the time they'll call you if they need their windows cleaned. And it gets better and better each time you market to them.'ll get calls the very first flyer distribution you do, but it'll be your weakest response. It goes up from there.