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Old 04-27-2011, 01:43 AM   #1
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 37
cfddsrg67856 is on a distinguished road
Default 六仔改单足球平台出租 竞业限制足球系统

竞业限制是用人单位对负有保守用人单位商业秘密的劳动者,在劳动合同、知识产权权利归属协议或技术保密协议 中约定的竞业限制条款,即:劳动者在终止或解除劳动合同后的一定期限内不得在生产同类产品、经营同类业务或 有其他竞争关系的用人单位任职,也不得自己生产与原单位有竞争关系的同类产品或经营同类业务,http://www.azoospermiasupport.org/fo...5715#msg245715足球平台出租,足球系统出租,皇冠投注平台,百家乐等,百家乐平台。限制时间由当事人事先约定,但不得超过二年。

简介2345由来补偿问题主体问题竞业禁止和竞业限制的区别相关法规规定 简介2  竞业限制条款在劳动合同中为延迟生效条款,也就是劳动合同的其他条款法律约束力终结后,该条款开 始生效。3  当事人在劳动合同或者保密协议中约定竞业限制条款的,必须同时约定经济补偿的内 容,泰山平台出租。用人单位应当在终止或解除劳动者劳动合同后,足球平台出租,给予劳动者经济补偿。该经济补偿标准、数额由当事人自行约定。4  在约定竞业限制条款时应当同时约定具 体的违约责任的承担方式和内容,但不得再约定解除劳动合同的提前通知期,皇冠足球投注网。5  竞业限制的约定不得违反法律、法规的规定。由来  竞业限制起源于公司法中的董事、经理竞业禁止制 度。目的是为防止董事、经理等利用其特殊地位损害公司利益,各国公司法都规定了董事经理的竞业禁止义务,尤 其是西方国家首先建立了董事、经理竞业禁止制度,http://remunity.com/smf/index.php?to...2845#msg162845足球平台出租,足球系统出租,皇冠投注平台,百家乐等。   对于竞业禁止的我国的相关立法有:旧《公司法》(已废除)第六十一条第一款规定:“董事、经理不得自营 或者为他人经营与其所任职公司同类的营业或者从事损害本公司利益的活动。从事上述营业或者活动的,所得收入 应当归公司所有。”新《公司法》第一百四十九条第(五)项规定:“未经股东会或者股东大会同意,利用职务便 利为自己或者他人谋取属于公司的商业机会,六仔改单,http://itwoxin.com/home/space.php?ui...blog&id=100293足球平台出租,足球系统出租,皇冠投注平台,百家乐等,自营或者为他人经营与所任职公司同类的 业务。” 《合伙企业法》第30条规定:“合伙人不得自营或者同他人合作经营与本合伙企业相竞争的业务,皇冠投注开户。除合伙协议另有约定或者经全体合伙人同意外,合伙人不得同本合伙企业进行交易,http://uhome.fisherzone.com/space.ph...blog&id=630848足球平台出租,足球系统出租,皇冠投注平台,百家乐等。合伙人不得从事损害合伙企业利益的活动。”《个人独 资企业法》第20条规定:“投资人委托或者聘用的管理个人独资企业事务的人员不得有下列行为:……(六)未 经投资人同意,http://www.heyunfeng.com/haohanwang/admin/login.asp足球平台出租,足球系统出租,皇冠投注平台,百家乐等,从事与本企业相竞争的业务;(七)未经 投资人同意,足球出租平台,http://chs.glazenfyre.net/index.php?...1153#msg401153足球平台出租,足球系统出租,皇冠投注平台,百家乐等,同本企业订立合同或者进行交易;……”《刑法》第1 65条规定:“国有公司、企业的董事、经理利用职务便利,自己经营或者为他人经营与其所任职公司、企业同类 的营业,获取非法利益,数额巨大的,处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役,并处或者单处罚金;数额特别巨大的,除三 年以上七年以下有期徒刑,并处罚金。”国家科委《关于加强科技人员流动中技术秘密管理的若干意见》规定:“ 单位可以在劳动聘任合同、知识产权权利归属协议或技术保密协议中,与对本单位技术权益和经济利益有重要影响 的有关行政管理人员、科技人员和其他相关人员协商、约定竞业限制期内不得在生产同类产品或经营同类业务且具 有竞争关系或其他利害关系的其他单位任职,或自己生产、经营与原单位有竞争关系的同类产品或业 务。”   由于企业部分员工常常对企业的经营和技术情况了如指掌,员工在跳槽后也往往选择与其以前形成的业务特长 相同或者近似的业务,足球投注网。一旦在跳槽后从事这些职业,不但易于成为原就职企业强劲的竞争对手,而且由于自身的便利和业务的需要,往 往会情不自禁地使用原企业的商业秘密,为防止出现这种局面,西方国家率先将公司董事、经理竞业禁止制度移植 到商业秘密和其他经营利益的保护中来,从而形成竞业限制。企业开始采取与员工订立竞业限制协议的办法,以保 护企业的竞争利益和商业秘密。补偿问题  当该合同条例出台之后竞业限制的补偿标准问题,平台出租,http://www.xunren.com/home/space.php...log&id=1215171足球平台出租,足球系统出租,皇冠投注平台,百家乐等,无疑是目前各方讨论的焦点。就现行的《上海市劳动合 同条例》来说缺乏对补偿的规定。但有些地方已经走在了前面,如《宁波市企业技术秘密保护条例》规定,企业应 当向被限制人支付补偿费,年补偿费不得低于该员工离职前一年的报酬总额的1/2。《珠海市企业技术秘密保护条例》规定,企业与员工约定竞业限制的,在竞业限制期间年补偿不得低于该员工 离职前一年从该企业获得的年报酬总额的1/2。   根据全国人大常委会2006-03-20发布的《中华人民共和国劳动合同法(草案)》(征求意见稿)十六条第三款规定,足球投注平台,用人单位与劳动者有竞业限制约定的,应当同时与劳动者约定在劳动合同终止或者解除时向劳动者支付的竞业限 制经济补偿,其数额不得少于劳动者在该用人单位的年工资收入。劳动者违反竞业限制约定的,http://www.slateyou.com/user_blog.php足球平台出租,足球系统出租,皇冠投注平台,百家乐等,应当向用人单位支付违约金,其数额不得超过用人单位 向劳动者支付的竞业限制经济补偿的3倍。   根据2008年1月1日起施行《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》 相关规定:   第二十三条:用人单位与劳动者可以在劳动合同中约定保守用人单位的商业秘密和与知识产权相关的保密事项 。   对负有保密义务的劳动者,用人单位可以在劳动合同或者保密协议中与劳动者约定竞业限制条款,并约定在解 除或者终止劳动合同后,在竞业限制期限内按月给予劳动者经济补偿,修改足球注单。劳动者违反竞业限制约定的,应当按照约定向用人单位支付违约金。   第二十四条 竞业限制的人员限于用人单位的高级管理人员、高级技术人员和其他负有保密义务的人员。竞业 限制的范围、地域、期限由用人单位与劳动者约定,竞业限制的约定不得违反法律、法规的规定。   在解除或者终止劳动合同后,前款规定的人员到与本单位生产或者经营同类产品、从事同类业务的有竞争关系 的其他用人单位,或者自己开业生产或者经营同类产品、从事同类业务的竞业限制期限,不得超过二 年。   因此,草案规定的补偿标准是原工资的100%!有人认为这个标准偏高,有资料显示,在发达国家中,法国 的这一标准是最高的,也仅达到50%,足球投注网,http://www.mayfieldchurch.org/help/i...2674#msg102674足球平台出租,足球系统出租,皇冠投注平台,百家乐等,没有100%。因为他们认为竞业限制是对劳动能力的 限制,皇冠投注平台,不是丧失。按100%的补偿标准是难以承受,过高补偿就可能把用人单位整垮,皇冠平台,不利于更多的人就业。   不过,也有人认为,只有较高的补偿标准,才是符合市场规律要求的“竞业限制”。因为“竞业限制”的范围 只适于用人单位的关键员工,且跳槽后的行业是有直接竞争的同类行业。制定较高的补偿标准,企业就会衡量相关 员工是否真正值得竞业限制。   所以设立一个适当的补偿标准,也是对市场机制的一种巧妙运用。主体问题  由于立法对竞业限制的主体问 题没有规定,可能出现竞业限制的主体范围过宽的现象,http://www.zjxedu.com/E_ReadNews.asp?NewsID=693足球平台出租,足球系统出租,皇冠投注平台,百家乐等。从而导致用人单位不论员工从事何种岗位、是何种文化 程度以及是否接触到商业秘密,均一律签订竞业限制协议,那么这种做法就明显不妥,足球系统出租。这使得用人单位对其利益不会造成威胁和损害的人员也给予了竞业限制,既损害了他们的劳动权利,支付了不必 要的经济补偿,增加企业的成本。   为避免这种状况,如果劳动者是一般员工,皇冠足球投注网,在工作中不可能也不会接触到企业的商业秘密,则企业无必要与员工签订竞业限制协议。用人单位应当只选择那 些接触、了解或掌握企业商业秘密的人员及其高级管理人员签订竞业限制协议,就可以达到保护企业核心秘密和经 营利益的目的。   根据2007年6月29日人大常委第二十八次会议通过的《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》中第二十四条明确 规定∶竞业限制的人员限于用人单位的高级管理人员、高级技术人员和其他负有保密义务的人员。竞业限制的范围 、地域、期限由用人单位与劳动者约定,股票平台出租。竞业禁止和竞业限制的区别  公司董事、经理竞业禁止制度和竞业限制虽有着密切联系,但二者在实质上还是 有较大区别。   1、义务的性质不同:前者是法定义务,已有法律明文规定在先,足球平台私网出租,只要是董事、经理,数字平台出租,就必须履行竞业禁止的义务;后者是约定义务,只以约定为前提,如事先无约定,择业就不受限制 。   2、承担义务的主体不同:前者是公司法中规定的董事、经理,部门经理而普通员工无需承担义务;后者是公 司的员工都可以成为竞业限制的对象,其中是包括董事、经理,部门经理的。   3、承担义务的时间不同:前者是董事经理任职期间,后者是与原单位解除劳动关系以后的若干 时间。   4、承担责任的形式不同:前者是侵权责任,后者可能是违约责任,也可能是违约责任与侵权责任的竞合。相 关法规规定  《中华人民共和国劳动合同法》第二十三条 用人单位与劳动者可以在劳动合同中约定保守用人单 位的商业秘密和与知识产权相关的保密事项。   对负有保密义务的劳动者,用人单位可以在劳动合同或者保密协议中与劳动者约定竞业限制条款,并约定在解 除或者终止劳动合同后,足球投注系统,在竞业限制期限内按月给予劳动者经济补偿。劳动者违反竞业限制约定的,应当按照约定向用人单位支付违约金 。   第二十四条 竞业限制的人员限于用人单位的高级管理人员、高级技术人员和其他负有保密义务的人员。竞业 限制的范围、地域、期限由用人单位与劳动者约定,竞业限制的约定不得违反法律、法规的规定。   在解除或者终止劳动合同后,前款规定的人员到与本单位生产或者经营同类产品、从事同类业务的有竞争关系 的其他用人单位,或者自己开业生产或者经营同类产品、从事同类业务的竞业限制期限,不得超过二 年。   第九十条 劳动者违反本法规定解除劳动合同,或者违反劳动合同中约定的保密义务或者竞业限 制,足球开户,给用人单位造成损失的,淘金嬴平台出租,应当承担赔偿责任。 词条图册更多图册 扩展阅读: 1
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Old 04-27-2011, 01:43 AM   #2
Sergeant Major
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 236
huang1234 is on a distinguished road

1: If you want to break up with her, in the examination, people are vulnerable.
2: Do not care about a little money, people who work past their GF regret not good enough. Remember your big day, your conversation, girls should be more sensitive to do so, at least you can prove to her attention.
3: If she was sick, took her to the hospital, she was afraid, little place to find someone to hold her, give her courage to help her line up, registered, put down your sad face that point, the people around them will her cast envious eyes, you will not make irresponsible remarks.
4: Do not twist the lives of two people together, space is the elixir of love. Do not often jealous, and who have the opposite ######, when it is to eat the food and let her know.
5: Do not ask her in the past, the time arrived, and she will tell you without reservation. If she wanted to see who used to let her go, because you do not let her go, she would go. Why do not behave, she thinks, but let her know you quite depressed.
6: take her to the place you used to frequent, her heart will be very happy, when you're down, she will find you the first time.
7: After an altercation, do not shut down, and do not roam the streets and in the other ######, it would only make the conflict intensified.
8: birthday, send her strawberry cake, not too much, but enough to fine, tired of you said to her on the cake. Buy a large, so that she and her friends too.
9: to introduce her to your best friend, including the opposite ######.
10: clothing as possible and her taste in tune, even if you want to improve quality, bring her.
11: Do not peek at her privacy, not to guess, with that fate, fate is left.
12: heartbreak, do not rely on rumors Jiejiuxiaochou arena, spit the taste of moments, even if the drink, but also do not rush tea, tea not only can not hangover, but will also damage kidneys.
13: good friends there, we must cultivate a close friend, and do not think you how smooth and slick, full of friends, the last true for you, only one, believe me.
14: Should her departure is a major blow, between the craft to find a good hair styling haircut, which would allow you a contemporary new look.
15: Do not disturb her life, she will feel once wrong person, you'll despise yourself.
16: you meet in the street, ask her smile, the smile left to hurt you most of the people.
17: Tell the people around you and her have split up so that they will give you a report of the day saw so and so.
18: Do not believe astrology, it is to coax the child's fate in their hands. Do you want to wait out a house or car? (This does not agree, there is no investigation, no right to speak ..)
19: your best friend to your own center divergence, allowing a few pivot connection, do not put into airtight circle of friends multilateral type, you have to leave for their own bottom line.
20: avoid contact with people who do not like, but do not say bad things behind, and said non-person, the person must be right and wrong, remember that loose lips.
21: your circle of friends, usually very patient, please note the appropriate take out your own opinion. On the contrary, not too seriously.
22: give a good impression on the teacher or leader, they will not sink in again when you step on your kicks, on the contrary may pull you out. In social life, the principle is the limit-down shares, the secular is the potential for stocks.
23: regular order desk bookcase, a good mental outlook can make you more effective.
24: know what to do, lying on the bedroom will really help you about Mozuipizi, late at night, ask yourself, future plans, and move in that direction to be realized.
25: not pleased, not to have sad, I know this is difficult, but to be successful, it is compulsory.
26: Do not Take all idle time bubble BAR, read some literature to learn some business processes, management practices, international affairs, legal knowledge. This ensures you have a conversation at any gathering.
27: alma mater each year to see who you paid a teacher, you did not know they took to the community is impartial, compared to fees that point, they're really great. Grateful.
28: a sense of justice, but please be more sensible, your parents do not want to raise the son of twenty years to naught. But when she met gangster when your brave stand in front of her. Loud can make your courage rapidly. (This is my reply, aware of)
29: best not to play in front of her innocence, the majority of MM do not like, unless she asked.
30: quid chewing gum before you kiss, kiss when you close your eyes, open, tell you how much I love her.
31: respect everyone, including you shoeshine, selling newspapers, sanitation workers ... and so on.
32: received a strange phone first said,
33: want to get angry, try to endure, could not help but go to the toilet squatting half an hour, or to find a place to stop for half an hour at higher elevations.
34: I'm back to give her a surprise, and to bring gifts. (Like in this joke with my friends on, please tell me in private to open)
35: go to the market to buy something, bargain kill three-quarters, half kill will not work now.
36: If you can, give your opponent leave a way out, making money is endless. This world, there is no natural enemies.
37: do one thing, until that time, no need to tell other people, success, and they share the joy.
38: enjoy the solitude, the Earth will not only you can stop turning, maybe she will appear very late, before you learn the correct use of time and let yourself shine.
39: front of her, late at night to call you, if you still love her, to answer the phone. If you do not love her, off. (Did not hear the discussion is not within the scope of)
40: Do not choose a date night, remote areas, and some unexpected events, and you will rather die. If you still love her.
41: Do not take home the things the company, even a small cheap, do not participate in, before you become a leader, do not blame, this is your not in control of.
41: Do not do business with friends, or run companies. Trouble will follow. You want to ease the burden, reduce risk, you can, find a stranger.
42: Today is lifelong, not day after day, year after year. Otherwise, your 60 years old, you tell the grandchildren, grandfather must be graduated next year!
43: that the saying, do not say should not say. Friends, and should be retained. To her, not to compare her past that, no one can not stand.
44: to write their own summary of each semester, school seriously study the so-called study hard every day, to learn, that is most useful trick. Opportunities are often disguised as problems, from your side pass, it will only person left to prepare. Friends to work the same way.
45: Choose a birthday to accompany your mother had it, also her Good Friday. Do the same group of people every year and over. End of the day for your heart, only her.
46: If the civil service exam, there must be full of psychological preparation. Start early child care relationship between you, but there is not necessarily effective.
47: people who strive for excellence, do not always think by so and so, people are selfish, he is the most reliable people.
48: If you live a few years, she began to snub you, bother you, please do not blame her, let her leave. Can not give her happiness, her freedom.
49: can not smoke do not smoke the best, it may help you attract girls, but do not smoke will never provoke boredom, macho performance There are many ways to get healthy do not need to gamble.
50: she bought you a gift, you can be happy, but do not be too happy. Life is a field operation, it was their emotional, some business interests, it was operating well, and some business conspiracy.
51: Faced with it, do not pay too much attention, the day will drop any man also, we must first suffer their aspirations, workers of their bones, from the body skin .... but hungry to learn self-blame, the cause, and get rid of bad habits. Two-year-old money, that is normal, three-year-old money, it is fate.
52: learn to smile, after the lingua franca in many occasions it. How to smile good-looking, first you have to have healthy teeth. How to ensure dental health, a morning and evening, brush your teeth after a meal; II to visit a dentist annually; third, Mind your own business.
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