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Old 05-04-2011, 06:52 AM   #1
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Default 中国老国防部长很猛 曾带3名兵士捉住700个俘虏_军事动

迟浩田上将当年的老班长、作家艾奇同志与迟浩田上将是生死之交,他们之间有着50多年的友谊,最近,艾奇同 抱负笔者讲述了对于迟浩田同志与他夫人姜青萍鲜为人知的故事.
我和迟浩田相识于战役年代,那时我们都是十多少岁的孩子,他被分配到我们班时,我合法班长.那年,他16, 我18.
转瞬间,半个多世纪过去了,很多事情都长远了,含混了,但我脑海中与迟浩田同志那段生死情义却非常清楚,好 像就产生在昨天一样.
迟浩田刚当兵时,并不在我们主力部队.他一当兵就先到了胶东军区招远独破营,先当兵士,后当文书,再往后, 他被选送进了胶东抗日军政大学学习.抗大还没毕业,他便被提前分配了,因为1945年小日本投降,我军筹备 受降,可蒋介石与小日本勾搭,不让我们受降,要与我们争取抗日果实.我们当然不干,结果前边一打,抗大的学 生便提前分了下来.迟浩田被分到济南第一团钢八连,当时叫十三团.这个部队是许世友引导的部队,是主力部队 ,用当初的话说,是正规军.迟浩田分到钢八连的直属班当战士,我正好在这个班当班长,他到我们班时才16岁 .我固然只比他大两岁,可也算是老大哥了.迟浩田最初给我的印象是很老实、很厚道.他一到班里就拉着我问: "班长,到咱十三团,应当留神什么事?"我说:"这个部队是一支豪杰的军队,一定要不怕逝世,敢打仗,否则 叫你在这个团站不住脚,否则你走人."他点了摇头,兴奋地说:"哎呀,我来这个团就是来打仗的,我不怕死. "
我们俩一起参加第一个战斗的时候,正遇上瓢泼大雨,那个雨大得呀,平川的雨水都到了膝盖,像是天上有人用洗 脸盆舀水往下倒一样,我们浑身浇得像水鸭子似的,子弹全体受潮了.我和迟浩田手牵着手,探索着走,真是同生 死、共患难.我心里想:我比他大两岁,又比他早来两年,我有维护他的义务.我们很快接到上级的命令,预备撤 出阵地.这时候敌人的子弹密集地打过来,"嗷嗷"叫着扑向我们,而且他们用的都是曳光弹,一路闪着光,很吓 人的.这种玩意别说迟浩田没见过,就是我也是第一次见到.我告诉迟浩田,"嗷嗷"叫的子弹你不要怕,"噗噗 "响的子弹要注意,因为这种子弹能打死人.我和迟浩田又是手牵手地撤出了阵地.
我不想到,50多年后,已是中心军委副主席兼国防部长的迟浩田居然还记得这件事,他竟当着一大群人的面,拉 着我的手说:"这是我的班长,我一当兵,就是他带着我打仗,告诉我哪种枪弹是打人的,哪种子弹是不打人的. "他这几句话,激动得我眼泪差点没流下来.他现在统帅着我军的千军万马,竟然还记着几十年前这么一 件小事.
一个月后,经由考验,我们营长看上了他,营长问我:"这个人能不能当文书?""能,当然能."我异常确定地 说.迟浩田战斗中表现无比好,这一点引人注目.他很快被调到三营机炮连当了文书.那时,文书相称于班级干部 ,尔后,迟浩田便开始了别人生的拼搏,班长、领导员、教诲员、团政治处主任......他一步一个足迹地走 ,一点背景也没有,出生清苦,是个货真价实的泥娃,他完整是凭着自己的才干、敬业精力和崇高人品走出的这条 路.
回忆那时我们在一起,生活很艰难,因为被子薄,睡觉时,经常是铺我的被子,盖他的被子;我抱着他的脚,他抱 着我的脚,相互取暖.我们从未叫过一声苦、喊过一声累,也没有一个逃兵.我们先后参加了孟良崮战役、济南战 役、淮海战争、渡江战役、上海战役......打上海时,他带一个战斗小组,边打边向敌人靠近,打到苏州河 北岸时,碰到了公民党的青年军,这些敌人十分固执,他们盘踞了一个大院、一座高楼,拼命地抵御.迟浩田一边 喊话让敌军投降,一边带三个战士包围从前,一下子抓了700多个俘虏.这次战斗,他立了大功.紧接着部队选 战斗英雄,迟浩田入选了,他成为正式命名的战斗英雄.
后来,ghd iron,我们又一起加入了抗美援朝战争.
我是在朝鲜战场上认识了我的终身伴侣,迟浩田是在我们的驻军医院100医院找到他的最爱,这一见倾心的初恋 ,陪同了他终身.
那是一个美丽、文静的女孩子,白白皙净的脸上,长着一双弯弯的笑眼,平时不笑时也给人甜甜的感到,一笑起来 更是非常难看.她叫姜青萍,江苏金台人,父母都是很一般的诚实人.姜青萍很朴素,对人十分热忱,大家都很爱 好她.战斗停止后,ghd styler iv,迟浩田的眼睛有点问题,便去100医院检讨,医生让他治疗一段时光,当时姜青萍正在这所病院担负护士工作 .在医治眼睛的进程中,迟浩田意识了姜青萍,他被姜青萍的漂亮仁慈跟温顺体贴深深吸引,静静地爱上了她.那 当前,从不爱去医院的迟浩田便开端频频往医院跑,名义上是去治眼睛,实际是去见姜青萍.那时,迟浩田是个2 0多岁的小伙子,人长得俊秀浑厚,又是战役好汉,很受女孩子们青眼,姜青萍也挺喜欢这个小伙子,只是她本性 忸怩,不擅长表白.迟浩田的眼睛治好了,他们俩也对上了眼,成为恋人.
迟浩田的婚礼很热闹,我们这些当年的战友都去了,闹洞房闹得不可开交,我把新居的门钥匙都拿走了,小两口晚 上吓得不敢睡觉,直到最后把大衣柜堵在房门口,才敢睡觉.大家从没有这么开心过,能从战场上活着回来,还能 结婚娶媳妇,真是连做梦都不敢想啊.迟浩田是我们的战友,也是我们的英雄,他的幸福与胜利使我们每一个人都 十分高兴,他的每一块喜糖都甜在我们的心里.
我的婚礼迟浩田未能参加,因当时他在苏州一个部队任团政治处主任,工作非常忙.我的婚礼是在南京举行的,办 得很简单,我们那个时期的人都不喜欢铺张.迟浩田得悉我要结婚了,写信来表现庆祝,还送来了礼物.我们结婚 后,他赶到南京我家,见到我和我爱人,我们高兴地说呀,谈呀,巴不得把几年没见面的话都说完.我们做了一顿 非常简单的饭菜,白米饭、炒豆荚,再加上一条清蒸红鲤鱼,christian louboutin slingbacks,这便是我们当时的宴席了.
迟浩田结婚不久,正赶上南京军区文艺调演,姜青萍跟着上演队到了南京,而迟浩田则到北京去参加"五一"观礼 运动.观礼毕,迟浩田从北京回到苏州,又追到南京来看姜青萍,因没有钱住旅馆,小两口就住到了我家的阁楼上 .阁楼破旧窄小,只有一扇窗子,连门都没有,刮风灌风,下雨漏雨,可小两口恩恩爱爱,一点牢骚都没有.那个 年代,我们的恋情都这么浑厚,只要两人相爱,物资前提差大家都不计较.
迟浩田与夫人姜青萍的情感非常深沉,armani glasses,他们从结婚到现在几十年的夫妻,很少吵架,很少红脸,总是互敬互爱,彼此忍让.记得迟浩田结婚后未几,我 去姑苏迟浩田家中看望,住在他家里.早饭是姜青萍给我们做的,香喷喷的大米粥,细细的咸菜丝,还有煮茶叶蛋 ,我们吃得特殊香.迟浩田边吃边冲我挤眼睛,他风趣地说:"老婆做的饭就是香."说完还向姜青萍做了个鬼脸 ,姜青萍瞪了他一眼,逗得我们哈哈大笑起来.
他们两人的工资,除了抚育儿女之外,还要供养白叟及赞助亲朋挚友,谁有难题向他们启齿,他们从不谢绝,即便 自己紧紧巴巴的,也勒紧裤腰带,但大方解囊.
在生涯上,他们夫妻一直是低尺度,吃、穿、住都十分节省,甚至还不如普通人家.他们很少买新衣服,姜青萍总 是拣女儿、儿媳妇淘汰的衣服穿;迟浩田除了必需穿西服的场所外,老是一身军装,冬天呢的,夏天布的.他说穿 军装习惯,不穿反而别扭.
1999年春节我去北京时,迟浩田夫妇来接待所看我,房子里有些热,迟浩田把军装脱了,我看到他里面穿了一 件式样很普通的棉布衬衫,就问他:"新买的?"迟浩田愉快地点拍板,自得地告知我:"这是夫人给新买的,十 分贵,100多元呢."姜青萍站在一旁说:"早就该买衬衣了,可他总说旧的还能穿,结果始终拖着没买,过节 了,我才给他买."我听了,不禁心头一热,社会上穿几百上千元名牌衬衣的大有人在,而身为国防部长的迟浩田 ,买一件100多元的衬衣都嫌贵,真是平民将军,本质不变啊.为了展现一下新衬衣,迟浩田衣着这件衬衣同我 一起合了影.
迟浩田当兵几十年,出生入死,更换过无数工作单位,搬过无数次家,姜青萍总是无怨无悔地随着他,只要来了命 令,她二话不说,整理货色、带上孩子,就跟迟浩田走.有时刚安宁下来,孩子们也都上了学,自己的工作也刚刚 熟习,就又要走,姜青萍也不埋怨.她从不在生活上给迟浩田添任何麻烦,家中的事件只有她能干的,从不找迟浩 田,甚至不让他知道.
不管迟浩田是当官还是普通一兵,无论他是顺境还是逆境,姜青萍都动摇地站在迟浩田的一边,在他最艰苦、最须 要赞助时,她总是他最刚强的后盾.姜青萍人格高尚,不嫌贫爱富,不摆贵夫人架子,乐于助人,喜欢和普通人交 友人.她以为自己就是个普通人,跟别人没什么两样.她今年已经60多岁,已从工作岗位上退了下来.退下来之 前是海军医院喷射科主任.她有50年的党龄、军龄,一直在基层干,勤勤奋恳工作几十年,做到退休也只是个科 主任,但她从没想过用迟浩田的关联去找官更大、工作更舒畅、钱更多的位子.她陪伴迟浩田出访,别人基本不知 道她是谁,她尽量防止上镜头.不论是对身边的公务人员,还是四周的共事,她都温言细语,从不大声申斥,待人 热情、坦诚.
1982年,我因"文革"中被错定为"现行反革命"的问题而去北京上访,住在总政西直门招待所.住下后,我 一边等候解决问题,一边到处打电话,寻找我的老战友迟浩田."文革"中,因为各种原因我和他失去了接洽,我 很想见他,想告诉他我还活着.当我终于找到他后,他立刻赶到西直门招待所来看我.一会晤,我们就牢牢地拥抱 在一起,眼泪一个劲儿地往外涌.坐牢、挨整、关疯人院时,我一滴眼泪都没有掉,可见到我在战场上同生死、共 患难的战友时,再也把持不住自己.我偷偷用手背擦掉眼泪,对迟浩田说:"咱们只谈友谊,不谈政治,我的问题 我自己解决."虽然他当时已是副总顾问长,但我不能给他出困难.他接我到他的办公室,中午又打电话给夫人姜 青萍,说老战友来了,让她过来吃饭.姜青萍接到电话,中午一放工就赶了过来,还在路上顺手买了几个小菜.我 们中午就在食堂买了两个菜,加上姜青萍捎来的小菜,共三四个菜,食堂打的饭,三个人围在一起,饭菜虽然十分 简略,可我们有说有笑,十离开心.办完事,我准备回南京,迟浩田因为公务在身不能来送我,便让姜青萍送我到 火车站.她再三说明迟浩田不能来送我的原因.我说:"我满足了,我没白来北京,我的战友还是以 前的战友."
迟浩田、姜青萍夫妇教育子女十分严厉,他们从不让孩子们有任何特别,从不为他们供给任何方便,总是教导他们 好好学习迷信文明常识,靠自己的本领老老实实工作.他们夫妇有一儿一女,都朴实敬业.
迟浩田的儿子在部队当了几年兵,办理复员时,部队中竟无一人晓得他是迟浩田的儿子.后来他通过自己的尽力考 上了军校,从新穿上军装,走进了军营,成为一名通讯兵军官.现在,他在某部通信兵站工作.
迟浩田的女儿当兵复员后,在一家工厂里当普通工人,后来也是通过自己的努力考上的大学,现在一家国营公司当 人员.他们的女婿、儿媳也都是个别的工作人员,住公众分配的房子,没有自己的私车.迟浩田夫妇走到哪儿也不 带儿女,迟浩田身边的工作职员许多都不认识他们的孩子.
这次我去北京,据说迟浩田是两家人合住一栋房子,我开始不信任,后来去看了一下,他确实同另外一位退下来的 副总长住在一栋房子里.他住楼上,那位副总长住楼下.说起这住房来还有一段故事.
开始,那位副总长请求住楼上,而让迟浩田住楼下,由于楼下比楼上面积大良多,出入也便利些.可迟浩田说什么 也不干,必定要让那位副总长住在楼下,本人住楼上.迟浩田跟夫人姜青萍磋商说:"副总长的年纪大了,他的孩 子也多,咱们能不能住楼上,让他住楼下?"姜青萍说:"屋子是国度调配给你的,我尊敬你的看法."迟浩田便 又去找那位副总长,发动他住楼下.那位副总长还是保持让迟浩田住楼下,自己住楼上.迟浩田没措施,与夫人姜 青萍一起找到屋宇治理局,说:"假如副总长不住楼下,咱们就搬走,不住这里了."成果,仍是那位副总长让了 步,住到了楼下,迟浩田住到了楼上.
楼上房子少,姜青萍就把一儿一女赶到各自的单位去住,只有孙子、外孙住在家里,迟浩田和姜青萍都喜欢孩子, 喜欢热烈.
迟浩田同道品德高贵,一身正气,两袖清风,心肠坦荡,浑身高低透着一股人格的力气,他被大家爱戴也是很天然 的事.
艾奇老人讲完迟浩田夫妇的故事时,眼中闪动着亮光.他慈爱的脸上一派宁静,那是阅历过很多,看到过很多,思 考过很多后凝固成的宁静,那不是我们这个年龄所能发生的安静.小茶几上摆放着一盘又大又红的苹果,我知道那 是迟浩田同志买来送给老人吃的,老人几回让我吃苹果,我毕竟没敢吃,我不愿损坏它的完善,更受用不起.那不 是几个普通的苹果,那是两位老战友长达半个世纪结下的金子般的友谊的象征.
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Old 05-04-2011, 07:38 AM   #2
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◇◇新语丝(http://www.xys.org)(xys4.dxiong.com)...◇◇ 255名美国科学院院士关于气候变化与科学完整性的公开信 载于《科学》2010年5月7日 (方舟子翻译)   最近一段时间以来对全体科学家、特别是气候科学家的政治攻击愈演愈烈,
常被称为“事实”。   例如,有确凿的科学证据表明我们的星球的年龄大约是45亿年(地球起源理
因此威胁着我们的社会和我们赖以生存的生态系统。   否定气候变化的人士最近对气候科学,以及更令人不安地,对气候科学家的
最近的这些事件丝毫没有改变有关气候变化的根本结论:   (1)由于大气层中温室气体浓度的增加,地球正在变暖。华盛顿一个多雪
的冬天并不能改变这个事实。   (2)在过去的一个世纪这些气体浓度的增加大多是由于人类活动引起的,
特别是由于燃烧化石燃料和砍伐森林。   (3)自然因素一直对地球气候变化有影响,但是在现在人类导致的变化影
响更大。   (4)地球变暖将会导致许多其他气候模式的变化,其变化速度在现代是前
增加正在让海洋变得更酸性。   (5)这些复杂的气候变化合在一起威胁着海岸社区和城市、食物和水供应、
海洋和淡水生态系统、森林、高山环境等等。   世界科学团体、国家科学院和个人能够说的和已经说的要多得多,但是以上
包括不受约束地燃烧化石燃料。   我们也呼吁,停止基于含沙射影和株连对我们的同事提出犯罪指控的麦卡锡
选择,cheap christian louboutin。 Science 7 May 2010:
Vol. 328. no. 5979, pp. 689 - 690
DOI: 10.1126/science.328.5979.689
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Climate Change and the Integrity of Science
We are deeply disturbed by the recent escalation of political assaults on scientists in general and on climate scientists in particular. All citizens should understand some basic scientific facts. There is always some uncertainty associated with scientific conclusions; science never absolutely proves anything. When someone says that society should wait until scientists are absolutely certain before taking any action, it is the same as saying society should never take action. For a problem as potentially catastrophic as climate change, taking no action poses a dangerous risk for our planet.
Scientific conclusions derive from an understanding of basic laws supported by laboratory experiments, observations of nature, and mathematical and computer modeling. Like all human beings, scientists make mistakes, but the scientific process is designed to find and correct them. This process is inherently adversarial―scientists build reputations and gain recognition not only for supporting conventional wisdom, but even more so for demonstrating that the scientific consensus is wrong and that there is a better explanation. That's what Galileo, Pasteur, Darwin,christian louboutin uk, and Einstein did. But when some conclusions have been thoroughly and deeply tested, questioned, and examined, they gain the status of "well-established theories" and are often spoken of as "facts." For instance, there is compelling scientific evidence that our planet is about 4.5 billion years old (the theory of the origin of Earth), that our universe was born from a single event about 14 billion years ago (the Big Bang theory), and that today's organisms evolved from ones living in the past (the theory of evolution). Even as these are overwhelmingly accepted by the scientific community, fame still awaits anyone who could show these theories to be wrong. Climate change now falls into this category: There is compelling, comprehensive, and consistent objective evidence that humans are changing the climate in ways that threaten our societies and the ecosystems on which we depend. Many recent assaults on climate science and, more disturbingly, on climate scientists by climate change deniers are typically driven by special interests or dogma, not by an honest effort to provide an alternative theory that credibly satisfies the evidence. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and other scientific assessments of climate change, which involve thousands of scientists producing massive and comprehensive reports, have, quite expectedly and normally, made some mistakes. When errors are pointed out, they are corrected. But there is nothing remotely identified in the recent events that changes the fundamental conclusions about climate change: (i) The planet is warming due to increased concentrations of heat-trapping gases in our atmosphere. A snowy winter in Washington does not alter this fact. (ii) Most of the increase in the concentration of these gases over the last century is due to human activities, especially the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation. (iii) Natural causes always play a role in changing Earth's climate, but are now being overwhelmed by human-induced changes. (iv) Warming the planet will cause many other climatic patterns to change at speeds unprecedented in modern times, including increasing rates of sea-level rise and alterations in the hydrologic cycle. Rising concentrations of carbon dioxide are making the oceans more acidic. (v) The combination of these complex climate changes threatens coastal communities and cities, our food and water supplies, marine and freshwater ecosystems, forests, high mountain environments, and far more. Much more can be, and has been, said by the world's scientific societies, national academies, and individuals, but these conclusions should be enough to indicate why scientists are concerned about what future generations will face from business-as-usual practices. We urge our policy-makers and the public to move forward immediately to address the causes of climate change, including the un restrained burning of fossil fuels. We also call for an end to McCarthy-like threats of criminal prosecution against our colleagues based on innuendo and guilt by association, the harassment of scientists by politicians seeking distractions to avoid taking action, and the outright lies being spread about them. Society has two choices: We can ignore the science and hide our heads in the sand and hope we are lucky, or we can act in the public interest to reduce the threat of global climate change quickly and substantively. The good news is that smart and effective actions are possible. But delay must not be an option. P. H. Gleick,* R. M. Adams, R. M. Amasino, E. Anders, D. J. Anderson, W. W. Anderson, L. E. Anselin, M. K. Arroyo, B. Asfaw, F. J. Ayala, A. Bax, A. J. Bebbington, G. Bell, M. V. L. Bennett, J. L. Bennetzen, M. R. Berenbaum, O. B. Berlin, P. J. Bjorkman, E. Blackburn, J. E. Blamont, M. R. Botchan, J. S. Boyer, E. A. Boyle, D. Branton, S. P. Briggs, W. R. Briggs, W. J. Brill, R. J. Britten, W. S. Broecker, J. H. Brown, P. O. Brown, A. T. Brunger, J. Cairns, Jr., D. E. Canfield, S. R. Carpenter, J. C. Carrington, A. R. Cashmore, J. C. Castilla, A. Cazenave, F. S. Chapin, III, A. J. Ciechanover, D. E. Clapham, W. C. Clark, R. N. Clayton, M. D. Coe, E. M. Conwell, E. B. Cowling, R. M Cowling, C. S. Cox, R. B. Croteau, D. M. Crothers, P. J. Crutzen, G. C. Daily, G. B. Dalrymple, J. L. Dangl, S. A. Darst, D. R. Davies, M. B. Davis, P. V. de Camilli, C. Dean, R. S. Defries, J. Deisenhofer, D. P. Delmer, E. F. Delong, D. J. Derosier, T. O. Diener, R. Dirzo, J. E. Dixon, M. J. Donoghue, R. F. Doolittle, T. Dunne, P. R. Ehrlich, S. N. Eisenstadt, T. Eisner, K. A. Emanuel, S. W. Englander, W. G. Ernst, P. G. Falkowski, G. Feher, J. A. Ferejohn, A. Fersht, E. H. Fischer, R. Fischer, K. V. Flannery, J. Frank, P. A. Frey,louboutin sale, I. Fridovich, C. Frieden, D. J. Futuyma, W. R. Gardner, C. J. R. Garrett, W. Gilbert, R. B. Goldberg, W. H. Goodenough, C. S. Goodman, M. Goodman, P. Greengard, S. Hake, G. Hammel, S. Hanson, S. C. Harrison, S. R. Hart, D. L. Hartl, R. Haselkorn, K. Hawkes, J. M. Hayes, B. Hille, T. H?kfelt, J. S. House, M. Hout, D. M. Hunten, I. A. Izquierdo, A. T. Jagendorf, D. H. Janzen, R. Jeanloz, C. S. Jencks, W. A. Jury, H. R. Kaback, T. Kailath, P. Kay, S. A. Kay, D. Kennedy, A. Kerr, R. C. Kessler, G. S. Khush, S. W. Kieffer, P. V. Kirch, K. Kirk, M. G. Kivelson, J. P. Klinman, A. Klug, L. Knopoff, H. Kornberg, J. E. Kutzbach, J. C. Lagarias, K. Lambeck, A. Landy, C. H. Langmuir, B. A. Larkins, X. T. Le Pichon, R. E. Lenski, E. B. Leopold, S. A. Levin, M. Levitt, G. E. Likens, J. Lippincott-Schwartz, L. Lorand, C. O. Lovejoy, M. Lynch, A. L. Mabogunje, T. F. Malone, S. Manabe, J. Marcus, D. S. Massey, J. C. McWilliams, E. Medina, H. J. Melosh, D. J. Meltzer, C. D. Michener, E. L. Miles, H. A. Mooney, P. B. Moore, F. M. M. Morel, E. S. Mosley-Thompson, B. Moss, W. H. Munk, N. Myers, G. B. Nair, J. Nathans, E. W. Nester, R. A. Nicoll, R. P. Novick, J. F. O'Connell, P. E. Olsen, N. D. Opdyke, G. F. Oster, E. Ostrom, N. R. Pace, R. T. Paine, R. D. Palmiter, J. Pedlosky, G. A. Petsko, G. H. Pettengill, S. G. Philander, D. R. Piperno, T. D. Pollard, P. B. Price, Jr., P. A. Reichard, B. F. Reskin, R. E. Ricklefs, R. L. Rivest, J. D. Roberts, A. K. Romney, M. G. Rossmann, D. W. Russell, W. J. Rutter, J. A. Sabloff, R. Z. Sagdeev, M. D. Sahlins, A. Salmond,christian louboutin sale, J. R. Sanes, R. Schekman,louboutin shoes, J. Schellnhuber, D. W. Schindler, J. Schmitt, S. H. Schneider, V. L. Schramm,christian louboutin pumps, R. R. Sederoff, C. J. Shatz, F. Sherman, R. L. Sidman, K. Sieh, E. L. Simons, B. H. Singer, M. F. Singer, B. Skyrms, N. H. Sleep, B. D. Smith, S. H. Snyder, R. R. Sokal, C. S. Spencer, T. A. Steitz, K. B. Strier, T. C. Südhof, S. S. Taylor, J. Terborgh, D. H. Thomas, L. G. Thompson, R. T. TJian, M. G. Turner, S. Uyeda, J. W. Valentine, J. S. Valentine, J. L. van Etten, K. E. van Holde, M. Vaughan, S. Verba, P. H. von Hippel, D. B. Wake, A. Walker, J. E. Walker, E. B. Watson, P. J. Watson, D. Weigel, S. R. Wessler, M. J. West-Eberhard, T. D. White, W. J. Wilson, R. V. Wolfenden, J. A. Wood, G. M. Woodwell, H. E. Wright, Jr., C. Wu, C. Wunsch, M. L. Zoback * To whom correspondence should be addressed. E-mail: petergleick@pacinst.org
1. The signatories are all members of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences but are not speaking on its behalf.
2. Signatory affiliations are available as supporting material at http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/conten...8/5979/689/DC1. (XYS20100509) ◇◇新语丝(http://www.xys.org)(xys4.dxiong.com)...◇◇
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Old 05-04-2011, 08:28 AM   #4
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325922 2010 年 05 月 17 日 21:32 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (1) Category: ˉ see world affairs

high-speed rail is a green transport

Q: What are the advantages of high speed rail?

A: High-speed rail as a modern society, a new mode of transport, with a very distinct advantage. Running speed, maximum speed of 350 km, called the terrestrial flight; in the transport capacity, a long train marshalling can carry more than 1,000 people every 3 minutes to open a train, a strong capacity; to adapt to natural environment, high-speed trains can run around the clock, independent of the impact of fog, rain and snow; the train line to take well adapted to the requirements of energy conservation.

master the high-speed rail system, complete technology

Q: world leader in high-speed railway in China, where the specific leader ? We introduced the process, and foreign companies have intellectual property disputes?

A: The rail system in accordance with the absorption and innovation, made a series of major technological innovations, the system master a set of design and construction, equipment manufacturing, train control,ugg, system integration, operations management in one complete set of high-speed rail technology with independent intellectual property rights and the formation of the advanced world level high-speed railway technology system.

originators of high-speed railway technology, Japan, Germany and France. Our technology than Japan, Germany, France and complex, higher than the original, Beijing, Tianjin, Wuhan-Guangzhou, Zhengzhou-Xi'an high-speed rail operating speed is 350 km. So far, China Railway did not have any intellectual property disputes, foreign companies, high-speed railway in China with independent intellectual property rights, our technology must be patents, patent standardization,UGG AUSTRALLIA, the standard international. So far, we have applied for 946 patents.

present, China is the world's most complete high-speed rail system technology, integrated the strongest, longest operating mileage, maximum speed, the largest country in the building. High-speed railway technology world moves to China by the European Conference, held in Beijing this year.

railway equipment exports more than 30 countries

Q: high-speed rail out

A: In recent years, China's railway modernization remarkable achievements, especially in high-speed rail development in the international community had an important impact, as China Railway extremely favorable conditions. Currently,ugg ムートンブーツ, we have with the United States, Russia, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela and other countries reached a cooperation will build high-speed rail, these countries want to participate in their high-speed rail construction of the cooperation,ugg ブーツ, some important progress has been made in cooperation projects; we have with Myanmar,UGG ブーツ 格安, Poland, India and Central Asia, some countries have reached consensus on cooperation in railway development, cooperation in railway construction in these countries, of which some cooperation projects are being accelerated. At present, the railway companies in overseas contract projects involving more than 50 countries and regions, the contract amount, 260 billion; railway equipment have been exported to Asia, Africa, Australia and America, more than 30 countries. This realization of

United States, Russia, Brazil, Saudi Arabia,UGG オーストラリア, Poland and other countries expressed a wish to participate in their country of China Railway High-speed rail projects of cooperation. Project Coordination Unit Ministry of Railways has sent to the U.S. study, organize relevant enterprises to actively participate in project bidding, and with the California High Speed Rail Authority signed a memorandum of cooperation. Last October, the Prime Minister in Russia during the 14th regular meeting, China's Ministry of Railways and the Russian Ministry of Transport and the Russian Railway AG signed a cooperation projects reached a consensus. According to Chinese Ministry of Railways is willing to mutual benefit, cooperation and win-win principle, its advanced and mature high-speed rail technology with other countries to share and promote the development of the world's high-speed railway.
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