Planning a birthday party for your son or daughter can be very exciting. It is a great way to explore your creative talent and enjoy the process. First of all, you need to pick a good theme which engages the attention of all kid's friends. There is no dearth of themes. Try the cowboy theme for you son's birthday party and watch every one talk about it for years to come.
Just because you can get the pants buttoned doesn't mean that they fit. You will only look like a sausage if you go out of the house.The Solution:
If you currently buy shirts that are very loose fitting, go down a size. You will be amazed at the amount of compliments you receive and inquiries asking if you have lost weight. With pants, make sure that you can get your fingers comfortably in between you and your waist band. This may require you to go up a size or even two. Have no fear, you aren't getting larger, you are now wearing pants that fit.Image Killer #3
Pleated/Cuffed Pants
Many men are guilty of these fashion no no's. Most men have a desire to look their best. If your best means you want to look heavier than you are then wear the pleats. But, if you want to appear slimmer and taller then it may be time to ditch the pleats. The goal is to create a nice straight line from the waist down to your shoes.
If the answer to these questions are yes, then more than likely the clothes in that store are not for you. Paying attention to these two simple rules will surely point you in the right direction.Image Killer #2
Ill Fitting Clothing
When I tell you that your clothes should fit you, most of you may be thinking "Duh". But, give me a chance to explain. A lot of men are wearing clothing that is too large for them or too small for them. A common misconception is that if you are a larger man you should buy larger shirts to minimize your weight. This couldn't be further from the truth. What happens is that in an attempt to camouflage your weight you only make yourself look heavier and larger than you are. On the flip side, some of you buy clothes that are smaller than you actually are.
Just before the day of the party you could make cut - outs for the badges and hats, so that the kids can make their own badges to wear on the day of the party. Keep some glue and glitter along with yellow badges. Brown paper bags can be used to make vests for the children to play. Kids love to take an active interest in the party and this is a great way to keep them involved.
As for the decorations, you need to get straw or hay bales to use as seats, cowboy six shooters
######## Versace Sunglasses Clearance, stirrups, wanted posters, lanterns, wagon wheels etc. You could check your local costume party shops or the internet for more ideas. Giving out party favors is another idea you could put into effect. Engrave the names of your guests on the sheriff badges and hand it out to the invitees when they arrive, to make them feel special. You could give away spurs which would be a great way to keep the memory of the birthday party alive.
You can begin by sending out invitations which give the invitees a clear idea of the theme. An invitation attached to the string or bowl of the cowboy hat would arouse everyone's desire to attend the party. The hat could be used even later. Similarly you could print or write invitations and send them on the bandana, which again comes in very handy during the hot summer months. You could buy or make canvas bags and print the invitation on one side. Then fill the bags with chocolate gold coins and pennies to give it the effect of a real cowboy bag, and send out the invites. You could make invitation cut out of cardboard in the shape of a cowboy hat or the sheriff's badge, stating the name of the party
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Having a few cowboy activities is what will make the party come alive. So fix a five or six feet pole securely into the ground and then fasten a steer skull on it or any other thing with horns to resemble a bull and a lariat for roping the bull. A horse shoe toss would work just as well. All you need is a stake fixed to the ground and a horse shoe to throw. There could be a barn dance just like in the good old days with barbecue, beans, salad, county stew and fried fish and chicken with ginger ale or wine to feed on.