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Old 05-11-2011, 04:29 AM   #1
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Default 愿颂赞归与咱们主耶稣基督的父神

  小时候常常撒谎、偷东西,又很俏皮,偷烟抽,混迹于电子游戏室,是学校里的老油条。每个礼拜都要请家长 ,常常被妈妈打。隔壁邻居好几回听到妈妈打完我后躲在厕所里抽咽(那时的厕所是一层楼十户人家共用的),所 以都知道我不是块轻易的料。
  我的记性向来不好使,童年于我像一部抽象的片花,大多是我捣鬼撒谎偷东西和被管教的一些场景,但其中一 段记忆令我毕生难忘。
  那年春节的凌晨,走亲戚,大人们在家里搓麻将,一伙小孩儿跑到长江边游玩。头些天刚下过雨,江岸处处是 淤泥。走到一处泥潭前,我们正迟疑是否要走过去,一个小妹妹当真地告诉我们:“电视里那些会轻功的人就是屏 住呼吸,然后就走从前了。”
  我信以为真,带头屏住呼吸,微微地一脚踩下去,就提不起来了,第二只脚进去帮忙,也陷了下去。双腿使劲 往外拔,却陷得更快,越拔越陷,越陷越拔,淤泥漫过膝盖和腰。一旁的小孩儿都紧张起来,那个小妹妹找来根比 挂面粗一点的树枝递给我,一扯就断了。表姐也过来伸手拉我,却被我拉进了泥潭,其他三四个孩子都来帮忙,都 一个个被扯了进去。
  我们声嘶力竭大喊救命,边哭边喊。正值春节,阴飕飕的冬日早晨,长江边上四处无人,只见芦苇茫茫,顺风 摇曳。当淤泥漫到胸口,我就更不敢四平八稳,愣着四处观望。
  远远的从芦苇丛里,一只渔船划了出来,泊岸;两个渔民下船,扔下几块木板,将我们拽出来,裤子和鞋都陷 在泥潭里,算了,顾不得,浑身是泥。终于仓惶奔驰回家,一群泥人令麻将桌上的大人们瞠目结舌。
  打那之后很长一段时间,提起这惊险一刻,大人时不时感慨说我是“大难不死,必有后福”。那是我头一回经 历快要死的触目惊心,也是最初开始思考有关死亡的事。而大人们说的不死之后必有的福气,又毕竟是什么呢?只 管大人们说那是一路顺风、大吉大利,但我潜意识里总觉得,不止这些吧?之后许多年,这个问题时不断浮上脑海 ,特殊是在那些困顿和不尽如意的日子里,white supra,在追问“福气为何”的迷惑中,越发猜忌那不过是一句自我抚慰的妄言。
  自幼爱好画画,那简直是我独一能得到他人夸奖的一面。在我的固执下,从高中开始走上了学习艺术之路,直 到2000年考大学,独自填报了云南的艺术学院,决意分开父母远离故乡,去到一座完全陌生的城 市。
  终于要走,隔着列车车窗,我瞥见妈妈兀立站台上掉泪,我却心里暗暗地高兴。列车驶出重庆,要了听啤酒喝 起来。固然那时感到啤酒是种十分难喝的东西。
  家庭经济并不丰裕,上学靠贷款,生活费家里支撑一局部,但更要靠自己打工,画一些行画便宜卖掉。学会了 和房主、包工头、小老板讨价还价、迁延和周旋,学会了在社会上混的一些语调与姿势。月底缴房租的时候常常苦 闷,自己出来混,才发现原来挣钱是那么艰苦。画画不外是廉价的劳能源,与小时候的喜好和幻想无关。有时径自 一人关在房间里吸烟,整包整包地抽,昏睡。
  第一次在家以外的地方过春节。年三十薄暮单独一人晃荡在铁路上,啃着头天剩下的又干又乏味的馒头和麻花 ,不肯回住处;回去看到隔壁街坊杀鸡吃鱼,太受刺激,就想起家里二十多年来丰富的年夜饭,原来是那么的奢靡 。
  但艺术常常给我生活的动力。刻画天然中的美和丰硕,还有创作中的愉悦,让我心中一切的痛苦都得以开释。 很长一段时间,艺术都是医治我的一方良药。
  越是经历痛苦,就越发生思惟,就想表白,一是画画,二是写信。常常在房子里写长长的信,与朋友探讨艺术 和生活的哲学。后来搬家,发现堆起来的函件竟有半个人那么高。记得在和表姐的一次通讯中,她说到来日会越来 越好,而我持反对看法,我认为明天不可知,甚至明天可能走向覆灭,我说这是尼采说的。她说尼采的理论很害人 ,纳粹就是从那里得到实践支持的,我说那不过是教科书上说的。那时我开端大批浏览后古代著述、哲学和小说, 人们越反对的我越要读,越艰涩的越要读,就像当年在火车上喝着酸涩的啤酒一样。
  我开始在同学间传布并遵守后现署理论中的根本价值,这是一种标榜先锋和特立独行的表示。我认为人生重在 过程体验,没有什么高贵的道德,也没有最终意思,更没什么威望,一切价值都要重估。我爱好上颠覆这个词,并 事必躬亲四处颠覆。有一次学院布告栏上贴着几幅学院老师的展览海报,题目或许是“完善的天空”之类。我极其 腻烦这种矫揉造作的唯美声调,随即伙同几个同学,复制了设计,把题目改为“完美的化粪池”,笼罩在原来的海 报上,并在海报旁贴上“此次海报事件由鸡弟组织负责”,这事引来学院师生一片哄笑。但这事刚在911之后, 校方很认真很严正,拍照取证访问考察这个莫须有的“鸡弟组织”,最后也不了了之。
  另一方面,我并不将本人表演为一个愤青或恶搞分子,我更偏向于尖刻的批驳。这是我懂得的艺术家的义务, 就是通过新鲜的艺术款式,tory burch handbags,将事实的虚假表皮层层剥离,直到将实在的原貌拱手献给众人。我在2003年实行了第一件行动艺术作品《意 外死亡现场》,我在公共场合忽然倒地,制作假死的场景,以此来测验大众的反映。麻痹和冷淡占了优势,也有人 驻足观看谈论,却不一个人来过问我或辅助我,冷得冷气逼人的社会现状成为我控告的证据—这不是我的作品,而 是你们的作品!
  在大学里我属于背面教材的典范,对绝大多数同学和老师都没什么情感,自己在社会上探索打拼,尝试独破谋 划前卫艺术展,与摇滚青年、诗人、艺术家接触良多。凑集在小屋里饮酒,念叨艺术,经常争辩得面红耳赤,也在 一起以荷尔蒙爆发的名义,玉成更大的野心。我如饥似渴地到处搜查前卫先锋的货色:暴力美学的电影、同道电影 和一些迷迷糊糊的艺术片,先锋戏剧,迷幻音乐、死亡金属和电子噪音;读尼采和波德莱尔,对波西米亚式的放浪 生活充满无穷憧憬,崇尚冒险主义的生活方式。2003年,我们一群年青人去到大理、丽江、虎跳峡徒步游走大 半个月,一路创作、吃喝,找神仙算命,在雪山伟大的瀑布下任融雪击打身材,也是第一次在冷峻挺立的大山中休 会到天地山川的宽阔与永恒感,人的微小与短暂。
  但就是在一群满怀理想、以鞭挞虚伪为己任的艺术家和诗人中,我却发现这个群体中隐藏着各种昏暗的故事: 有人抄袭撰改他人的作品和姓名,有人背离家人将身体交给娼妓和淫妇,有人成天义怒、心中没有安然,绅士也有 那么多见不得人的事……我们都在扯谎,有时彼此接应掩饰,有时却因为一个人控制了另一个人的机密,掐架,或 者颜面扫地当众下跪。
  我悟出一个道理:每个人生命中都有一个阴沟,一不当心我们那些见不得光的事就会被人发现,就要在阴沟里 翻船,哪怕我们正在驶向无限光亮的大海。哪怕许多人正爱慕我们落拓不羁的自由生活,我们的心却一点也不自在 。我们寄愿望于一次骇人的表演来取得媒体头版头条的报道,我们寄希望于有名艺术评论家来将我们书写进历史, 我们寄生机于作品被大鳄买下可以让我们脱贫致富,我们寄希望于艺术可以让我们得以从罪行与疼痛中被救命。我 们认为人们都需要信仰,而我们自己并不需要。我们认为艺术以外的人和事都是我们的阻碍,而其中最大的障碍, 就是家庭,没有人敢面对家庭,因为我们用了好多年才鼓起勇气从那里流亡,因为我们用了好多年,才学会流放自 己。
  但我活在一种恐怖中,不仅是惧怕事情败露之后他人的审讯,也有对将来不可知的担心,你无奈知道荣幸之神 是否有一天一定来敲门,我只能以特立独行的生活方式、自豪的面貌和对他人的尖利批评来掩盖我心坎的虚无与惊 骇,在艺术的考虑和创作中争夺灵魂与心的复苏。
  2004年初我开始了一个名为“只有见证,没有记录”的行为艺术规划,向公家宣布申明如下 :
  1、本人自2004年1月10日起至2008年北京奥运会正式举行之日,到任何地点都不得搭乘任何交通 工具(非机动车辆,灵活车辆,电梯,电动扶梯,索吊,飞机等),只能采用徒步。
  2、自己对上述行为作品进程不得以任何媒体方式进行记载(图片,录像,录音以及公然的文字 描述等)。
  人们非常不解,好像在看卡夫卡小说里的饥饿艺术家表演。有人认为我更像电影里执着的阿甘,认为我是从那 里得到的灵感。也有人以为我是要借着奥运会闻名。基于作品的第二点理由,走自己的路,让别人说去吧。基于作 品的标题,我要的只是“见证”,他们是友人和路人。
  三个月之后就完全适应了。每天上班从昆明西城走到东城,半途可能因为工作的缘故还要去其他地域,或者在 二十五层楼里爬上爬下。大多数时候我就一个人背着背包在城市里走,从天不亮到清晨人们都睡去,偶然会有朋友 陪伴,陪伴我最多的,是我的女友—今天的妻。
  最远的一次行走,是朋友约我去阳宗海度假村玩,他说开车一小时就到了,我没多想,以为走路也就半天工夫 。第二每天不亮,独自一人没带任何食品和水就上路了,上了路就不可能再回首,忍饥受饿穿过几个漫长漆黑的地 道,在追风逐电的高速路边胆大妄为地碎步快走,达到目标地,coachcheap,大概走了50多公里。随即吃饭洗澡睡觉,第二天凌晨又赶回来。持续两天在高速路上行走,回来时已跛得不像 样子,一些摩托车和轿车停下来要搭我,但被我谢绝了,到家后发现脚底磨破了,袜子和鞋都磨破了,被血粘在了 一起,脱不下来。
  我向自己发出的挑战是如此巨大,仅仅凭着刚强的意志力,我一直在坚持。我认为尼采所描述的超人是可能实 现的,我认为人靠自己可以做到自己所许诺的一切,而这个承诺长短功利性、非道德性、非目的性的,越是这样的 诺言,越能检修一个人的心能否真挚,身体是否与心一致。
  人不知鬼不觉中,也涉及到了终极问题的思考与体验。我开始琢磨,我是凭什么在深夜行走,实行我的诺言。 因为绝大多数时候,我身边并没有人来“见证”我的作品,许多陌生人并不认识我。我就产生了搭车的念头,但又 觉得不可以,一是出于艺术的斟酌,搭车的话这件作品就不完美了,虽然他人不知道,但我知道,我的良心不乐意 。二是,我冥冥中觉得天上有双眼睛望着我,他是谁我不知道,是星空、是老天爷、是上帝……反正我对他没什么 好感,我觉得他让我的生活素来都不是那么一路平安,我常常很背运,所以我要走下去,叫他看看我 毫不服输。
  但确实有两三次,深夜走在路上,并不赶时光,却静静地搭上一辆摩托车在城里转悠,像是从阴间回来的幽灵 对这个世界朝思暮想,更是对头上那片深奥的星空的好奇与试探。
  在夜里走得越久,就越留恋夜里的鬼魅,忘却了拂晓的存在。有一次深夜走在铁路上,一个朋友问我,会不会 哪天你走着走着,就直奔某座深山,进寺庙出家去了。我想了想,说有可能,来个薪尽火灭,更极致地实现这件行 为艺术作品,何必在都市的人行道上揪心煎熬。但这个可能性不大,因为我对佛教的消极世界观并不感兴致,我不 乐意一个事情不了了之。还好,这个动机也只是一抹晚霞消散在想像中。
  2004年底的一天,我和女友突然收到广州一对基督徒夫妇朋友汇来的五百元钱,他们说祷告中有感动,认 为我们需要用钱。我们完全不明确他们所说的那个需要,拿着从天而降的钱去犒劳自己一顿美食。
  一周以后的一个夜晚,我突然发动高烧来,恍恍惚惚保持走回家躺下,第二天清早去医院检讨,是肺炎。病情 紧迫,医院要求住院,且不能再有任何活动,从家里走到医院要一个多小时,也就是说我走路的筹划必需就此停止 ,要么要命、要么要艺术。我很理智,很快压服自己要命,我立即觉得我的那件作品在走了一年以后“已经饱和” 了,再走也是过剩。人在软弱的时候才发现自己原来不过是人。
  病院告知我全部医疗费用大略需要五千至六千元,这对刚毕业的我和仍在学校读书的女友来说是一笔宏大的用 度。女友多年前在广州信了主,在昆明教会认识一个阿姨是护士,恰好是她同窗的妈,就跟她挂电话问她怎么办。 阿姨让我们当天先输液,然后回家等新闻。她祷告后有激动,告诉我们她能够到药厂里找到药,而后来我们家给我 输液,她说她实在很怕去别人家里注射,由于这些药都很危险,一不警惕可能失事,但她说祈祷中有安全,有打动 要来我们家。于是接下来的两周她天天来到我们家,给我输液、做饭、传福音。
  但我对基督教的懂得已基础先入为主地接收了尼采等后现代办念的观点,我认为上帝已经死了,我的生命不需 要其他人或神来做主,我认为即使上帝、佛陀、观世音、大神小仙他们都存在,我信一个不信一个,老是吃亏的, 都信又显得虚伪,罗唆一个都不信一样也不缺。我也认为基督徒虽然都是些有善意的人,但常常不在意别人的感触 强迫灌注宗教信息,在别人需要独处沉着的时候,他们常常在耳边唠叨不停,他们总觉得一个悲伤或生病的人需要 他人的扶持才干重新站立起来。他们信任关系和温情,而我只相信自己的意志力。我对阿姨说:有信仰是好事,但 那是您自己的事,你要尊敬其他人的抉择。因而我对她传福音并不领情,好几次我跟她说:阿姨啊,您来打针是好 事儿,我挺感谢您,但福音就算了吧,您信您的,我信我的。让阿姨很为难。和我一起生病打针的还有我另外一位 同学,他性格平和,乐于助人,就每天听阿姨讲福音,讨论信仰,但时至本日,那位同学还没归信。
  半月当前,我们就痊愈了,就邀请阿姨出来吃饭报答。之后回家清算计帐,把所有的药费和请吃饭的费用合在 一起—刚好五百元!我登时吸了口寒气。开始重新揣摩,我冥冥中觉得在头上“见证”我走路的那片深邃的星空中 ,有一种力气,他居然可以干预我的生活和方案—虽然是帮忙的方式!
  这件行为艺术起初以“只有见证,没有记载”命名,是要成为我自己的见证,叫自己和世人见证一个人的信心 、勇气、意志力、自律能力,并决意与世俗世界分歧作的态度,是要推翻艺术与生活的界线,叫艺术可以成为一个 人的精力信仰,让自己成为艺术信仰里的清教徒。却不料,半路杀出来的疾病与神迹(我并不认为那只是偶合那么 简单),犹如一块绊脚石,叫我不得不面对来自外界的干预,叫一个行为艺术家的失败,成为新生命 的开端。
  不是因为一栋屋子彻底倒塌,所以需要树立新的家。仅仅是突然意识到,那赖以支持的脊柱,似乎并非坚不可 摧。
  但来自外界的干预如此巨大,如同正在黑暗中摸索爆破电线的人,被划破黑夜的闪电震惊,光明刺瞎了我的双 眼,叫那些我曾经自以为是的常识和信心,都骤然停顿,失灵。不是因为没有光照,而是那光太过扎眼,叫我什么 也看不见。
  怪不得,卡夫卡在笔记中写道:正道在一根绳索上,它不是紧绷在高处,而是贴近地面。原来,正道不是供人 行走的,而是叫人绊倒的。被正道绊倒,所以带着抵牾的情感,试图去了解更多有关绳子那头的事—上帝和他的国 。
  坐在一间五六百人的教堂里,全部起立敬拜唱诗,唯独我一人被钉死在座椅上,很缓和,咬死不起来。我心里 说,我不信你,为何要拜你呢?你若存在,就给我出来。
  我更厌恶从女友口里说出的有关上帝的话,尽是律法主义的恫吓,一谈到上帝,就是一场硝烟。再也不谈上帝 ,和平共处的敏感词。她只能默默地祷告。
  我深知自己对上帝的恶感,不是因为上帝自身,而是他的那些信徒。我深知要拔光自己世俗的外衣,让自己坦 荡地跪在上帝面前,这是如许难题的事件啊!我正在尽力。但我相信我离上帝不远了,为我祈祷的女友也闻声了如 此斩钉截铁的声音,然而这个不远的间隔兴许还需要一段时间,我不知道有多久,因为那取决于我彻底的谦卑和虔 诚。你知道,这很难。2005年7月26日在辩论上帝是否存在的时候,我发现其实正反双方都能失掉十分肯定 的一部分证据,但同时双方都还差一部门确据来证实上帝完完全全存在或者不存在。这之间保存了一片余地。这片 余地,是尚待双方考古证明、预留给人类来争取的?一个更主要的问题是,这片余地是留给感性的,仍是留给信心 的?我越来越倾向于后者。
  一位老师刚从法兰西回来,在火锅桌上高兴地描写那里正在上映的一部充斥暴力血腥跟争议的电影,叫我们必 定要找碟来看。那部片子就是梅尔吉普森执导的《耶稣受难记》。一个人坐在黝黑偌大的厂房里把这部血淋淋的电 影看完。要说,我看过的暴力血腥电影比这部过分的不在少数,比这部刺激的,也不在少数。但看完后我却像是被 从新放到一个生疏的地步,思维那位有才能干涉我行走打算的上帝,就是我一直在较真,始终在探寻的全能的上帝 。怎么可能是他—就是完整无辜地被钉死在十字架上的耶稣!而他宣称他所受的所有鞭打和刑罚,又是为了我!我 并不意识这个人,他为何要为我受苦?!就想起那位老师的怀疑,咱们这个民族持守“人不犯我,我不犯人,人若 犯我,我必犯人”的观点,而耶稣说“有人打你的右脸,连左脸也转过因由他打”,这又是什么歪情理?这须要怎 么的阔达?但又暗暗地清楚,前者是君子,后者是上帝。望着那个皮开肉绽的拿撒勒人,望着那个拿撒勒人被残暴 地钉逝世,一只被无辜宰杀的羔羊,我竟发明我不是在挑衅上帝,多少近于要去可怜他!
  石心要如何成为肉心?意志要如何被爱得着?看到一个人(不,是上帝)竟然无辜地为我死,为何要付这么大 的代价?我究竟是谁?
  在短短一周里,我揣了本《圣经》从创世记开始读,和认识的人讨论上帝的问题、人的罪,一边讨论一边声明 我不是基督徒。
  一个人不能占有两个信仰,discount jimmy choo shoes,不是轻这个就是重那个。总要找出二者的关系,dolce gabbana shoes,否则就象征着一种不忠。或者,二者择一。
  与一位英国弟兄探讨艺术与信奉问题,艺术家与先知职分的接洽。在那次交换中,我突然明白,艺术恍如黑暗 中的一束月光,旅程中充满冒险、刺激和不断定,而悬在头上的月光,可以赞助人在黑暗中探寻,帮助人在经由的 地方留下路标,让后来者可以追随前人的脚印前行,不至完全迷途。但月亮的光辉并不是来自它自己,而是来自更 遥远更宏大的太阳。他如斯描述信奉与艺术的关系:神学穿过艺术(Theology Through the Art。),犹如太阳光穿过月亮,给夜行者带来盼望。
  我所晓得的艺术,充满能力,其中满含着美善、单纯和真实,能治愈很多人心中的创伤,翻开人们丰盛的创造 力和想像力,在艺术中可以遇见另一个完满的世界。而这一切,本来都来自上帝的天性,他创世造人,也将发明力 和这些意念赏给了人类,放在人心。艺术家原来如先知,要唤起人们心中对美善和真谛的渴慕,要进入伤痛者,并 召唤人们对造物主隐微之言的倾听。
  重生得救的人仿佛刚出生的婴孩,不知该如何回应这个世界。新生命的种子刚埋下,尚未发芽,等候灌溉、培 养、开花成果。而艺术,就是从这个人簇新的生命经历和心灵深处流淌出来的结晶,是一个生命结出来的果子。那 么,一个被圣灵领导的生命要如何回应这个世界的周遭?一个被圣灵充满的生命要结出什么样的果子 呢?
  艺术不再成为一个人进入上帝国家的绊脚石,而是一种祝福,在圣灵的感动下吐露出来,明白这是上帝在母腹 中为我准备的,为要光荣他。凭着这个赏赐,让我可以更深刻地去认识我的创造主和他创造的一切。
  艺术激活了我的想像力,也激活了我的十架之路,让我留心天父在我身上的独特呼召。在群体生活中,以奇特 的艺术样式开展独处默想。在服事关心中,艺术的阅历叫我更深地体察人道,不容易给予伤痛者供给简略谜底,而 是操练自己以个性化、布满想像和对话的方法,进入上帝的话语、苦难的世界和别人的故事。
  曾经相信婚姻是恋情的宅兆,漫长的婚姻史必定随同一场永劫不复的折磨史,现在一个人的生命重生、艺术重 生,爱情婚姻也要重生。
  真正意义上的第一次祈祷,是和女友吵架,歇斯底里,谁也不服输。但我从慕道班上听来一个道理,就是人在 上帝面前谦卑,与上帝和好,人与人才可能和好。就拉着女友的手,跪在床上结结巴巴地说:天父啊,求你叫我谦 卑……话音刚落,泪如雨注,湿透了衣裳。从未如此放纵地呜咽,从未如此欢喜地哭泣,从未如此热乎乎地哭泣… …俨然一双巨大的手将我从浩瀚恐惧的碎石洪流中选拔出来,来到一片安静祥和的草原,太阳雨洒在脸颊上,有点 涩有点咸,雄狮和羊群在那里一起嬉戏玩耍,云朵和树木都在拍掌欢呼,它们都在欢乐、都在庆贺… …
  曾经拼命抓住的那个自我形象,还原了人的样子容貌。曾经拼命保持的浪子面具,卸下重任,还原了儿子的模 样。在天父上帝面前谦卑跪下,与他紧紧相拥,原来是一种彻彻底底的释放。感叹说,我在这世上与创造天地万物 的主,原来有如此甘甜的关系,我在这世上,原来还有一个家在接待我。这个家让我这个时代的独生子,融入到古 往今来的弟兄姐妹之中,有一个接收、倾听、彼此激励和造就的团契生命。让一个衣锦还乡的浪子,可以重新回到 人前,与父母和好,与伴侣和好,与弟兄姐妹和好,与邻舍和好。并违心遵守耶稣的教诲,在基督里建立家室,将 地上的家当做服事的地方,将地上的家当做殷勤招待和相爱的地方,将地上的家作为饶恕的器皿,将地上的家当做 敬拜天父上帝的圣所,为基督做美妙的见证。
  圣灵匆匆唱工,让我看见了家是备受祝愿的处所,治疗了我多少年来对家的胆怯感与拒斥感,并将人与人、人 与世界的秩序启发给我们:首先是我们与上帝的关系,其次是家庭夫妻的关联,再次是人与其余人的关系、事业等 等。当我们把任何事物放在性命的第一位—上帝的地位上,或者倒置凌乱其中的秩序,终极的终局,就是粉碎不堪 的家庭生涯,以及流离失所的灵魂与肉身。
  那时没有“裸婚”(指没有任何物资请求,无车无房的婚姻—编者)一说。凭着信心,我们结婚,凭着信念, 我们未然领有两个女儿。在婚姻上所领受的,是从天父而来的丰盛有余的恩惠。这样的开始成为这个家庭敬拜上帝 的路标,每一次经历苦楚、缺少、疏离和小信,我们都仰望他;每一次蒙恩,我们都感激他!家庭生活里的每一次 转折与考验,都蒙天父的巧妙率领。在数不尽的神迹奇事与祝福中,信心渐长,学会在一切事上倚靠仰望我们天上 的阿爸父,学会将祝福传递给更多的人。
  80后的一代,这个时期的独生子,毕生的害怕、苦毒和恼恨,都来自他人,都报复于他人。曾经把家和群体 当作背离的地方,要从那里决绝地腾飞,飞翔到一个不受任何拘谨的地方。在疏离家庭、群体之后,四处闯荡,建 造自我核心的巴别塔,为要填满心中一个充实的地方,为要亲身查究运气中失踪的“福分”,为要亲手牢牢捉住可 以抓住的一切。
  常听人说我们这代人生不逢时。从诞生到受教导,从找工作到结婚,从买房到养育后辈到供养白叟,我们活在 一个代价极高、处处充满神话却处处暗藏谣言的时代,所有背运的头班车都与我们擦肩而过,所有发迹的末班车都 在我们赶到时扬长而去。
  阳光吞噬着马路上的暗影,每天都没有什么新颖事产生,行人促,忙于奔走,忙于解决相继而至的困难。看上 去每个困难都可以靠一次花费行为来解决,但人们仍然过着超负荷的日子,每时每刻都充满着不安与焦躁,以一种 赌博的心态在等候生命的盼望。
  但我却看到有另一种从天上而来的希望,赐出人意外的平安,这平安不是没有波涛和代价的日子,而是上帝的 圣灵将平安置在我们心里。在艰巨与磨难中,这样的平安与渴望才培养倍加可贵的信心,信仰的真实 与确据。
  信仰并不是为了拥有一无所忧的心情和舒服的生活品德,可能偏偏相反,十字架的信仰叫我们去面对人的罪与 苦难,在苦难中陪同伤痛者,在苦难中看见受苦的基督,在脆弱与苦难中仰望奇怪恩典,而这恩典,是为每代人、 每个人而预备的。在人那里被称为背运的一代人,在上帝那里,要成为蒙福的一代人。 当我回想自己的童年,回顾无数次本来要死去,无数次落在危机之中,无数次陷在罪恶之中,却仍然存活下来的来 由,我就觉得深深的慰藉。因为我被一双无形的手托住,没有沉溺到底,没有被洪流吞没,为要看见天父在家门口 苦苦等待我许多年,等候我回家去,要祝福我,叫我的生命还底本来的自由与尊贵。这自由不是我自己成为了自己 的上帝,任意妄为,却是在天父的爱里并耶稣基督的宝血里面,得享阔别罪恶和死亡的生命,得享爱与被爱的生命 。这尊贵不是我拥有多少可以夸耀的工业、势力和位置,乃是受造之初上帝赐赉我的,叫我比天使渺小一点,拥有 尊贵荣耀为冠冕的生命。他叫我的生命,不再活得跟虫正常,不再活得跟狼个别,不再活得跟木头普通。为这缘故 ,我愿像上帝忠心的佣人大卫一样的祷告说:我终生一世必有恩情慈祥跟着我,我且要住在耶和华的殿中,直到永 远(诗23:6)。阿们!
  撒把盐 中国大陆基督徒,艺术家。
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Old 05-11-2011, 04:54 AM   #2
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22127543 2009 年 03 月 17 日 23:45 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (11) Category: Personal Diary

I rarely work in the space to mention things, but today is a special day, so the record the following text, I would like this document to our youth, friends, please Bearing in mind that their most precious memories. -
- ; ; ; ; ; - Inscription


2008 年 3 17, is a memorable day of his life. That day, with fear and curiosity, courage and vision began first job in life, Emeishan Lu, Samantabhadra foot, in my opinion, is a very auspicious fate, and pay attention to the place. This is perhaps the edge, people feel fear, but also feel sad. -
- Memorial - one is the first step
Many companies do not want to use the graduates, because they do not by things, they are things by the book, I used to think that is wrong, this way, we Biequ argument. However, when I come into contact with some of the graduates do things by the book, as if we see the shadow of last year. -

we were good, how hard to break into this five-star hotel, it is a vision, then the effort to adapt, to smile for everyone. I remember the first day on the job last year and I am wondering about the small distortion to 6 to get up, wash make-up will be spent a lot of time, and does not know where the car, insurance purposes can only point out in advance. We are basically satisfied with the dress, the result has been not sure where the car, and had to play on the hotel, panic, finally found their positions. One day back to sitting together talking about today, something strange experience. -

we do not know how people and social interaction, so be friendly to others as much as possible, as much as possible to their own people to do everything. We face a baffling chapter uncommon fax did not know came from the English, really a headache, but his teeth obstinately to translate, but also somewhat conservative to say that this is the translation of our own, not necessarily accurate ... -
really make every effort to ah. -
, of course, but also because of their things by the book, I have offended a lot of work friends. If you are like this, it always starts so do not go well, but, no matter where, there must be a beginning of the process,tory burch 2011, they want to unwittingly offend some people, it is not easy to know what lakes mix, let alone I think I have been just the edge of the arena, do not even really into the political arena. -
not so many rules, some rules are not dead, there has been the policy response, we do not necessarily toe the line or policy work, but we can not understand the rules or policies. We do to make people think it is the outlaw or policy work, but in fact, many of these high-sounding pretext they are. -

saying last summer, I kind of timid to ask a colleague to go out in the end how to talk with people, and then she put it mildly at least not like me wearing a plain white dress, the hair also So wearing a black rubber band, whether loaded or pure true pure, others are not called to give you confidence to do things. I blushed at that time. -
once went to visit the head of marketing, publicity head office colleagues, the man puffed, separated by a laptop between us, I giggle with cotton with others, the results do not eat people This set, I asked the question, people let me completely unable to speak a word, shook his hand and then looked at the computer said: do not panic,tory burch on sale, I finished this first emergency. I am very depressed, and finally had to leave nothing to the downstairs, it was already noon, I do not know where to go, do not know what to eat, only tears splashed to the whereabouts. Do not rub, anyway, no one knows me. Think about how such a difficulty, along with others, I am sincerely ah (later I learned that interaction would have been very difficult to keep up appearances)! A telephone call to his aging mother, his aging mother surprised me how to Chengdu, I said, Mom, I'm home for dinner later. She said yes,tory burch boots, then you come back. Busy looking out the window all the way, I feel awful. Go home and still grinning, and said that I return to Chengdu on a business trip to come back to eat a meal in the afternoon but also out of it. -
harvest Souvenirs: Bowl + Chopsticks -
my birthday, and only the father and mother and former boyfriend gave me a telephone call and sent a text message greetings, a person, still feel very sad. I would like, then how should its been ah, interesting idea so I chose to go to the supermarket a beautiful bowl and a pair of beautiful chopsticks, as my birthday gift. Know what this means? -
first year of my work, I try to fight for at least support themselves, buy this rice bowl is like their own from now on are so independent care of yourself. Now I use it every day to eat, and once when Dafan almost wrestling, holding the bowl, and my heart thump thump of the dance. -
- Memorial II - home of my heart Harbour
went to school, go back 2 months, or even earlier time, one year see the father and mother 2 times. I think there is father and mother's place, the place is successful, they are not, I do not want to return to the empty dusty home. -

which know, really work, and only really began to love home. Month, did not return, they will give me one of them to call, ask the situation, talk about the situation, asking the girl to beat around the bush when the home. I know they want me. To her daughter on the side, but her daughter grow up, need to find their own food, can not be her tie him down. -
this time, regardless of my hand tighter, as long as one has time to go back. No appointments, no activities to home, move along quietly. Take the time, dare not look back, because there is always one step out the door to burst into tears. -
I thought I was strong and very independent. -
his aging mother to always get me back to a home takes to calculate how much money, I asked her, when you told me to go Qinghai, come and airline tickets, 30 dollars every night accommodation fee, plus all day to eat fruit, clothes and taken out to play, more than a month, you calculated how much money? She did not remember the. -
Yes, it can not remember. -
Each time, my mother asked me: come back. I know, I was time to go back and look. -
to her tea, drink every day, buy her a sweater, wear immediately, Dad is more fun in the sun wearing a large belly bulging with pride, to his brother (my uncle) said, this is my girl bought me a house, nice not? -
only family is not asking for anything wholeheartedly in love with myself, when I got the other half of the time, when we have family time between, I think, we have a share this life foundation. -
harvest Souvenirs: Understanding + trust -
my father learned to hang QQ, and this is my uncle's credit. My father and mother to stop saying then obtain the radio and host professional, do not let me learn zither, and now my heart still some blame. But after all, is back,tory burch flats, to when I do not want to mention, one day, my father's point of muddle into my room and saw my words and photos. That night he was drunk, called me and said, girl, see your articles and photos, you still blame me for is not it? Okay, now I feel very proud dad,tory burch reva, my daughter grow so big, they know to arrange their own thing. . . -
hey, brush my tears to flow, ah, but stubbornly would not let him hear it. . . -
- Memorial of the three - to find a truly their own thing

I think a lot of things in this world are changeable, in my eyes, see through all of the inconstancy of human relationships. I always love to, even the weather was good yesterday, why is it raining today, I will think about these issues. Albeit unnecessary. I think I'm still a little emotional, how this may not be a good thing, so many things that can not see through, so with their own emotions. -
began to understand what I can get what they can grasp what is, and always something of their own. -
If the world had peace, I think my piano is always belong to me, my skills will never belong to me, even if the piano one day I was force majeure destroyed, but my mind there is melody, and I personally fiddle with the screen, water will not afford to, not fire. I have been so hard to learn, at 500 dollars to go home, back to Emei to pay tuition out of 200 and also bought a metronome, I found that I really can not do without my piano out. -

she really touched me, her voice is the spiritual memory leaves Zhiqiu of the most perfect interpretation of the words. Ya I do not expect to encounter as a bosom friend, but at least I'll try to do my piano aficionados, she is my soul mate. The year before the first performance, I believe, after learning the zither know that nothing is impossible. -
harvest Souvenirs: small window + to -
I collected a lot of information on the zither, comprehensive comparison hesitation, finally in January 10, 2009 to buy a piano of their own, that is what kind of excitement ah! I drew it, ###### with ###### with a fifth floor to climb, a break of two, open the package, the first tone played scratch readily, transparent bright! I was very happy! Named it the little window, give it to buy scarves cover gray, giving it to buy red Chinese knot hanging on a string at the end, the United States and the United States Shunliu Chinese red nylon steel strings, very beautiful! -
over the years, took a year-end awards, the school year the money back to the Kenny Zheng, clutched red in the bank notes, looking at the machine to transfer the success step by step, I soul mate. Finally, I started the first step in self-reliance. -
look at the time, must have relief and soft, in any case, I tried. -
- Memorial of the four - self-confidence, improve and happy
I want to go every step of life to look back a look that often , how come this way, and look now like this is how the evolution of. See their progress, little by little, walking is actually stumbled constantly improve themselves. To find some time to complete their transformation, this is my idea at the time, but now think it is really people beyond Behind the small to much of my own benchmarks to see, or sense of achievement. -

Sometimes I think to do something good, but always hesitate to continue, as I write, try to give it a go it? One interpretation is that 隔行如隔山 is simply extremely contradictory. I think this is my bones cautious conservative causes. Each had done a seemingly impossible or very difficult thing, turn around and discovered that, in fact, the original seems not so difficult, only done only after the truth. That did not do before, is hesitant, is cautious. Can not stand. -
so strange they want too much, I give my father and mother told me this, I think it before I'm not that serious. Dad said, the girl can think is the inherited advantages of dad, but not too much. His aging mother also taught that, in any case, just want her happy, regardless of the greatest difficulty, do not her daughter is not happy, the other, not worth mentioning. -
I am very touched. -
mirror my own, in fact, small eyes and smile that point, still in very good to see the (narcissistic in ...)。 So like always smile. For the people who make me laugh I have bestowed, Oh, we waited a long time busy, not all want their happiness and those around it? (I think at least make yourself laugh first) -
harvest Souvenirs: Narcissism + Smile -
gradually formed its own view: drink plenty of water, more laughter. -

drink plenty of water to make a better physical state. Detoxifies the most natural method, because the woman is made of water. -
to laugh, to make a better psychological state. Good mood, smiling, people of spirit. -
When I compare these two states are good times, often been considered in love ...... -
This at least shows a problem: I laugh really good ...... haha ...... narcissistic ...... -
used to spend some time in the mirror, of course, I know that many people have this habit, the statement: This is a good habit, at least you'll always find yourself the place does not look good. -
to fool himself that day by day, the idea is silly fun. -
Postscript: -
after this time-consuming for several days, has finally successfully concluded as, defined as the language simple type, the individual feels a bit more winded. -
recent work is not very liking, often make mistakes, not the state. Feeling tired, want to go out get some fresh air, think too much and shoulder pain. Occasionally, a smile, but it seems once again Nothing Wuyou Temple took the kind of pleasant smell of the. This is the result of my lazy, do not get organized their own feelings, their happiness do not find something better. Just keep busy and blame. -
looked round, the whole year, and I do not want to work for a year before young age to end up tired, in fact, will not have to, so search for a year's experience,tory burch shoes, is finally written down, with a famous song Canon, with chasing the footprints of The Sound of Music. -
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