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Old 05-24-2011, 08:50 AM   #1
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Default 论语摘录

  有子曰:“其为人也孝弟,而好犯上者,鲜矣;不好犯上,而好作乱者,未之有也。君子务本,本立而道生。 孝弟也者,其为仁之本与!”
  子夏曰:“贤贤易色,ghd iv styler pink,事父母能竭其力,discount dolce gabbana,事君能致其身,与朋友交言而有信。虽曰未学,吾必谓之学矣。”(贤贤易色:尊重贤者,注重品格而不重视面 貌)
  有子曰:“礼之用,和为贵。先王之道,斯为美,可大可小。有所不行,知和而和,不以礼仪之,亦不可行也 。”(知和而跟:知道要和谐,就去求协调)
  子曰:“不患人之不己知,患不知人也,polo shirts long sleeve。”
  子曰:“吾十有五而志于学,三十而破,四十而不惑,五十而知天命,六十而耳顺,七十而从心所欲,不逾矩 。”
  子曰:“视其所以,观其所由,察其所安。人焉瘦哉?人焉瘦哉?”(视其所以,观其所由,察其所安。人焉 瘦哉?:察看他做的是什么,再细看他从什么道路去做,再考核他这样做的心理念头。那么,这个人怎么暗藏得住 呢?)
  子曰:“学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆”(罔:糊涂 殆:怀疑不解)
  子张学干禄。子曰:“多闻阙疑,慎言其余,则寡尤;多见阙殆,慎行其余,则寡悔。言寡尤,行寡悔,禄在 其中矣。”(多闻:多听 多见:多看 阙疑:有疑难的地方先予以保存 阙殆:有疑问的处所先予以保留)
  哀公问曰:“作甚则民服?” 孔子对曰:“举直错诸枉,则民服;举枉错诸直,则民不服。”(举直错诸枉:把正派的人提携出来,居于邪恶的 人之上)
  定公问:“君使臣,臣事君,如之何?” 孔子对曰:“君使臣以礼,臣事君以忠。”
  子曰:“不仁者不可以久处约,不可以优点乐。仁者安仁,知者利仁。”(处约:处于贫困之中 处乐:处于安泰之中 )
  子曰:“富与贵,是人之所欲也,不以其道得之,不处也;贫与贱,是人之所恶也,不以其道得之,不去也。 君子去仁,恶乎成名?君子无终食之间违仁,造次必于是,颠沛必于是。”(不处也:君子不会接收 不去也:君子不会回避 君子去仁,恶乎成名?君子无终食之间违仁,造次必于是,颠沛必于是:君子假如摈弃了仁,又怎么能成绩名声呢 ?君子不会有哪怕一顿饭的时光分开仁,即便在匆促匆仓促之时也必定与仁同在,即使在流离失所之时也一定与仁 同在。)
  子曰:“人之过也,各于其党。观过,斯知仁矣。”( 党:类型 )
  子曰:“不患无位,患所以立。不患莫己知,求为可知也。”(不担忧没有官位,只担心没有任职的本事,不 担心没有人懂得自己,只寻求可被别人了解的实在学识。)
  子曰:“君子喻于义,君子喻于利。”( 喻:清楚 )
  子曰:“君子欲讷于言而敏于行。”( 君子在谈话上要谨严敏感,在举动上要迅速勤恳。)
  子曰:“质胜文则野,文胜质则史。彬彬有礼,而后君子。”(质胜文则野,文胜质则史:浮华赛过了文采就 显得粗鄙,文采赛过了纯朴就显得虚浮。 )
  子曰:“知者乐水,仁者乐山。知者动,仁者静。知者乐,仁者寿。”(智者爱好流动的水,仁者喜爱慎重的 山。智者喜欢动,仁者爱好静。智者快活,仁者长命。)
  子曰:“君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚。” ( 君子襟怀平坦宽阔,小人常常忧虑胆怯)
  子曰:“恭而无礼则劳,慎而无礼则葸,勇而无礼则乱,直而无礼则绞”(只知道表面恭谦而并非真正懂得礼 ,就会发愁不安;只知道谨言慎行而并非真正懂得礼,就会畏葸不前,只晓得胆大敢为而并非真正理解礼,就会违 背作乱;只知道心口如一而并非真正懂得礼,就会尖刻伤人。)
  曾子曰:“士不能够不弘毅,任重而道远。仁认为己任,不亦重乎?逝世而后已,不亦远乎?”(士不能不抱 负弘远、意志刚毅,因为他使命重大,路程遥远。以履行仁德为本人的使命,不是很重大吗?到死才干罢休,行程 不是很遥远吗? )
  子绝四:勿意,勿必,勿固,勿我。( 孔子相对不犯四种弊病,做到:不凭空臆测,不绝对确定,不执拗己见,不主观果断。)
  子张问善人之道。子曰:“不践迹,亦不入于室 。”( 善人不必猜着前人的足迹走,不外他的修养也不能到达最高的境界。)
  子曰:“为仁由己,而由人乎哉?”( 修养仁德全靠自己,哪能靠别人呢?)
  仲弓问仁。子曰:“出门如见大宾,使民如承大祭。己所不欲,勿施于人。在邦无怨,在家无怨 。”
  子夏曰:“君子敬而无失,与人恭而有礼,四海之内,皆兄弟也。”( 君子敬而无失,与人恭而有礼:君子只有做到严正当真,不差错,看待别人谦和而有礼,那么,天下的人都是你的 兄弟。)
  曾子曰:“君子以文会友,以友辅仁。”( 君子用文章知识来交朋友,用朋友来辅助自己提高仁德的涵养。)
  子曰:“君子与其所不知,盖阙如也。名不正则言不顺,言不顺则事不成,事不成则礼乐不兴,礼乐不兴则刑 罚不中,刑罚不中则民无所措手足。故君子名之必可言也,言之必可行也”(君子与其所不知,盖阙如也:君子对 其所不知道的事件,个别采用存而不管的态度。)
  子曰:“君子和而不同,小人同而不和。”( 君子通过发表不同的看法来与人交换达到同一,却不苟同;小人只是苟同,却不肯发表自己的意见。 )
  子曰:“有德者必有言,有言者不用有德,www.mbt。仁者必有勇,勇者不必有仁。”(不必:不必定 )
  子曰:“古之学者为己,今之学者为人。”( 以前从事学习的人为的是进步自己的学识素养,当初从事学习的人为的是向别人夸耀自己的才学。)
  曾子曰:“君子思不出其位。”( 君子斟酌问题不越出自己的职权范畴。)
  子曰:“君子耻其言而过其行。”( 君子以说的到而做不到为耻。)
  子曰:“不患人之不己知,患其不能也。”( 患其不能也:应当忧愁自己没有才能。)
  子曰:“君子义以为质,礼以行之,孙以出之,信以成之。君子哉!”(君子依照义来涵养自己的品德,按照 礼来行事,用谦虚的态度讲话,用老实的立场去的胜利。这才是真君子啊! )
  子曰:“君子疾没世而名不称焉。”( 君子唯恐死了而没著名声传播后代。)
  子曰:“正人不以言举人,不以人废言。”( 君子不会由于一个人话说得好听就选拔他,也不会因为他不是好人就否认他说的话。)
  子曰:“巧言乱德;小不忍则乱大谋。”( 巧言乱德:甜言蜜语会破坏道德。)
  子曰:“过而不改,是谓过矣。”( 有过错而不纠正,这就真叫错误了。)
  子曰:“当仁,不让于师。”( 当面对实际仁德的机会,即使老师也不必忍让。)
  子张曰:“君子尊贤而容众,嘉善而矜不能。”( 君子尊敬贤者,也接收一般人;激励好人,也恻隐无能的人。)
  子夏曰:“博学而笃志, 切问而近思,仁在其中矣。”( 普遍的学习,一直动摇自己的意志,诚恳的提问,接洽当前问题进行思考,仁德就在里面了。)
  子夏曰:“百工居肆以成其事,君子学以至其道。”( 各门工匠要在厂店礼劳作来实现他们的工作,君子通过学习取得他们追求的大道。)
  子夏曰:“仕而忧则学,学而优则仕。”( 从政而有余力,就去学习;学习而有余力,就去仕进。)
  子贡曰:“纣之不善,不如是之甚也。是以君子恶居下贱,天下之恶皆归焉。”(商纣王的坏处,不会像人们 传说的那么重大。因而君子讨厌身居低下的处境,唯恐天下的坏事都归到他的身上。 )
  子贡曰:“君子之过也,如日月之食焉:过也,人皆见之;更也,人皆仰之。”(君子的过失似乎日蚀月蚀: 有了错误,人人都看得见;矫正的时候,人人也都仰望着。 )
  子贡曰:“君子一言以为知,一言以为不知,言不可不慎也。”(君子由一句话可以显示出他的聪慧,由一句 话可以显示出他的笨拙,所以说说话不能不谨慎啊。 )
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Old 05-24-2011, 08:51 AM   #2
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2125684 2009 年 07 月 16 日 21:06 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Book Appreciation
1 . 3% of the world who have a strong motivation for success (with sufficient reason enough)
in this world, the proportion of successful about 3%, accounting for 97% of the average person.
biggest difference between success and failure is the idea.
you choose to present work to find a sufficient reason?
answer me why you do your current job? Why ask all walks of life
less successful people fail more?
2. To be successful, together with the successful
can be learned only by following the essence.
together with successful people do not want to, not a chance of success.
little success on their own, big success by the team.
build a successful business before building a successful team.
success on the road three kinds of people: the first one in his own thoughts, my life will not be successful; the second man trying to break their own, success is very slow; third person stepping on the footsteps of successful people go, success quickly.
close to the ice will cool the heart; close to the heart of the fire will be hot.
3. successful, always take the initiative to take the initiative to approach you
market leaders or unit heads
successful unsuccessful only one word; active or passive.
led a mighty force, we must first lead yourself.
change themselves, of others.
behavior driven, than the language-driven.
precept than by example, modeling as environmental education.
people are not listening to what you say, but look at what you do.
in this world, successful people are those who look for opportunities, and if they can not find them, he will create opportunities.
ask: Who can help you succeed in this industry now?
4. to be successful, do not be an excuse; to be an excuse to not succeed
success and will never be an excuse for under one roof
only reason to follow the success: failure
Mo excuses to success is only one reason, I want to succeed, failure would there are a thousand excuses.
success is a concept that success is an idea, a state of mind, success is a habit.
poor person, there must be hateful place
5. to of successful ideas, strategies and habits of thought before
possessive, have market share.
to go beyond the competitors must be innovative.
want to succeed, we must have successful ideas, pace and time overlap.
six evil life: self-righteousness, disagree, Yilaomailao, old-fashioned, out of tune, bad to worse.
If you can not, you must; if you want it, you can.
6. success is more than the opponent to visit a customer, who insisted in the end ;
believed to be a successful start, Persistence is the end.
third-products companies say; second-rate companies about talent; class enterprises about education.
lose almost every day with the win is the point of beginning.
7. winners have a strong conviction
first \\
you believe you can, or you can not, you are right.
know that no power, I believe have the power.
If you believe you are right, it should go its own way.
8. successful love should suffer pain as a food supplement
accept the pain is a pleasure.
eat, adversity tries.
hard and seek success, plum cold in the open.
called the exercise a reasonable training; unreasonable, said the training exercise.
great day will be man also, we must first suffer the mind to, workers of their bones, their body skin hunger.
eat other people can not eat hard, and tolerance of others can not tolerate air, doing what others can not do, you can enjoy all the others can not enjoy.
bite the bullet, to get things should be.
the past does not equal the future do not have to waste in the wrong Local wasting our time. For example, yesterday, yesterday
all die, such as today many students today. Yesterday was one invalid ballot papers
, today is one of the bills, tomorrow is a promissory note.
kite flying is because the wind, people will grow because of adversity.
10. There is no failure, only temporarily successful
pattern, will have great wisdom.
first purpose in life is to make money, not for profit, all of the question. Main purpose is to open up the market to make profits, followed by customer service, the next is to provide employment opportunities, and finally meet the person of interest.
off brain villain, awaken the giant.
experience is plug in the wings to fly successfully.
11. I do not get what I want to be better
license is not equal to abstain authority also need supervision.
Prophet always lonely, and only steeped them, concentrate on work, not afraid of ridicule, exclusion referred husband million to complete the mission and realize their dreams.
of success, inspire other people's potential.
12. winners are willing to do the things most people do not want to do the same action
the same results .

2 winners of the tenets of his own to inspire into his Superman
strengths play an edge.
moon to be I, heart to be large, the world of excellence is what I use.
target large, the problem is small; problems large and small targets.
managing someone else's business, as running his own business.
13. winners do not do the things most people can not find the road
does not mean there is no way.
three high characteristics: high obedience, high stability, high resistance to stress.
funded capacity: Information skills, self-improvement, data collection,pandora necklace, rapid, cumulative resources to expand contacts.
three do: to do things other people do not know; do what others do not want to do; to do things others can not.
world impossible, is to come; in the world could the things that are made out of.
14. successful things in the shortest possible time, a large number of actions taken by the most successful
only shorten the time can extend the enjoyment of the time.
first successful methods should be used on themselves, their success can set a good example. If he can not change, you can not help others; they can not succeed, you can not help others succeed, can not achieve their goals.
When a person is excited, the excitement, empathy, will actively work and go all out, the team will become a treasure, full homogenization of the fierce competition.
goal is to help the most in the shortest possible time, the people.
15. successful accumulation of knowledge and contacts in the quality and quantity of
see how much the scene, how committed under .
success is to look at who you're mixed (work, life) together. Money is the worst
people, giving ability is second choice, giving wisdom is the best policy.
see opportunities is a fool; grasp opportunities is mediocre; have the opportunity not catch the criminals.
all human beings are people who want out, the concept of partnership from the start, what kind of partnership concepts, it will generate the kind of partnership behavior.
16. winners are the head by investment to spend money to make money
place to make money in the future.
saw and heard changed his life,pandora bracelets, unwittingly ruined life.
poor because the head of a poor man; a person because of the concept of quality is only quality.
3% of the winners with 97% of the difference between ordinary people exactly where they do? See the following analysis:
first point: because they have a strong incentive is to have fully justified.
second point: they have a strong faith.
a belief, I believe that the past does not equal the future.
belief Second: I believe there is no failure, only temporarily successful. (All the returns will be the last to give to you all)
three convictions: that if were not wanted, will soon get better.
belief Four: I believe that successful people do not want to do; do what others do not; do things others can not.
third point: everything in the shortest possible time to take the maximum amount of action.
17. successful first-class attitudes, skills and abilities
successful action requires two basic conditions?
First: One hundred per cent have a good attitude.
second: hundred per cent first-class skills and abilities.
tea to drink out of taste, taste of alcohol to drink out of, life to live out the flavor.
18. successful successful attitude is everything
two characteristics: First, parents and charm; Second, open-minded.
ten thousand times to defeat the enemy, not as good as over their own time.
plum blossom from the bitter cold, Bao Jianfeng from tempered.
19. winner of the skills and ability to decide the outcome of
one of the best way is successful: method and experience.
trend is short, the trend is permanent.
20. attitude of good people, more opportunities to make money
employees have only two questions:
first attitude;
second technique problem.
wrong attitude to training attitudes; skills not on the training techniques.
21. customers to buy the service attitude and work ethic
customers to buy your service attitude and spirit , much larger than the product. If the world as long as the products
well, the product can be sold, then all the world forget the companies regard the salesman fired, and then customers? Take the initiative to call in every day, everyone just answer the phone. I ask you: business so simple?
But there is no way any company marketing the product, the product on the table top, placed in the cupboard, the product will not speak, the product does not have feet, so the introduction of any product is to rely on a salesman to go out a; or by public advertisement, in fact, advertising is a public market.
Do you have this experience: You want to buy a product, you the product quality, prices are good, but it? Later you are on the service too! Some small comments, and then you feel, I think, or to forget to buy another home; and even sometimes the product is common, but because the attitude of the staff very well, do you think give him a chance and let him earn a little money does not matter. This is the value of the services of goods and services has value.

3 winners of the tenets of his own motivation as a person with superhuman
good attitude, assuming he has first-class capabilities and skills, this person, to become the top, is just around the corner thing.
22. When you become an industry first, the wealth and honor as long as the file will stop
only, can do first.
success of any wealth, because his purpose is not? is making money on his main goal is to become the industry first.
If you want to how to make money every day, so you make money. If you want to do every day to become the industry's top, the industry's NO.1, this time, your money will be like the wave of a camel to flock to your side.
so successful, his goal, his focus is very important, every winner, there is a very clear goal is to become the \
23. successful five steps: First, clear goals. Second, the revised plan. Third, to take action. Fourth, the amendment action. Persistent, but in the end.
at the target set and go all out to produce results: I must, I must become;
groups together to pursue honor, do not care about personal honor: with the students, prosperity;
respect for the individual, the people do have personnel problems, and there is nothing, the idea to combine like-minded people, a reasonable solution to the problem, not everything according to law, to Xiuji, Anren.
no vision, will be sought for short-sighted.
24. Only the review is the mother of success unless a person explicitly
know What is life like? Otherwise, the whistle.
a person's success does not exceed his dream.
the concept into the faith, the faith into the target, the target into force, the force into action, constant review and practice every day, marry you really want, it will really to experience the joy and pride to the Superman.
Failure is the mother of success, the father of the review is successful.
lack of review of the failure of people,pandora uk, he will continue to fail.
review their successful start to review the others defeat.
credit to others, bear the responsibility themselves.
thousand million wrong wrong, is their own fault; thousands of their own change the status quo must change; thousand points as teacher pointing million points.
proud not carried away, frustrated not deformed. Second place
failure: First, give up the vision and hope; the second is to give up growth.
25. winner of the first step is to handle every day the dream list
more targeted approach:
First: visualization (top right is the creative application of a dream list; the upper left are memories.);
II: self-recognition (I is the best, I'm the best, I like myself.);
III: self-relaxation (full physical recovery sleep, in top condition..)
Fourth: core objective of a day sooner or later the hand-written more than ten times, a deeper impression.
training is productive morning meeting every morning to do some incentive training.
26. Let the dream of successful visualization, repeated a deeper impression
complex things simple and do simple things repeated.
training can be made into an industry once they come to the classic product after training, more people can accept.
to promote technology and education, by virtue of the spirit, foster a healthy attitude.
marketing staff to conduct a conceptual cleansing, and establish a strong ambition to oil, salt and into the reward system.
marketing staff to possession of the sword million, Mei Yizhao out to be straight to fight crucial, as tempered into a steel master.
has only reached the pinnacle of emotional state, can be truly complete and effective sales.
as long as you believe that miracles will occur.
27. set goals, make plans, not a lot of action
looked at target, target will be achieved, and the need to have detailed plans and a lot of action. Look at goal only to deepen the impression, like a resource-oriented system, once you have targeted,pandora bracelets sale, your mind is like missiles, as it will definitely follow this goal, automatically correct your mistakes, will be the shortest time to reach you goals.
28. repeatedly that they are, to what will become
What kind of ideas have even the kind of future; have even thought there is even kind of like life.
lucrative jobs there are many, but none more than help a person improve his own life and life more meaningful. In other words: There is nothing more than you help others to help the more meaningful.
a person's achievement is not what has he got? But rather how much help his community. When you contribute to society, you will be happy.
pigs have four dream:
one, surrounded by railings are removed: free.
Second, the sky fall down feed: anytime, anywhere to eat.
Third, the butcher is dead the world: a sense of security.
four, and the world people believe in Islam: to be respected.
29. When someone says you're crazy, it may you have success

4 tenets of successful incentive into their own life could be at fault Superman
, But life must not be missed.
crazy people do not struggle to be successful. People are not crazy, but big on ambition. Must have that degree of enthusiasm, that passion, you must believe in themselves.
a person's self-confidence is his greatest asset, when people say you are not, you do not mind him, because all successful before in the not successful, we all want to pour cold water on him.
if someone around you pour cold water on you, you give him ice water, put him to return to.
30. in order to become someone, it is necessary and what people together
knows nothing; doubts nothing.
do not know what's what, half-generation hard; do not know people, and his suffering.
successful if you use the same thinking and behavior, will also get the same result. Allow their emotions to reach peak condition, you can quickly break through the limit be Superman.
market leaders can easily discover what you really want to do. Like a mirror, is a good coach, he guided you find your inner needs, to stimulate your desire for success, wake up your mind slumbering giant.
with the world's richest race if you smart, it is better to imitate their behavior and thinking patterns in order to speed success.
successful he needs together with the winners; like happy people, happy people need to talk together; want to have healthy people, healthy people need to talk with him together.
31. Only by fully relaxed in order to effectively attack before going to bed
, tell yourself to relax the shoulders, head and relax, toes relax.
When a person is relaxed, his subconscious did not do any thinking, values and judgments, it is easy to accept incoming messages.
use of supplementary materials, for example, play the disc (VCD or DVD) broadcast with: 『』 you more and more successful. You will follow, said: 『Yes, I more and more successful』.
broadcast with: 『』 you richer. You say: 『right, right, right, I'm getting rich』.
broadcast with: 『』 you more and more healthy. You have to unconditionally accept: 『Yes, I'm getting healthy』.
keep playing every night in your mind, deepen the subconscious impression.
32. goals to achieve, the first to focus on; the second repeat
repeat the best time, that is, before going to bed at night and the morning after getting up.
action is repeated habits, habits decide our fate.
success does not depend on miracles, rely on the success track.
bundling to become successful people get to take initiative, habits and greet each person to give a smile and improve our quality of life.
repetitive learning,pandora sale, tempered.
33. more than ten times a day
handwritten core objectives to stimulate their own action, and must, through : The first visual power; the power of the second hearing; third the power of touch.
do now is not important, what is important in the future.
sow an act, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.
34. success is very simple, as long as the right way
successfully brow.
secret of success: cherish, care about, thanks.
treasure will have, thanks to last forever.
Thanksgiving get help, humility was popular.
35. winners never give up, never give up who is behind the success of failure of
two successful word.
success requires the encouragement of a gentleman, but also need to stimulate the villain.
no friends to do well, no enemies do not.
find the opponent, will become the master.
not thrown competitors, their hands in order to become invincible.
36. persist in the end, never give up, is a guarantee of success
as long as you do not give up, there chance of success; just give up, certainly not succeed.
successful second place: First, open-minded tolerance; two postures.
Success for all will be very effective, as long as you keep these successful methods use, continuous use, you must be a winner.
people only adhere to, to get the support of others.

1. you I believe you can, or you can not, you are right.
2. any success, you need to have the following steps: the first clear objectives . The second should have detailed plans. The third to take immediate action. The fourth to adjust your action. Should adhere to in the end the fifth.
3. success is to look at who you're mixed (do) together.
4. Anyone who has been successful to get rich, because his purpose is not? is to make money, he The main objective of the industry on how to become number one.
5. If you and the world's richest race smart, it is better to imitate their behavior and thinking patterns to speed success.
6. to make money (work) There are many, but none more than to help a people to improve his own life and life more meaningful. Nothing more than you help others to help the more meaningful.
7. a person's achievement is not what has he got? But rather how much help his community. When you contribute to society, you will be happy.
8. My goal is to help in the shortest possible time, most of the people.
9. the first successful methods used to make themselves, their success can be do Table handsome. If he can not change, I can not help others; I can not succeed, you can not help others succeed, can not achieve their goals.
10. Success to all of us must be very effective, as long as you keep these successful methods use, continuous use, you must will be a success.
11. Training is productivity, the morning will have to do every morning incentive training.
12. training can also be made into an industry,pandora beads, classical training into a product once, he can serve more people accepted.
13. to promote technology and education, by virtue of the spirit, foster a healthy attitude.
14. marketers to conduct a conceptual cleansing, and establish a strong ambition to oil, salt and into the reward system.
15. marketers to possession of the sword million, Mei Yizhao out to be straight to fight crucial, as tempered into a steel master.
16. who only reached the pinnacle of emotional state, can be truly complete and effective sales.
17. When the incentive to complete a class, are excited, empathy, and will actively work and go all out, before A treasure of a team, the homogenization of the fierce competition.
18. were bundled into successful people get to take initiative, habits and greet each person to give a smile, raise public quality of life.
19. This is a very great cause, the successful development of the ideas and methods into industrial products, so that everyone can afford , buy, make a successful way to change your life and realize their dreams of success.
20. If you use the same successful habits of thinking and behavior, will also get the same result. The key is: let their emotions to reach peak condition in order to quickly break through the limit be Superman.
21. market leaders can easily discover what you really want. He is like a mirror, is a good coach, he guided you find your inner needs, to stimulate your desire for success, wake up your mind slumbering giant.
22. a person unless you want to know exactly what his life? Otherwise, the whistle.
23. a person's success does not exceed his dream.
24. the idea into a belief, the belief in the goal, the target into force, the force into action, each days of continuous review and practice, all you really want to marry, you will truly experience the joy and pride Superman.
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