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Old 05-28-2011, 04:20 AM   #1
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Default 郑州市张老师红状元中招数学一对一辅导

  2011年郑州市中招理化生实验一对一辅导 今年春节前,我省发生了特大冰雪灾害,为确保道路畅通,交通部门使用了大量的氯化钠融雪剂。下列关于该融雪 剂的说法中,错误的是
  2.用二氧化碳的水溶液浇灌盐碱地的植物,其主要作用除改良碱性土壤外,还能 ( )
  A.促进植物的呼吸作用 B.加速植物的光合作用
  C.增加植物生长所需的微量元素 D.代替碳酸氢铵等作氮肥施用
  3.食盐、食醋、纯碱等均为家庭厨房中的常用物质,利用这些物质,你能做成功的家庭小实验 是 ( )
  ①检验自来水中的氯离子 ②鉴别食盐和纯碱
  ③探究鸡蛋壳是否含有碳酸盐 ④除去热水瓶中的水垢
  A.①②③④ B.①③ C.②④ D.②③④
  4.铁、稀硫酸、石灰水和氯化铜溶液之间的反应关系如图所示,图中两圆相交部分(A、B、C、D)表示 物质间反应的类型或主要实验现象。下列说法错误的是 ( )
  A.A处发生置换反应 B.B处发生复分解反应 C.C处产生气泡 D.D处生成白色沉淀
  xmlnamespace prefix ="v" ns ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml" />
  第4题 第5题
  5.某工厂拟选用下列物质处理含硫酸的废水。现花最少的钱中和等量的废水应选择 ( )
  A.NaCl B.CaCOxmlnamespace prefix ="st1" ns ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />3 C.Ca(OH)2 D.NaOH
  6.右图是一种化肥包装袋上的部分说明,该化肥属于 ( )
  A.氮肥 B.磷肥
  C.钾肥 D.复合肥料
  7.下列图象对应叙述关系正确的是 ( )
  A.向PH=3的溶液中加水 B.一定质量的稀盐酸与锌粒反应
  C.向H2SO4和CuSO4混合溶液中加NaOH溶液 D.煅烧一定质量的石灰石 8.家用碱面的主要成分是Na2CO3。其物质类别属于 ( )
  A.酸 B.盐 C.碱 D.氧化物
  9.下列鉴别物质的方法中,切实可行的是 ( )
  D.用水鉴别NaOH和CaCO3固体 A.H2SO4 HCl B.CO Na2CO3 C.Cu(OH)2 NaOH D.NaNO3 Ba(NO3)2 11.氮肥、磷肥、钾肥是农业生产中最主要的化肥,用简便方法区别三种化肥,在农业生产中具有实用性。区别 下列相关化肥的方法可行的是 ( )
  A.NH4Cl与KCl:观察外观 B.NH4HCO3与KCl:加水
  C.K2SO4与Ca3(PO4)2:闻气味 D.(NH4)2SO4与K2SO4:加熟石灰研磨后闻气味
  12.在生活、生产和科学研究中,常用pH试纸测定溶液的pH。以下测定操作正确是 ( )
  13.右下图中连线两端的物质在通常情况下可以相互反应。下列四组选项中,符合该图要求的 是 ( )
  14.对“大棚”农作物施用“汽水”(碳酸溶液),是近年来在种植生产中兴起的一种新方法。对于其作用 的下列几种叙述:①加速植物光合作用;②冬天有助于农作物“防冻”;③有利于改良碱性土壤,调节pH;④可 促进土壤中的Ca2+、Mg2+被植物吸收。其中正确的是 ( )
  A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.全部
  15. A、B、C三只小烧杯内分别依次盛有一定体积的浓氨水、酚酞溶液、酚酞溶液,按下图所示进行探究活动,不能 得到的结论是 ( )
  A.氨水能使酚酞溶液变红 B.碱能使酚酞溶液变红
  C.空气不能使酚酞溶液变红 D.浓氨水易挥发,氨气易溶于水
  16.下面右图中,四圆甲、乙、丙、丁分别表示一种溶液,两圆的相交部分为两溶液混合后出现的主要实验 现象,下表中符合图示关系的是 ( ) 17.以下常见化肥中,属于复合肥的是 ( )
  A.K2S04 B.NH4N03 C.KN03 D.Ca(H2P04)2
  18.向装有50g稀硫酸的小烧杯中,不断慢慢滴加10%的Ba(OH)2溶液至过量。有关量的变化情 况见下图(横坐标表示氢氧化钡溶液的质量,纵坐标表示小烧杯中量的变化)。其中肯定不正确的是 ( )
  19.下列说法正确的是 ( )
  20.下列离子能在pH=2的无色溶液中大量共存的是 ( )
  A.SO42-、Fe3+、Na+、OH- B.K+、SO42-、Cu2+、NO3-
  C.Cl-、K+、SO42-、Na+ D.Ca2+、Cl-、CO32-、Na+
  21.已知某固体粉末是由NaCl、Ba(NO3)2、CuSO4、Na2SO4、Na2CO3中的一 种或几种组成,取这种粉末加足量的水,振荡后呈浑浊,再加稀盐酸,沉淀不溶解,过滤后得无色滤液,取滤液并 滴加AgNO3溶液产生白色沉淀,对原固体粉末的判断正确的是( )
  B.一定含NaCl,可能含Ba(NO3)2、Na2SO4,一定不含Na2CO3、Cu SO4
  C.一定含NaCl、Ba(NO3)2、Na2SO4,一定不含Na2CO3,可能含Cu SO4
  D.可能含NaCl,一定含Ba(NO3)2、Na2SO4,一定不含Na2CO3、Cu SO4
  22.海南素有“天然大温室”之称,一年四季向全国各地提供大量的新鲜水果、蔬菜。种植水果、蔬菜少不 了肥料。下列化肥中属于氮肥的是 ( )
  A.KCl B.CaSO4 C.CO(NH2)2 D.Ca(H2PO4)2
  23.下列关于物质用途的描述不正确的是 ( )
  A.食盐可用作调味品 B.熟石灰可用于改良碱性土壤
  C.干冰可用于人工降雨 D.盐酸可用于金属除锈
  24.根据氨碱法用食盐制纯碱的反应原理是: (1)NaCl+NH3+CO2+H2O=NaHCO3+NH4Cl (2)2NaHCO3△ Na2CO3+CO2↑+H2O下列对上述信息的有关理解中,错误的是 ( )
  25.石蕊、硫酸、氢氧化钙、碳酸钠是常见的四种物质,它们的溶液之间的反应关系如右图所示。图中两圆 相交部分(A、B、C、D)表示物质间反应的主要实验现象,其中描述正确的是 ( )
  D.石蕊呈紫色 (双选)
  26.下列图象正确反映对应的变化关系的是 ( )
  D.在一定温度下,向不饱和的硝酸钠溶液中不断加入硝酸钠固体,充分搅拌 (双选)
  27.下列各组物质能按照关系图 (→表示反应一步完成)相互转化的是 ( )
  28.分别将下列各组物质同时加到水中,能大量共存的是 ( )
  A.NaCl、AgNO3、Na2SO4 B.H2SO4、NaCl、Na2CO3
  C.Na2SO4、KNO3、NaOH D.BaCl2、NaCl、KOH (双选)
  29.下列物质的名称、俗名与化学式完全对应的是 ( )
  A.氯化钠 食盐 NaCl2 B.碳酸氢钠 纯碱 NaHCO3
  C.氢氧化钙 熟石灰 CaO D.氢氧化钠 火碱 NaOH
  30.用一种试剂一次就能将澄清石灰水、氢氧化钠溶液、稀盐酸三种无色溶液区别开来的是 ( )
  A.无色酚酞试液 B.二氧化碳气体 C.碳酸钠溶液 D.氯化钡溶液
  31.下列各组离子在水溶液中能大量共存的是 ( )
  A.Fe2+、Ca2+、CO32—、OH- B.Na+、SO42—、Cl—、OH-
  C.Ba2+、H+、Cl—、OH— D.Ag+、NH4+、NO3-、OH—
  32.下列各组物质,能共同存在于水溶液中的是 ( )
  A.BaCl2、Na2SO4、Ca(OH)2 B.MgCl2、CuSO4、NaNO3
  C.AgNO3、BaCl2、K2SO4 D.CaCl2、K2CO3、NaNO3
  33.某同学为了区别氢氧化钠溶液和澄清石灰水,设计了如下图所示的四组实验方案,其中能 达到目的的是 ( ) A. B. C. D. 34.人体内的一些液体的正常pH范围如下表,正常情况下,这些液体中一定呈酸性的是 ( ) A.胃液 B.血浆 C.乳汁 D.唾液
  35.现用质量分数为98%的浓硫酸(密度是1.84g·cm-3)配制560g质量分数为14%的稀 硫酸时,下列有关叙述正确的是 ( )
  C.将480mL水倾倒入盛有80 mL98%浓硫酸的500mL量筒中
  D.将80g98%的浓硫酸沿1000mL烧杯内壁缓缓倒入480 mL水中,并不断搅拌
  36.推理是化学学习中常用的思维方法。下列推理正确的是 ( )
  37.植物缺氮会导致生长迟缓。下列物质能为植物提供氮元素的是 ( )
  A.KCl B.CO(NH2)2 C.Ca3(PO4)2 D.K2SO4
  xmlnamespace prefix ="w" ns ="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word" />
  38.小明同学在实验室中测定某未知溶液的pH,他的实验操作如下:先用蒸馏水将pH试纸润湿,然后用 玻璃棒蘸取待测试液于pH试纸上进行测定,你认为小明同学这样测得的结果与该溶液的实际pH比 较 ( )
  A.偏低 B.偏高 C.不变 D.无法判定
  39.家庭常用的几种洗涤剂的PH如下图所示,其中最接近中性的是 ( )
  40.测定pH值最简单的方法是使用 ,测定时,用 蘸取待测溶液,滴在 上,然后再与 对照,便可测出溶液的pH值。若用此法测得土壤的pH值小于5,可以施用适量的 来改良土壤。 41.用10mL量筒取2mL氢氧化钠溶液滴入试管中,然后用滴管向试管中滴加硫酸铜溶液,有蓝色沉淀生成 ,其化学方程式是______________________________。再用试管夹夹住试管,放 在酒精灯火焰上加热,看到蓝色沉淀变成黑色固体。这一变化的化学方程式是________________ __________________。
  42.构建知识网络是一种重要的学习方法。下图是关于盐酸化学性质的知识网络,“——”表示相连的两种 物质能发生反应,“ ”表示一种物质转化成另一种物质,A、C属于不同类别的化合物。完善这个知识网络:
  (2)根据自己得出的知识网络写出一个复分解反应化学方程式:___________________ ______
  43.某镇硫酸厂排出的尾气中含有SO2,废水中含有H2SO4 。请回答:
  (1)该镇经常下酸雨,酸雨的pH 5.6(填:>、<、=);要粗略地测定酸雨pH,通常用精密 试纸。
  (2)请举一例酸雨的危害: 。
  (3)用熟石灰处理该厂废水的化学方程式为: 。
  (4)该厂的下列整治措施不妥的是 (填序号):
  A.废气循环利用 B.将废气点燃后排放
  C.废水用碱中和后排放 D.改进工艺,减少废气废水的产生
  (1)硝酸铵属化学肥料中的 (填序号):
  A.钾肥 B.氮肥 C.磷肥
  (2)硝酸铵应具有的性质是 (填序号):
  A.易溶于水 B.有挥发性 C.受热易分解
  (3)硝酸铵能与强碱反应,其中与烧碱反应的方程式为:NH4NO3+NaOH=NaNO3+NH3↑ +X,则X的化学式是: ;施用该类肥料时,要避免与 (填“酸”或“碱”)性物质混用,否则会减低肥效。
  (1)写出图中相应物质的化学式:酸 、碱 。
  (3)总结化学反应的规律是我们学习化学的方法之一。请根据上图总结出酸、碱、盐相互反应的规律(写2 点) 、 。
  46.我市某校“绿色”环保小组的同学用精密酸度计测得实验室的甲、乙、丙、丁四种废液的pH如下表。 现请你和他们一起实验并回答: 废液
  酸碱度 甲 乙 丙 丁 pH 6.5 11.3 7.0 2.0 (1)各取溶液少许,分别滴入1~2滴无色酚酞试液,能使酚酞试液变红的废液是 。
  (2)实验老师告知:乙、丁分别是未用完的氢氧化钾溶液和稀硝酸。为了防止废液对环境的污染,小聪将丁 溶液逐滴滴入乙中,刚好完全反应,此时溶液的pH 7(填“<”、“>”、“=” ) 。该反应的化学方程式为: 。小明说:“反应后所得溶液中的溶质还是农作物生长所需的肥料呢!”请问,该肥料属于 (填“氮肥”、“磷肥”、“钾肥”、“复合肥”)。
  47.皮蛋是我国传统风味食品,制作皮蛋的方法有多种,一种制作含锌皮蛋的方法是把鸭蛋放在培养液中浸 泡,培养液由水、食盐、氢氧化钠、少量硫酸锌等物质配制而成。
  (1)取少量培养液于试管中,滴入无色酚酞溶液后变红,则培养液的pH 7(填“<”、“>”或“=”)
  (2)在(1)的试管中滴加过量稀硫酸,红色褪去,发生反应的化学方程式为:____________ ____________________________
  (3) 在(2)所得的溶液中加入一种盐溶液产生了沉淀,该盐可能是 ( )
  A.BaCl2 B.CuSO4 C.AgNO3 D.KNO3
  48.从提供的试剂中,选择一种以除去下列物质中的少量杂质(括号内为杂质),仅供选用的试剂:①烧碱 溶液②硫酸钠溶液③盐酸④水
  CaC03粉末(Na2C03) ;H2(C02)
  (2)写出有关反应的化学方程式: OH- NO3- CO32- K+ 溶 溶 溶 Ba2+ 溶 溶 不 Cu2+ 不 溶 不 49.在我州经济大开发的进程中,要坚持开发与环保并重。某化学课外活动小组在调查一化工厂时发现该厂有甲 、乙两个车间,排出的废水澄清透明,经分析分别含有三种不同的离子,共有K+、Ba2+、Cu 2+、OH-、NO3-、CO32- 六种离子,经查部分物质的溶解性见下表:
  (1)将甲、乙两车间的废水按适当的比例混合,可以变废为宝,既能使废水中的Ba2+、C u2+、OH-、CO32- 等离子转化为沉淀除去,又可以用上层清液来浇灌农田。清液中含有的溶质主要是 (填写物质的化学式)。
  (2)已知甲车间废水明显呈碱性,则乙车间废水中含有的阴离子是__________________ 。
  (3)根据以上溶解性表判断,Cu(NO3)2和Ba(OH)2溶液 (填“能”或“不能”)发生复分解反应。若能反应写出化学方程式;若不能反应写出理由: 。
  (1)常见的酸有硫酸、盐酸等,在它们的水溶液里由于存在有相同的 离子(填符号),因此,它们有很多相似的化学性质,如: 、
  (2)碱有氢氧化钠、氢氧化钙等,氢氧化钠可作某些气体的干燥剂,如:干燥 等气体,氢氧化钙可由生石灰与水反应制得,化学方程式为: 。
  (3)酸和碱能发生中和反应,它在日常生活和工农业生产中有广泛的应用,如硫酸厂的污水中含有硫酸等杂 质,可用熟石灰进行处理,反应的化学方程式为: 。
  (4)5·12汶川大地震灾害发生后,为了灾区人民群众的饮用水安全,卫生防疫部门要经常对灾区水源进 行监测,获得可靠的科学依据。若现有一瓶水样,要获取它的酸碱度,应如何操作:
  51.许多植物的果实和花瓣中含有色素。现提取几种植物的果实或花瓣的汁液,用稀酸、稀碱和水逐一检验 ,现象记录如下表。 植物的汁液 在酸性溶液中 在水中 在碱性溶液中 牵牛花 红色 紫色 蓝色 万寿菊 黄色 黄色 黄色 胡萝卜 橙色 橙色 橙色 玫瑰 浅红色 浅红色 绿色 (1)上述植物的汁液不能用来区别稀硫酸和氢氧化钠溶液的是 、 。(填植物的名称)
  (2)手工制作一朵纸玫瑰花,用pH=12的某种溶液浸泡后晾干,用所提取的玫瑰的汁液均匀的涂在纸玫 瑰花上,纸花会变成 色。
  (3)与实验中常用的指示剂石蕊的变色原理相似的是 。(填植物的名称)
  52. 2008年全球出现“无声海啸”——粮食危机,而我国粮食储备充足,市场价格稳定。化肥为保持粮食丰产起到 了重要作用。常用化肥有:①尿素[CO(NH2)2]、②氯化钾KCl、③硝酸铵NH4NO3、④磷矿粉 [Ca3(PO4)2]
  (1)以上化肥中属于钾肥的是 (填序号)
  (2)硝酸铵是一种含氮量较高的化肥。硝酸铵中含氮的质量分数为 。硝酸铵溶于水可以解离出NH4+和 (写离子符号),供植物吸收。
  (3)尿素因含有 元素,所以是一种有机物。尿素分子中所含C、O、N、H的原子个数比为 。
  53.如图,A、B、C、D、E各代表铁、水、二氧化碳、硫酸铜溶液、氢氧化钡溶液中的一种物质。常温 下,相连环物质间能发生反应,不相连环物质间不能发生反应,且B的相对分子质量大于D。请填空 :
  (1)写出下列物质的化学式:A ,B ,D 。
  (2)相连环物质间发生的反应,没有涉及的基本反应类型是_____________________ _。
  和 ;
  (2)若两种溶液均为无色,生成的白色沉淀溶于稀硝酸且有气体产生,则两种溶液中的溶质可 能是 和 ;
  (3)若一种溶液有色,另一种无色,生成的沉淀溶于稀盐酸且无气体产生,沉淀可能是___ ____
  55.锂元素(元素符号为Li)及其所形成的化合物,在通讯和航空航天领域中具有极其重要的用途。它的 化合物氢氧化锂(LiOH)是一种易溶于水的白色固体,有辣味,具有强碱性和腐蚀性。
  (1)写出氢氧化锂的一条物理性质________________________________ ;
  (2)右表是部分物质的溶解性表,运用此溶解性表并结合你对复分解反应发生条件的理解,从表中选出一种 盐,该盐能和LiOH发生复分解反应,请你写出该盐的化学式:_____________________ ________________________。 OH- CO32- SO42- NO3- Ba2+ 溶 不 不 溶 Cu2+ 不 不 溶 溶 Li+ 溶 微溶 溶 溶 56.高芳同学把自制的一种黄色的花汁,分别加入到下列不同的试剂中,并如实记录了观察到的现象 试剂 食醋 蔗糖水 蒸馏水 肥皂水 石灰水 颜色 红 黄 黄 绿 绿 请分析上表,并回答下列问题:
  (2)蚊子、蜜蜂,蚂蚁等昆虫叮咬人体时,会向人体射入一种叫做蚁酸(具有酸的性质)的物质,使皮肤红 肿、瘙痒,甚至疼痛。要缓解这种症状,可在叮咬处涂抹上述试剂中的_____________ ___。
  57.炎炎夏日,喝上一杯汽水会给我们带来清爽凉快的感觉。右图是某种雪碧汽水标签中的部分内容,小明 同学通过查阅资料得知:柠檬酸是一种无色晶体,能溶于水,属于有机酸,具有酸的通性。香料、苯甲酸钠、白砂 糖等不显酸性。
  (1)以上信息中属于柠檬酸物理性质的是 。
  ①小明首先将适量的雪碧汽水倒入一洁净的试管中,然后滴加紫色石蕊试液,发现石蕊试液变红色。据此,小 明断定柠檬酸确实具有酸性。他做出这种判断的依据是
  ②小红认为小明的实验结论不够严密,她的理由是 ;她建议在原来实验的基础上再进行一步操作,即把①中已经变红的混合液体加热,若看到 ,这样就能充分证明柠檬酸确实具有酸性了。
  58. “奥运在我心中”。整理归纳物质性质之间的相互联系是学习化学的一种有效方法。请你从学习过的单质、氧化物 、酸、碱、盐中分别选一种代表物(不能重复选用),用化学式填写在下列的奥运标志五圆环中(两环相连表两种 物质之间能相互发生反应)。
  59.鸡蛋壳的主要成分是碳酸钙。为了测定某鸡蛋壳中碳酸钙的质量分数,小群同学进行了如下实验:将鸡 蛋壳洗净、干燥并捣碎后,称取10g放在烧杯里,然后往烧杯中加入足量的稀盐酸90 g,充分反应后,称得反应剩余物为97.14 g。(假设其他物质不与盐酸反应)
  (1)产生二氧化碳气体 g。


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Old 05-28-2011, 04:21 AM   #2
Second Lieutenant
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 366
hae2ni7shuo is on a distinguished road

reproduced later to find that the province, and convenience to us, more convenience.
ratio of the specific form of social security:

old-age insurance: you pay per month for units 21%, you pay 8%;
Medical insurance: you pay per month for units 9%, you pay 2% plus 10 dollars for serious co-ordination (co-ordination of key management seriously ill hospitalized this);

unemployment insurance: units for you to pay 2% per month, you pay 1%;
injury insurance: you pay per month for units of 0.5%, and you do not get their own dime;
maternity insurance: you pay per month for units of 0.8%, and you do not get their own dime;
housing fund: you pay per month for units of 8% 8%
you pay more, so doing, the units each month to pay for your social security ratio should be 21% +9% +0.5% +0.8% +2% +8% = 41.3%
you pay each month for your social security ratio should be 8% +1% +2% +8% +10 block = 19% +10 block
; temporarily remove you pay 10 dollars aside, the proportion of units of payment and you pay for the 413:190 ratio should be,louboutin sales, which means that if
your monthly Social Security payment for your 190 dollars , then the unit will go to your Social Security account to break into 413 dollars each month for your social security account
to add the money should be 413 +190 = 603 dollars so
In the case says you can not see, the unit cost of delivery of social security is more than 2 times you, so you pay social security fee per month do not feel bad when
O unit ~ you know more than you pay for much of it, in fact distressed units.
saying that three risk a return to gold and a perfect insurance policy, where we should have seen, in fact, said rivers and lakes on one gold and three insurance
completely equivalent to five insurance gold, only one gold and three insurance pay from your personal insurance (unemployment + pension + medical + provident fund) to
said, a perfect insurance policy from your insurance unit to pay (pension + health + unemployment + injury + Growth + Fund) for the. The three risk a
Kim said to a perfect insurance policy is just that sound good only.
addition to units for you to pay social security, in fact, did not work but who have income or have units, but units do not pay social security personnel can also pay social security
their own, but the individual can only pay pension + medical insurance, birth injury ah ah ah unemployment fund, your people have to pay is not up.

Here's what is social security contributions under the base
we already know have to pay a monthly flat rate and you pay social security is almost the 413:190 ratio, that
What now out a problem: his monthly pay social security fees and the proportion of what relationship, social security costs in the end is determined by how it
You may not be aware of the various provinces City in early July each year to publish a , and Nanjing in July this year, the minimum base is released 1189 yuan, which is what this means, which means that as long as they are
regulations of Nanjing workers pay social security for the unit, per month for each employee to pay the money to at least 1189 × 41.3% = 491 million, while workers must pay at least monthly for each
1189 × 19% +10 = 236 yuan, and units per month so you should pay the social security charges came out.
But now a new problem came out again, Nanjing, wages vary greatly, someone is making a month 1000, it was a month could get
10000, do get called to get 1000 and 10000 pay social security fees are the same?
Please note that this 1189 is the lowest base, in 1189, and the highest on base, Nanjing base seems to be the highest this year more than 8,000
, specifically I have forgotten, anyway, if you pay less per month in 1189 yuan, the unit must be in accordance with the 1189 yuan for you to pay 1
189 × 41.3% = 491 yuan, but you have to pay at least 1189 × month 19% +10 = 236 million, this is 1189, as the minimum social security contribution base
where the meaning of the: even if you get 1,000 or 800 a month, your monthly minimum must also be according to
photo This 1189 pay to!
But if you pay higher than 1189, for example, you get 3000 a month, that unit to the Bureau of Labor Insurance when you pay (your unit and your
social security costs are paid by the Bureau of Labor buckle, oh ~) to be on the labor bureau, said: . > 41.3% = 1,239 yuan, while you personally pay every month on 3000 × 19% +10 = 580 元
means that if you pay 1,189 yuan in the following, each you pay month by 1189; if your salary in 1189 yuan to
, then every month you pay according to your real wage, unless your base is even higher than the maximum salary, if you get one month
10000 and the maximum base is 8000, you and your unit are in accordance with the 8000 cross
on here to expose the shameless practice of some companies, these companies may give you a good few thousand a month's wages , but they report to the Bureau of Labour
move when your base does not go according to your actual wages reported, for example if you get 3000 a month, they
to the Bureau of Labor may say that you take only 1189 block, and then deduct your labor bureau every month 1189 × 19% +10 = 236 yuan, you probably still very high
Hing, because the less money you think you buckle, you actually get our hands on more money
wrong! If this is your company too outrageous! to pay the money because the company is more than 2 times you, so you pay the less they pay the less
! If real wages in accordance with your 3000 to count They pay you every month of the 3000 × 41.3% = 1239 yuan social
premiums, and in accordance with the 1189 to count, they pay you every month 1189 × 41.3% = 491 yuan! so in fact
you eat a big loss! regular company will only pay as you go to the actual declaration of the Bureau of Labor and deducting money! only those companies that will not
perishable control how much you pay for you all in accordance with the minimum standards AC!! do not think that your Social Security monthly fees deduction, the better!! may
you have shamelessly bullied by the company and you knew nothing!!!
to determine the unit for you What is the base pay in the end is very simple: if you buckle 300 a month social security, that is your base
about 300 ÷ 19% ≈ 1578 million, you look at your salary is not the number, if you pay significantly higher than in 1578, for example
month you actually get 3000 or 4000, then it must surely have been the company to bully you, and after being bullied you can go to the local
labor monitoring group to sue you, generally of a report A prospective, but the best time of separation the evidence (such as pay slips, etc.) then told to find a good
, or you sue the company after having failed to make a general - - +
note is again , the proportion of each of the local social security constitute not the same, if you do not pay your proportion of Nanjing that is likely to
than 19%, but certainly not big change, such as your base may be 20% or 22%, but will not be 30% or 40%! so
Although the proportion of 19% of Nanjing, but foreign students can also be calculated by this is probably below their base
introduce them to what the specific situation of social security costs and how to use
has been said earlier, social insurance = + pension + medical insurance maternity insurance, industrial injury insurance + unemployment insurance + housing + first talk about the old-age insurance fund
; This insurance generally must pay at least 15 years to retire to a pension for life, so the students wanted to obtain pension
sure before his retirement 15 years ago began to cross, the other almost in Nanjing Such provisions also
If you go to pay pension retirement age of 15 years, that country until the time you retire your personal account will keep the 8
% of the pension back to you all
; that you ask the unit to 21% of your pay gone?
that you do not expect the State will be forwarded to you, you retire to your own money away, the State put the unit to the 21
% you pay all the money to the national pension scheme in the overall fund, from which no relationship between money and you had
you may say: I rely on! Why it is my money
because the state does not give me that money back so the time required
only returned to the individual to pay his own personal deduction of money to pay the money for his units all contribute to the country a - -

below when we look at your retirement pension is calculated out how the algorithm
pensions are complex, because the state each year Payment will be the base of one, for example about it: If you are 30 years old
, your base pay is now 3,000 yuan, while the retirement age is 55 years old if so,cheap christian louboutin boots, then you must be in your 40 years ago began to pay
pension, while 30-year-old if you start now from the cross, handed 55-year-old is 25 years, that first affirmed the pension benefits you can enjoy
, secondly, if you pay after 25 years 3000 block of base pay has become a 6000 (I said if), then when you are 55 years old the first month
can get 6000 × 20% = 1200 block of the basic pension, which the country to you, in addition to your personal account on a
the money accumulated in 25 years has a lot to look good average base pay, (3000 +6000) ÷ 2 = 4500, that
What you these 25 years, personal accounts should be 4500 × 8% (you pay the proportion of old-age insurance for individuals) × 25 years × 12 months
= 108000 dollars, then in addition to other pre-1200 you every months can get the 108000 ÷ 120 = 900 blocks, so you 5
5-year-old began a month you can get 1200 +900 = at least 2,100 yuan of pension, of course, still the base of each country to rise, br> This year in addition to your 900, you get every month after retirement more money than 1200, your pension payments will certainly
; So pay old-age insurance to pay the better, the more you pay after you retire to enjoy the more, and, after the State base annual adjustment
money will you get more and more Now take 1500 years after the 1000 delivery is possible here to introduce a metamorphosis
policy is, no matter where you pay social security fees, etc. When you retire you can only back seat of your
account enjoy the local retirement benefits, so look at where the base pay high social security retirement back to the low base, but to a pension
party who would be a big loss, Why? me, for example, If you're young in Nanjing
work, pay social security for 20 years and then retired, but if your account in Heilongjiang, Heilongjiang then you must go back to enjoy the pension
payment. If you pay for 20 years in Nanjing The average base is 3000 (I said if), and when you retire before Heilongjiang
base pay 1000 (I said if), then you can only enjoy when they retire the treatment of 1000! This is loss of! a
words, if you place in the rich pay social security when they retire back to the poor, but the place to enjoy social security, you pay a lot of life to enjoy, but rarely
! Exchange 3000 may only Enjoy 1000! This is a terrible thing, but no way is this
national policy, so please account for all the current low base in the western areas such as Beijing or Shanghai, but in the high places of work base pay
students pay attention to social security, you pay social security or to the west, or to the accounts prior to retirement and moved to Beijing or Shanghai, or
you're doing a huge loss of life of the trading
; that perhaps you will say that if my account in Nanjing, then I pay for 20 years in Heilongjiang like the Well, where in the low base pay to
, when they retire back to the base of a high place to enjoy high welfare. wrong! you think Nanjing Bureau of Labor would casually let you enjoy What
?! general this case directly to Nanjing will find a reason to refuse you turn! that time you miss s wisdom: in Black Dragon River
not enjoy, in Nanjing, also can not enjoy!
But some places like the situation has eased some of the provisions, such as Nanjing, allowing you to 5 years before retirement from a low base
local transfer back to Nanjing, and then continue to pay 5 years in Nanjing, Nanjing, high base, after which it will allow you to enjoy the pension back to Nanjing. The estimated
policies are not the same everywhere, in the future intend to switch to the best students now go to your local The labor bureau
clear out this issue, so that your retirement occurs when an unexpected accident!
following the risk to talk about national health insurance policy
pretty good, it is important for a lot of hospital reimbursement
said the unit before you pay monthly health insurance is 9%, your monthly health insurance probably pay 2% plus 10 dollars
serious co-ordination, co-ordination of this illness simply whatever else you hospital, and that 11% in the national health insurance every month to your account to play
2% of your own, according to 1189 yuan per month if you are the lowest base pay social security, then the 1189 × 2% = 23.78 Yuan is the country every month
call your own money, the money you can accumulate direct credit card to buy medicine or out-patient services, and the remaining 9%
countries to take it to the medical pool fund operators in the
in accordance with the provisions of Nanjing, and if you start from January 2007 to pay medical insurance, then starting from the February 2007 credit card you can buy medicine or see
patient, and from 2007 July onwards you can be reimbursed for the cost of hospitalization, and reported quite complex, for example, a good
If you August 1, 2007 in the hospital, lived in the best three hospitals in Nanjing, are used in health care during hospitalization within
medicine, surgery + hospitalization expenses spent a total of 5,christian louboutin tall boots,000, then the reimbursement when the medical center first net 1000, which is from the
Step price, the rest of the 4000 health care centers are reimbursed for 4000 × 86% = 3440 million, just pay your own 4000 × 14% = 560 yuan to
can, with prices starting at 1,000 yuan before, you spent 5000 to pay 1560 yuan if their can, and this 1560 yuan
also deducted from your health insurance card (if you usually do not use that card), so in fact you can not spend much money hospitalized
health insurance for our young people much more important than the old-age insurance, hospital doctor, after all, is too damn expensive, and this is
to social insurance where the most important provisions of Nanjing Medical Insurance, however
have to pay at least 25 years to enjoy life in retirement, so if you retire at age 55, then 30 years of age no later than
must begin to talk about health insurance the following industrial injury insurance

This risk tends to be used less in practice, I do not have many contacts, need to remind you that when you work or if work on the
time what happened, the risk on the lingua franca of the
But in practice, something happens to a lot of people pay no attention to the preservation of evidence, leading to not enjoy their work injury insurance, which is a pity
If you arrive when they were hit by a car, you should Sign alarm, let the police to investigate evidence of record and photograph collection, management completed the Police Department
after the accident will give you what identification to open a book or something, you can take this to requests for work-related injuries reported to the
If something had to let people look for witnesses and does not run anything less than the alarm, that no evidence in the case are generally not accepted as an industrial injury

injury There are a prescription, if you July 2007 1 Sunrise injury, you must immediately reporting units, the police issued
identification evidence and the accident book and you go out after work injury records to the doctor or hospital unit, called the unit holding the material to do injury to
identification, your units must be August 1, 2007 effective material before your testing center to the injury, if you are out of work-related injuries from
days from More than a month, and that injury may be identified not up. If you do not give you identification unit,
materials that you can take it to the identification center identification, it is best not to exceed one month, otherwise it will be very troublesome a lot of trouble to talk about maternity insurance

the following example of this is also good, and if you are female, wage is 1,000 yuan per month, January 1, 2007 begin to birth
insurance contribution base for the 1189, and you pregnant in March 2007, the end of December 2007 gave birth to a child, in January 2008 and discharged, then you
discharged later to Sign the marriage certificate (an unmarried mother will not be reimbursed ) + child certificate (2 fetuses Health claims in general can not)
+ records + the size of card check and hospital construction and operation costs of all invoices + list + hospital discharge summary all of these materials to the company to pay
, they can check if you are pregnant take a 500 block, when a child patient took 2000 + surgery, in general, public
within the provisions of Division in the Medicare basically can give you all the claims, the reimbursement to you later money include: 500 block of inspection fees +2000
hospital surgery +1189 Yuan / month × 4 months = 7256, 1189 yuan / month × 4 months, which is specifically for the reimbursement of the medical center
subsidies for girls, only girls get the reimbursement to the state to
maternity insurance reimbursement when girls must be given 4 months of average wage, so you have children, then not only claims
Do not spend money, but also can make the wages of 4 months! If you base pay higher than wages, such as the cross is to get 1000 1189,
then you have earned it
; maternity insurance to pay at least a year to enjoy, remember to keep in mind
In addition there is a problem, men also paid maternity insurance Yup Can you boys do enjoy maternity insurance?
If you're a boy, your wife did not work or work units did not pay the insurance,christian louboutin, and her children when you pay
maternity insurance has been more than a year, then you can Oh maternity insurance reimbursement, but to the previous examples, for example, you can only be reimbursed 500 block check
check fee +2000 block half the hospital surgery = 1,250 yuan, 1,189 yuan of subsidies / month × 4 months of salary you will not enjoy the
! This is only reimbursed when girls can enjoy Oh ~
the same cost, reimbursement will be able to get 7,256 girls, boys can only get reimbursement for 1250, which is probably rare in China, So, before the girls the best plan to have children about one year ahead began to find a unit to pay maternity insurance, you can make it!
If you marry my wife and boys, the best time to marry a baby has to pay a maternity insurance and the payment of base salary is also higher than her own girls
Oh! However, if it does not matter she is not insured, you can give her maternity insurance reimbursement for it, but you do not have subsidies
4 months Take wages and the cost of the newspaper you can only get back half.

unemployment insurance, unemployment insurance, this is also to pay a full year you can enjoy, generally get to pay 1 year 2 months, to pay 2 years get 4 months, but more than a lifetime to get the most
24 months. a good example:
If you January 1, 2007 began to pay insurance, in January 2008 the company laid off you are, you can allow the company to get you 2
month unemployment insurance, if you are in the year 1189 base pay for insurance, then you can get at least 2 months more than 800 dollars
or you January 1, 2007 began with Insurance ,cheap christian louboutin pumps, January 2008 and the company you contract expired, and you do not want to renew the contract, then
you can also leave the company before the company 2 months to get your unemployment insurance is more than 800 pieces
That contract expires or the company laid off, you can take 2 months a year in accordance with the ratio of unemployment to require companies to give you
do, if the company does not give you do you can go to report it, a report of a prospective .
But if you resign the contract did not go his due, and that even if you pay full 1 year are not entitled to unemployment insurance
resign as long as their own, let alone pay 1 years , that is, 10 years to pay unemployment insurance to resign when you can not get a penny. Housing fund is a good thing ah
Well, if your monthly for the fund to pay 200, then the company has to your account each month to hit 200, when you buy a house
this is 400, if you pay a lifetime of 5 million, then you had 10 million account is Such a good thing we must not
to reject ah.
fund can be used to buy a house, loan, renovation or something, if you can find their own home land to build a house, build a house
money that can be paid from the fund in
If you do not have the money, when they finally retire all of the money seems to come out
[Advanced chapter] of the supplement [5KB]
and Nanjing is that different place to go, and the devil are not allowed to non-payment of medical insurance, social security center that a package that includes pension
birth injury with medical unemployment asked enterprises received, but added the taxpayer may pay the provident fund, because it is attached to the provident fund
center of the social security within the jurisdiction of the specific composition
old-age insurance: you pay per month for units 22%, you pay 8%;
health insurance: unit per month for you payment of 12%, you pay 2%;
unemployment insurance: you pay per month for units of 2%, you pay 1%;
injury insurance: you pay per month for units of 0.5%, your own not a penny to get their;
maternity insurance: you pay per month for units of 0.5%, and you do not get their own dime;
Housing Fund: Unit for you to pay 7% per month, you pay 7%
added housing fund: you pay per month for units of 8%, you pay 8% (this is only the general effectiveness of state-owned enterprises
will be some very good, and the ratio has its own, the general Even if a fund company to pay a very moral)
another to say that social security and the relationship between a transfer tax to pay a transfer tax
in time, is that part of the individual debit payments calculated after deduction of the taxable base , but one thing to note
, provident funds and supplementary fund more than 12% of the parts (individuals and businesses to pay part) also need to count in the taxable base in the above example, say fund
7% 8% supplementary fund, add up to 15%, then the personal deduction of 3% of the part of the gold that will count
in the amount of tax payable at the same time, enterprises that 3%, while wages are not deducted from the individual, but still have to be counted
tax base in other words, this individual cost for a transfer tax bill.
medical insurance to use this one, over the way the rest goes to personal accounts is different
love that kind of month included ways of Nanjing, there are many places for the year included the specific
is the case, health insurance year is April 1 each year to 31 March the following year, while the social security contribution base changes also
was determined in mid-April on.
Medical Insurance Bureau in April 1st base withholding of social security in accordance with each individual health insurance 1 year (that is, the 2%), personal health insurance card
into account, but this time there is a problem, 4 1 Day, then the base has not been established Social Security, Medical Insurance Bureau in accordance with the previous year only
base to the individual health insurance payments are expected that year, then the difference between how to do it?
In the second year that the April 1 to make up more than a small count, or less likely to give such a large segment of the word
look will be very much trouble, then we
for example, 2004 someone average monthly income of 5,000 yuan, 2005, average monthly income of 4,000 yuan, 6,000 yuan income in 2006
Medical Insurance Bureau in April 1, 2006 to the amount of time into personal accounts, social security center has not approved the payment in 2006 Fee-based
number (that is, the average monthly income in 2005), the Medical Insurance Bureau is in accordance with the base pay in 2005 (that is, 2004
year average monthly income) to calculate the amount of annual individual accounts,
is 5000 * 2% * 12 = 1200,
but in fact this person this year, the amount of personal accounts should be
4000 * 2% * 12 = 960,
then this give The 240 will be April 1, 2007 when the net. At the same time April 1, 2007 into the account of the new year, Kim is still a
960 yuan (in fact, should be 6000 * 2% * 12 = 1440 million), less to 480 yuan, will be 4 in 2008 1st meeting
so because most people are not the same base pay each year, so almost everyone's account every year in March and April when the total number of the calendar year
see the amount of the account is different, this is the Medical Insurance Bureau in The annual cost to do when the resulting accounting.
injury there is still time problem, if you July 2007 1 sunrise the injury, you must immediately reporting units, the police issued
identification evidence and the accident book and you out to see the doctor or hospital after injury medical records to the unit, called the unit holding the material to do injury to
identification, your units must be August 1, 2007 effective material before your injury to the testing center, if the distance from your
a day of work-related injuries more than a month, and that injury may be identified not up. If you do not give you identification of units that can hold your own material
identification center to identify the best and do not exceed one month Otherwise, a lot of trouble a lot of trouble
this point there is a supplement, there are two ways to report injuries, one unit reporting to love to say the same as the above, 30 days
effective, there is a personal declaration, valid for one year, but due to injury or other reasons, the longer the lack of evidence of the more
, personal statements, then the process will be delayed because they do not know how much time and effort.
maternity insurance, abortion, childbirth, multiple births, premature birth, and can specifically look at the following link, although
Shanghai's policy, but in all parts of similarity. Shanghai and Nanjing
may have different policies, the company will not be reimbursed in charge of this area are linked by the Medicare direct and maternal fertility check
production in the hospital, health care co-ordination within the scope of overall Medicare payments are, of course, at their own expense item (such as advanced unit than
own expense medicine etc) or to themselves.
Health boy after their application for maternity benefits to the Medical Insurance Bureau, the Social Security Medical Insurance Bureau to 3000 dollars
piece, to give 3 months base pay plus half of income
childbearing, multiple births, more than half of
a plus one if the average monthly wage income is greater than the maximum social security contribution base, then the payment of social security contribution base that only the Ministry of
points, the remaining
such person by the company to pay an average monthly salary on the income of 10,000, the Social Security cap for the 7392 base.
then the monthly income of social security to 7392, the remaining 10000-7392 = 2608 is paid by the unit.
(Although I think this, in the cloud Tell me what you is not easy to come across =。=。。)
In fact, there are two key areas:
1, full payment before birth 1 year
2,christian louboutin ankle boots, the social security contribution base normal reporting
So students, especially female students, do not think the company to give you the base level of reporting does not matter, even to some of their base salary
hand the number of low- high Fortunately, by this time come to see the problem now!
This is why there are so many female workers low wages, but would rather stay in the full report of the local social security and then quit the
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example, a 3000 human normal wages, but the declaration of social security base count her year-end awards, and so the other prize money,
it may reach 5000 monthly average, which for those months when the children get the is the revenue in January 5000.
If you do not have the money, and finally retired when all the money out seemingly can not come
seems, is absolutely!
and provident fund loans with low interest rates than commercial loans, and this is a big advantage. Fortunately, funding high hand, to see the problem when it came it!
This is why there are so many female workers low wages, but would rather stay in the full report of the local social security and then quit the
reasons given birth, the one small place is not like the case of unmarried women are not employees, two maternity insurance is a lot to supplement income.
example, a 3000 human normal wages, but the declaration of social security base count her year-end awards, and so the other prize money,
it may reach 5000 monthly average, which for those months when the children get the is the revenue in January 5000.
If you do not have the money, and finally retired when all the money out seemingly can not come
seems, is absolutely!
and provident fund loans with low interest rates than commercial loans, and this is a big advantage.

like Zhuantie friends to add me ~~~

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