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08-03-2011, 12:21 PM
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08-03-2011, 12:22 PM
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08-03-2011, 12:22 PM
Li Shuming the receipt provided to the police alone. Reporter Wang Yi remake
1 9 th evening around 9 o'clock, in the Changping District Glorious Seafood Restaurant on the 2nd floor near the elevator, it was an altercation. After verification, one Chicheng County of Zhangjiakou, Hebei Li Shuming, who Eighth CPPCC National Committee members, the other is the Changping District, Bureau of Justice Legal Aid Centre Taoxiu Xia et al. After leaving the restaurant, physical conflict between the two parties.
1 15 and yesterday, the reporter has contacted Li Shuming and Tao Xiuxia, they all refer to each other hit anyone, while he did not. At present, the police investigation.
elevator altercation
1 15, a reporter in a hotel in Changping District, see Li Shuming, and his experience of the clash with the Huodian Dong and Mr. Fan also.
reporter saw Li Shuming's left arm leaving scratches. Li Shuming night of the incident through out the two pieces of clothing, a sweater sleeve was torn open, a leather jacket with a hard object on the friction with multiple traces. He said the conflict in his head was hit several packages, but has been good. The Huodian Dong obvious facial injury, the right eyebrow and mouth have scars. Mr. Fan is not injured.
Li Shuming, said he was Chicheng County, Zhangjiakou, Hebei Eighth CPPCC National Committee members, but also Chicheng County Water Mill Party secretary of Wan. Meanwhile, he also runs a company in Changping District.
Li Shuming, polo shirts, recalled that on January 9, Changping District, he came to work that night with friends Huodian Dong, Mr. Fan and other 4 people in the Glorious Seafood Restaurant for dinner. Around 9 o'clock, they finished the dinner in the hotel elevator 4th floor, ready to go downstairs to leave.
They say hello to the next elevator and Namingnvzi, and intend to introduce themselves to Namingnvzai, but the other said do not want to know. Fan has also recognized this assertion.
Li Shuming said, ralph lauren womens dresses, when hearing this very uncomfortable, and that the intention is to make them Namingnvzai under the first elevator, and air out the place after his own party to take the elevator downstairs. He felt that unreasonable altercation with each other, were friends urged open. The two sides have to leave the hotel downstairs.
fighting occurred outside the hotel
Li Shuming, said he and Huodian Dong car to leave, ralph lauren sale, they found each other was pointing toward each other after they stop. Huodian Dong said he came forward to help when they are down.
conflict, Mr. Fan in Li Shuming car. He said he knows them both, so in the past tried to mediate, and shouted:
shortly after the conflict, Changping police station arrived. At that time, women have left the party, Li Shuming, who first Changping District Hospital for treatment, then to the police station taking note. Huo Diandong written to prove the diagnosis, right eyebrow visible cracks, visible scars around the lips, facial soft tissue injury; Li Shuming to prove the diagnosis written on the head hit, no injuries, ralph lauren shirts, scratches and other visible left upper arm.
reporters after an investigation has learned that Li Shuming really is the eighth CPPCC Hebei Chicheng County, Changping District, the other is the director of the Legal Aid Bureau of Justice, the Secretary-General Tao Xiuxia Changping District Bar Association.
police in the investigation
yesterday morning, Changping District, Bureau of Justice Outreach Leader Mr. Yang Tao Xiuxia confirmed to reporters the identity, but said the issue of conflict do not understand, will wait for the police findings.
Yesterday afternoon, the reporter linked to the Tao Xiuxia himself. She said when she saw the elevator with two acquaintances, tell them to chat for a while under the elevator, not to let their own people first take the elevator downstairs, cursed and said 'you, Daniel?' My friends do not see the past, and he spat.
Taoxiu Xia said outside the hotel, the other person is prepared to drive away, and suddenly came back and curse the opening, the two sides quarrel again, Lycra people around in the past, the two sides of the tear occurred. in the tear, the other a young man his mouth and face some injuries, but I told each other and there is no physical contact. The two sides are opened, we left. Taoxiu Xia said that the matter is between her friends and Li Shuming conflict, and she does not matter.
According to insiders, ralph lauren online, Li Shuming, and Tao Xiuxia elevator 2nd floor in the hotel near the altercation, and then lead to conflict outside the hotel, they did not. At present, the police investigation.
edition have written the reporter Wang Yi Wang Penghao
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