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08-17-2011, 01:55 AM
提供 深圳 最低 股票佣金手续费,股票(深a,沪a,深b,沪b,港股(h股)),基金,权证,期货,创业板,融资融券,股 指期货免费开户(佣金股票千分之0。3,佣金权证千分之0。1) 张,,经,,理 手,,机:一三七,,一四一,,八二九,,五二 财富q,,q:九九,,二九,,三九,,七一,,三 深圳、广州、韶关、珠海、汕头、佛山、江门、湛江、茂名、肇庆、惠州、梅州、汕尾、河源、阳江、清远、东莞 、中山、潮州、揭阳、云浮最低证券佣金手续费办理!真诚与您合作,居间合作服务,诚邀金融专才加盟本证券居 间队伍,实现知识与财富增值,做广东地区最好的证券公司,立足广东,服务广东 现在开户 一、 免费开沪、深股东卡,股票帐户及基金帐户;(温馨提示;周六,周日也可以开户) 二、 免费从其他券商转托管至本证券; 三、 免费为客户提供大盘预测,要闻点评,潜力股推荐等电子邮件、手机短信服务; 四、 免费配置客户经理,新开户由专职客户经理全程陪同协助;每位客户均配备客户经理长期跟踪服务,享受一对一服 务; 五、 免费获得最新的手机证券交易模式。 服务优势 一、 专业的客户服务团队可为您提供优质服务; 二、 系列的佣金优惠,可为客户降低交易成本,提高投资收益; 三、 国内首批综合类,创新试点资格券商更能为您提供优质的理财产品和高质量的理财服务保障 四、采用全新的电脑系统设备,全新的管理模式为您服务. 只要您给我打个电话,我将成为您的证券经纪人,我将免费指导您进行简单的基本面和技术面分析,免费提供长期 的理财服务,如内部研究报告资讯等. 尽早了解投资理财,享受财务自由人生 全国a级(中国证监会评定的最高级别)券商,国内最优质的证券公司之一,证券研究实力排名中国前三名,本证 券业务拥有业内最全面的业务经营品种:股票,基金,权证,期货,债券,国债等等,免费短信通知新股申购时间 、代码及上市时间,免费短信个股推荐,大盘预测。 国内首创“一对一”个性化服务! 开户后客户炒股不炒股对他本人没有任何损失。开户后想炒股的时候随时就可炒股。也不存在所谓年费(那是信用 卡,不是股票的股东卡)等问题,即不炒股买基金等交易不产生任何费用。开户后就是放在那两三年不炒股买基金 等也不会产生损失,不会扣任何费用。如果您选择的一家证券公司没有证券经纪人,那么就意味着您在以后的日子 自己买卖股票(就像海中的一叶扁舟),我的意思是没人建议和辅导,并且享受优良咨询服务。所以,尽量选择有 证券经纪人的券商。 一些只刚涉足股票领域但不是很清楚的人,应该做什么呢?对于这一点,我只能说您要选择一名对您负责的证券经 纪人,现在来讲证券经纪人(也就是选择一名为您服务您的客户经理)并不是所有的券商都有这样的服务。尤其是 一些券商根本就不管散户,就别提服务了,因为他们眼里只有大户 贴心服务,1如果你不懂股票,我们可以提供上门免费股民家教,2,如果你没有时间,或在股海中拼杀感到身心 疲惫,我们提供专人服务,为你提供一对一的顾问式服务,从开户到买卖全有我们专业人员来辅导和协助你,让你 免除所有的烦恼,看盘软件各类特色指标设定(明确买点和卖点),跟踪辅导!您奔忙于证券公司之间,找不到为 您贴心服务的公司,那么请您到本证券。 心贴心的服务,拥有较强的股市分析实力和优惠的服务待遇,免费办理股东开户及转户手续,转户客户公司给予转 户补贴。一经开户,不论资金多少,交易多少,佣金一律最低优惠。 公司另聘专兼职经纪人投资顾问,或操盘手。我营业部致力于最大幅度的降低投资风险,最高要求的保障投资利益 . 具体来电咨询或观看流程!欢迎您的来电或者qq咨询以及预约,我们期望您能选择本证券,附注:需要开户或转 户的客户亦可直接联系上面的电话. 广东地区和深圳朋友请咨询,本证券公司广东省内免费办理开户/转户手续,交易手续费一律全国最低优惠,保证给你最低廉最舒服的佣金价位,最大幅度降低您的交易成本,大资 金量交易量可更优惠,欢迎来电咨询. 张,,经,,理 手,,机:一三七,,一四一,,八二九,,五二 财富q,,q:九九,,二九,,三九,,七一,,三 提供深圳最低股票佣金手续费深圳股票港股基金权证期货创业板融资融券股指期货免费开户(佣金股票千分之0。 3,佣金权证千分之0。1) 张,,经,,理 手,,机:一三七,,一四一,,八二九,,五二 财富q,,q:九九,,二九,,三九,,七一,,三 深圳、广州、韶关、珠海、汕头、佛山、江门、湛江、茂名、肇庆、惠州、梅州、汕尾、河源、阳江、清远、东莞 、中山、潮州、揭阳、云浮最低证券佣金手续费办理!真诚与您合作,居间合作服务,诚邀金融专才加盟本证券居 间队伍,实现知识与财富增值。 本公司业务范围: 证券(含境内上市外资股)的代理买卖;代理证券的还本付息、分红派息;证券的代保管、鉴证;代理登记开户; 证券的自营买卖;证券的(含境内上市外资股)承销(含主承销);受托投资管理;证券投资咨询(含财务顾问) ;本公司为国内知名优质券商,诚信评比等级AA+。网上交易量连续多年居全国券商之首,网上交易委托比例达 到45%以上。委托交易系统安全可靠,交易顺畅,行情稳定(最近很多公司交易系统几近瘫痪,本部系统仍畅通 无阻)。公司开户免全部90元的股东卡费用,网上交易费用低,营业部标准0.06%,大大低于市场平均0. 3%的佣金水准,可进行基金,a股,b股,权证,三板等投资品种的委托交易。拥有网上,电话,手机,场内等 十余种通用委托方式,公司与中行,农行,工行,建行,招行,交行关联,可以使用上述任意银行的本地银行卡, 为方便各位客户,可提前预约本人即可享受绿色通道服务,以免您在营业部排队浪费宝贵的时间。另本人具备良好 的证券素养,可以为您提供专业的指导。 本证券六大优势: 1研究机构行业领先、业绩卓越:近年来,本证券研究所屡获佳绩,最新荣获“新财富进步最快研究机构第一名” ,在业内具有很强影响力。 2资讯平台更先进、更专业:多次荣获业内奖项的证券网站在研究成果发布、交易服务、业务咨询等方面拥有良好 的口碑,服务更全面、更及时! 3网上交易更安全,更快捷:具有强大的技术支持实力,本证券拥有自主研发的网上交易系统,防御保障功能更健 全,为您做到交易更安全,更省心! 4呼叫中心24小时全程服务,更周到:本证券呼叫中心具有先进的服务理念,随时随刻为您排忧解难。更设有在 线专家,服务更专业,更精细! 5“一对一”个性服务更优质、更鲜明:本证券设有经纪人“一对一”服务,让每一位客户都能享受到贵宾式待遇 ,服务更周到、更贴心! 6营业网点遍布全国:目前本证券以在全国主要城市设有100余家营业网点,规模庞大,发展迅速。越来越多的 客户走进本证券,携手共赢! 本证券已完成对网上交易系统进行优化升级,根据不同层次的用户需求提供了普通版、机构版、we8版等多种网 上交易系统。系统双重密码认证,128位加密传输,可同时容纳数上百万行情用户、交易用户。行情系统包括独 特的历史走势回忆、多日分时走势图、自定义公式平台、精确除复权、实时预警、精确移动筹码分布,个人理财等 特色功能,全面支持在线升级,具有双重咨询信息地雷,专家在线实时解盘,配合本证券强大的信息咨询服务,是 您理想的行情分析系统。 现在为广大想开户的准股民服务,在我公司开户免90元开户费,而且可以接受公司的入市培训。只要您在我公司 开户立刻就开通我公司的免费短信会员,为您提供最新的股市信息,股评报告,股市动态。在我公司开户还会有专 业的分析师为你咨询服务,定期做理财培训,这一切只要你在在我公司开户都是免费提供,不收任何费用。有想开 户或想把户转到我公司或是您在炒股中有什么问题都可以和本人联系。 具体来电咨询或观看流程!欢迎您的来电或者qq咨询以及预约,我们期望您能选择本证券,附注:需要开户或转 户的客户亦可直接联系上面的电话. 广东地区和深圳朋友请咨询,本证券公司广东省内免费办理开户/转户手续,交易手续费一律全国最低优惠,保证给你最低廉最舒服的佣金价位,最大幅度降低您的交易成本,大资 金量交易量可更优惠,欢迎来电咨询. 张,,经,,理 手,,机:一三七,,一四一,,八二九,,五二 财富q,,q:九九,,二九,,三九,,七一,,三
08-17-2011, 02:00 AM
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136797 2009 年 08 月 08 日 23:07 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
1, headache (all kinds of headaches can be): a white radish juice, two drops of each drop of the nose (both nostrils are drops), twice daily, once every 4-5 days, you can dig up the roots. Jichi pepper, pepper.
2, dizziness (lightheadedness, dizziness): a duck, bean 20, stir boiling water, the morning flight, once a day for 7 days have effects. Avoid Chijiu, spicy.
3, insomnia, dreams: before going to bed with a half-basin of hot water, plus twelve feet soaked in vinegar for 20 minutes, and the raw light blue 1-2 roots.
4, dry cough (cold or other causes may be): raw black sesame seeds 3 money (about a spoon), crystal sugar, were broken open water the morning flight, 3 days recovery, eat fish.
5, stomach pain, spit acid, ptosis of the stomach, gastric inflammation: the first time in a couple of garlic, charred skin, plus a bowl of water to a boil, add the amount of sugar fasting food, the second day for 7 days to cure.
6, hypertension, hyperlipidemia: * one or two of celery seed, wrapped with gauze and put 10 pounds of water decoction, early, middle and late drinking a cup. Not afraid of spicy, could, early in the evening eating raw garlic 2, a lower blood pressure, blood lipid effects.
7, heart disease, coronary heart disease: the first one or two of peanut shells, green beans 5 money, will prepare a bowl of soup dose, the second day, take a half months.
8, gastroenteritis, diarrhea: two each half Chaojiao with wheat flour, add water and mix thoroughly with the amount of sugar, before meals, clothing, day, 2-3 days of secondary effects. Jichi persimmon, banana, greasy.
9, dyspepsia (indigestion with children): 4, two fried chicken skin nap research into yellow powder, sugar water before meals with a blunt, the second day, a 2 money (about half a spoon), children half , one can be served, Jichi snail.
10, chest tightness, flatulence: white radish seeds * 5 money, will prepare a bowl of soup served three times a day, once every 3 days along with consumer product gas effect.
11, neurological decline: 1 Porcine two, add a spoon of honey, steamed food, once daily, ate 5-10 days.
12, heat dry mouth: reed rhizome *, mung beans all 5 money, plus a bowl of water to boil, add appropriate amount of crystal sugar, to eat bean soup reed rhizome, served on the second, even for 3 days. Fluid lungs, Reduce Pathogenic Fire antipyretic.
13, gallbladder, kidney, urinary tract stones: The Gallus gallus domesticus, 50 grams of corn, fried a bowl of soup a dose, 2-3 times per day, and even served 10 days. Jichi liver, fat, egg yolk.
14, acute and chronic renal inflammation: 4 blackfish around a double, to scales, intestine, green tea 2 money, including the use of wire strapped into the belly, plus a bowl of boiled cooked, fish soup, one day, ate 10-15 days. Ji Jiu, salt, bananas, and ######ual intercourse.
15, Diabetes: a porcine pancreas, melon skin a couple of add Shuizhu Shu (raw is also good), less add some oil, salt and spices (Do not add wine, sugar) eat , one day, ate 20 days.
16, poor memory: a goose egg, stir into the bowl add the amount of sugar, steamed morning flight, ate 5 days, have a clear educational function of the brain, to enhance memories of special effects, Jichi seaweed, pepper, animal blood, wine, and green beans.
17, urinary incontinence (urinary urgency, can not control): Intestinal pair, washed and dried, fried yellow research into a powder, with a wine delivery service, every time a money, three times a day, served Jiyu. Avoid ginger, spicy.
18, constipation (dry stool guitar, bowel problems): a bowl with the cooked pumpkin, add lard 5, salt and eat the right amount of money and, once daily, once effective, 3 Japan can be more.
19, snore: pepper 5-10 tablets, a glass of water before going to bed with open blisters, cold water to be post-dose (pepper against the next), even for 5 days, will no snoring .
20, stroke: a two-day drink only raw celery juice, mild disease who served a half months, who served from January can be more seriously ill, Jichi lamb, duck.
21, Hyperthyroidism: Dioscorea bulbifera * 9-12 grams, with three bowls into a bowl of water to cook once a day; another 50 grams of available 1 kg of white foam, served on a two metabolic rate was significantly lower 5-8 weeks.
22, chronic enteritis: an egg, half of the two liquor, mix, every night before bedtime.
23, play worms: raw pumpkin seeds 20, shelled before meals, flight attendants, one eating the next day with the insects to defecate.
24, abdominal pain (abdominal pain with adult): deposited with an orange peel in the navel. Salt and then half a catty sizzling (not too hot), deposited in the orange peel, the pain immediately.
25, eating junk: leek half a catty, not chopped, fry some more lard, air force one low nike, once eaten, debris can be discharged with the stool.
26, molar: a raw orange peel to eat before going to bed every night, ate 2-3 days, treating pediatric and adult sleep molars.
27, drooling (adults, elderly people with sleep drool method): Loach half a catty, gutted roasted research into powder, rice wine blunt, a second money, for once can be served.
28, the examination room sedative prescription: students writing the exam immersive battlefield, often due to excessive tension, so that your produce palpitation, the phenomenon of stage fright, and thus can not function properly and fallen off. This paper introduces a unilateral: Suanzaoren *, green beans and one each in two to cook a bowl of soup once finished, the second day, power to begin serving two days before the exam, to test the end, there are sedative effect.
29, arthritis, frozen shoulder (including rheumatic, rheumatoid arthritis): consumption of fine salt 1 kg, put the pot sizzling, add onions to be, ginger 3 money, together with a cloth, wrap the affected area while hot to cold salt; once daily, once a week, with the effect of dampness Herd.
30, renal deficiency, low back pain: silk seeds half a catty, fried yellow research into a powder. Liquor delivery service, every time a money, the second day, served Jiyu. The governing party also low back pain after childbirth.
31, cervical pain: sheep bones (raw, cooked may be) two two smashed fried yellow, dip white wine 1 kg, three days after wiping the neck, three times a day, usually 15 days, however, can cure.
32, bone spurs (hyperostosis): couple of dog bones, smashed fried yellow dip white wine 1 kg, three days after the affected area with rubbing alcohol (preferably with a cup of food for this wine), three times a day, needed a half months can be more.
33, leg cramps: * twelve mulberry fruit, fried one drink a bowl of soup, the second day, 5 days recovery.
34, crooked eye and mouth (facial nerve palsy): eel blood painted face, painted on the left of the left askew, and wipe with the palm of your hand from left to right repeatedly, every 2 minutes, the second day , right, anti-distortion is done, once every three or four days is positive.
35, prolapse of the rectum (anus when stool off solution): Each with a leek half a catty, 2 pounds boiled water to wash the anus opening, the second day, wash three days.
36, stiff neck (as a pillow or sleeping position discomfort caused by neck pain): leek juice heated neck rub, rub seven or eight days. 2-3 days to cure.
37, quit smoking: a couple of dried pumpkin vine *, fried Tonga amount of brown sugar a serving bowl, three times a day, 7 days and never want to smoke.
38, alcohol: a live eel, put a bottle of liquor, dip two days after the wine, 1 1-2 two or three times a day, air force one shoes, will never want to drink wine after service a drop of wine.
39, alcohol is not drunk: Gegen * 1 money, drink water before drinking a cup and then drink alcohol solvable, so people will not drunk.
40, longevity health wine: magnet, fleece-flower root *, jujube, air force one low, walnut, medlar * the one or two, dip white wine or rice wine jin, two days after eating at regular drinker at the wine, If the elderly can Changyin ruddy face, and enhance resistance to disease, a delay aging effect.
41, luck, athlete's foot: two raw garlic, peeled and soaked into the 3 days within half a catty vinegar, garlic and then rub the affected area 3 times a day. Used 7-10 days, anti-inflammatory effects and kill bacteria.
42, hand sweat, sweat too much: alum * 5 money, hot water, 2 pounds, with melted dipping hands and feet, a 10-minute, let the natural air dry after dipping, once daily, 5 days normal hands and feet sweat.
43, hand, foot and cracking, rough: raw lard twenty-two, add sugar 1 money. Even wiping the hands and feet pound a day 2-3 times. Grams of the more common 7 days, then rub a few days later and never relapse.
44, burns: You can use egg white, sugar water, vinegar, honey, as soon as painted in the burn wound, they will not blister and easy to good.
45, mosquito bites (redness, itching): Use vinegar, toothpaste, salt water, cigarette ash, add water and mix thoroughly coated, immediate results can be itching, swelling detoxification.
46, nike air force one, women, vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea more, smell): a raw egg from a knock a small hole into the seven eggs, white pepper, the paper sealed in boiling water to eat pepper eggs, one day, ate a week, Jichi blood, green beans.
47, outside the Yin Yang: one or two very light blue root, pepper 10, with Jianshui bowl, wash the genitals, twice a day, a total wash for 3 days.
48, uterus, ovarian tumor: Red 6 grams, 30 grams of black beans, air force 1 shoes, Shuijianbi to eat black beans and saffron soup, 2 times.
49, impotence (men's penis can not erect): magnet (magnet) 5 money, rooster testicles 5, liquor soaked pound, three days later by the amount of Chijiu often, it generally takes to eat a half to January . (Magnet can be used repeatedly.) If not Chijiu, and the daily two cock testicles fried food, ate a half months to January, full recovery of function.
50, premature ejaculation (premature ejaculation during intercourse men): Yan Huang leek seeds * half a catty, with wine delivery service, a 2 money, three times a day, served the cure.
51, male ######ual dysfunction (impotence not only the focus of power is not weakened, more common in the elderly and infirm, but also caused by excessive ######ual intercourse): live freshwater shrimp or large shrimp one or two, white wine 1 kg, 5 days after the press often at Baptist Chijiu drinker, the wine after the shrimp fry to eat. Used a half months, a yin tonic, aphrodisiac, the male hormone supplement and enhance the effectiveness of ######ual function.
52, prostatitis: 0.5 grams of musk and white pepper 7, research into Ximo, bottling use. The umbilical washed with alcohol, the musk into the navel, the pepper and then cover the top, cover with a white circle, external tape snapping, dressing 1 every 7-10 days, 10 to 1 course of treatment.
53, BPH: melon seeds * 30 grams, 15 grams of black fungus, Qin skin * 15 grams, Shuijianbi, Japan 2 times.
54, pain (neuropathic, allergy, pain, tooth decay may be): 10 tablets pepper, white wine or two, the pepper soaked in wine, the ten minutes after the mouth with wine, a few minutes or effective, 2 times a day every 10 minutes, 3-4-day recovery.
55, periodontitis, gingivitis: with an equal amount of egg white, stir a drink, including the mouth, spit out after 5 minutes, the second day (day one egg), 2-3 days of anti-inflammatory pain.
56, dental bleeding (often caused by bleeding or brush your teeth): 10 tablets pepper, vinegar two or three, dip two days after the mouth with a time 3 minutes 2 times a day for 5 days have effects.
57, vision loss (the old light, the old flowers, depending on the material is unclear): White Chrysanthemum * 2 money, medlar * 2 money, with the water brewing day (one can bubble three times), and even drink a half to January, with the effect of water eyesight. Avoid spicy food thing, kelp.
58, cataracts (cloudy crystal, so vision loss): Tribulus terrestris * 250 grams of goat liver 250 grams sugar 200 grams, research for the end, each serving 15 grams, at service 2, 8 weeks effective.
59, insect ears: The cat urine drop, ear drop, the bugs will be automatically out. (Cat urine extraction method: a large flap with garlic, peeled and rub cat nose, cat or pee).
60, sore throat (throat dry and pain, foreign body sensation, acute and chronic can be): a green tea bubble tea about 2 two of water, add honey and stir half of the two, each rinse several times a day and slowly swallow throat, a day, 3-5 days, anti-inflammatory analgesic, wet throat, treatment of acute and chronic pharyngitis. Jichi tobacco, alcohol, spicy food of all there is.
61, tonsillitis (initiated by the two sides of throat swelling, pain, mainly in the cold after the general): one or two black fungus, stir dry research into a powder, each with a half-spoon flour and honey and mix thoroughly orally, the second day for 5 days and never even relapse (this side is attack with tonsillitis).
62, sound mute (cough, talk too much, singing, causes such as the well done sound dumb): egg, into the bowl, a soup vinegar, stir well steamed food, day one, ate 2-3 days, the sound loud. Avoid spicy.
63, bad breath: * reed rhizome (fresh and dry can be) one or two, add crystal sugar bowl decoction taken orally, nike air force 1, once daily, morning flight, and even served a week. Qinghuo detoxification, stomach fire heat treatment.
64, Fishbone card throat: the lesser of vinegar with a good drink can. If not, use a spoon to drink saliva duck, fish bone can be automated away. (Taking ducks saliva method: using a ginger and put it into the beak, and then hung upside down duck, duck that is drooling.)
65, nosebleeds: Oujie *, reed rhizome * equivalent, together with chopped, fried a bowl of water to drink, the second day, once every 5, the heat to stop bleeding, Wing not relapse.
66, except facial wrinkles: two spoons of fresh cucumber juice, add equal amount of egg white (about one egg), stir, wash your face every night before bedtime, and then apply facial wrinkles Department Wash with warm water next morning, once a half to January, the gradual contraction of the skin to eliminate wrinkles with special effects.
67, thick black skin: skin whitening by the cosmetic, can only temporarily cover up, symptomatic is not a cure, a cure is to introduce you to the table while the real root of the problem can make the skin white whitening recipe, both simple and special effects: glycerol at 5:1 mixed with white vinegar, and often rub the skin (day two or three times) make the skin moist, reduce melanin deposition in January after the soft white skin that is delicate, clean and smooth and elastic, full of beauty. (This side is valid for genetic black).
68, except facial pigmented spots: honey, fresh tomato juice, mixed at 5:1, painted face, wash off after 10 minutes, once a 10-15 days, can break down melanin, the skin become ruddy.
69, head itch dandruff hair loss: each with mulberry root bark * 4 money, water jin, boil wash your hair, day time, washed with water not too far for 5 days, can promote blood circulation of scalp, hair-fixing role, and head itch dandruff treatment, renewable hair.
70, alopecia areata baldness: 134 by use of and using old ginger rub the scalp 3-5 times a day, and 69 with the use of a half months, after a month or two will not re-grow a thick hair.
71, highlighted hair : 2:1 mixture of vinegar and beer. daily moisture with a towel and apply a hair once, once a half months.
72, white hair black: black sesame Polygonum * the thirty-two, dry fry crush them with sugar water transfer service, each 3 money, once daily, and even served a half months, could be kidney healthy hair. bogey beans.
73, weight: dry lotus leaf gourd * Dry skin * Press 1:2 with a good, soak a pound or two a day or so with hot water to drink, there are thick and greasy to the effect of hand-scraping of oil, avoid fat.
74, teeth whitening: baking soda with salt, etc. volume, adding tune into toothpaste-like, brush your teeth once a day ,3-4 days for all except the surface stain teeth, making teeth white.
75, long-term cough (emphysema and tracheal go far cough): alum one or two, and research into the powder into a paste with vinegar, soy freshman group to take every night before bed deposited Zuxin (Yongquan, have deposited two feet), with the cloth, the next day Peel off the morning for 7 days have effects.
label flight spoon of sugar liquor recipe
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136797 2009 年 08 月 08 日 23:07 Reading (loading. ..) Comments (0) Category: Personal Diary
1, headache (all kinds of headaches can be): a white radish juice, two drops of each drop of the nose (both nostrils are drops), twice daily, once every 4-5 days, you can dig up the roots. Jichi pepper, pepper.
2, dizziness (lightheadedness, dizziness): a duck, bean 20, stir boiling water, the morning flight, once a day for 7 days have effects. Avoid Chijiu, spicy.
3, insomnia, dreams: before going to bed with a half-basin of hot water, plus twelve feet soaked in vinegar for 20 minutes, and the raw light blue 1-2 roots.
4, dry cough (cold or other causes may be): raw black sesame seeds 3 money (about a spoon), crystal sugar, were broken open water the morning flight, 3 days recovery, eat fish.
5, stomach pain, spit acid, ptosis of the stomach, gastric inflammation: the first time in a couple of garlic, charred skin, plus a bowl of water to a boil, add the amount of sugar fasting food, the second day for 7 days to cure.
6, hypertension, hyperlipidemia: * one or two of celery seed, wrapped with gauze and put 10 pounds of water decoction, early, middle and late drinking a cup. Not afraid of spicy, could, early in the evening eating raw garlic 2, a lower blood pressure, blood lipid effects.
7, heart disease, coronary heart disease: the first one or two of peanut shells, green beans 5 money, will prepare a bowl of soup dose, the second day, take a half months.
8, gastroenteritis, diarrhea: two each half Chaojiao with wheat flour, add water and mix thoroughly with the amount of sugar, before meals, clothing, day, 2-3 days of secondary effects. Jichi persimmon, banana, greasy.
9, dyspepsia (indigestion with children): 4, two fried chicken skin nap research into yellow powder, sugar water before meals with a blunt, the second day, a 2 money (about half a spoon), children half , one can be served, Jichi snail.
10, chest tightness, flatulence: white radish seeds * 5 money, will prepare a bowl of soup served three times a day, once every 3 days along with consumer product gas effect.
11, neurological decline: 1 Porcine two, add a spoon of honey, steamed food, once daily, ate 5-10 days.
12, heat dry mouth: reed rhizome *, mung beans all 5 money, plus a bowl of water to boil, add appropriate amount of crystal sugar, to eat bean soup reed rhizome, served on the second, even for 3 days. Fluid lungs, Reduce Pathogenic Fire antipyretic.
13, gallbladder, kidney, urinary tract stones: The Gallus gallus domesticus, 50 grams of corn, fried a bowl of soup a dose, 2-3 times per day, and even served 10 days. Jichi liver, fat, egg yolk.
14, acute and chronic renal inflammation: 4 blackfish around a double, to scales, intestine, green tea 2 money, including the use of wire strapped into the belly, plus a bowl of boiled cooked, fish soup, one day, ate 10-15 days. Ji Jiu, salt, bananas, and ######ual intercourse.
15, Diabetes: a porcine pancreas, melon skin a couple of add Shuizhu Shu (raw is also good), less add some oil, salt and spices (Do not add wine, sugar) eat , one day, ate 20 days.
16, poor memory: a goose egg, stir into the bowl add the amount of sugar, steamed morning flight, ate 5 days, have a clear educational function of the brain, to enhance memories of special effects, Jichi seaweed, pepper, animal blood, wine, and green beans.
17, urinary incontinence (urinary urgency, can not control): Intestinal pair, washed and dried, fried yellow research into a powder, with a wine delivery service, every time a money, three times a day, served Jiyu. Avoid ginger, spicy.
18, constipation (dry stool guitar, bowel problems): a bowl with the cooked pumpkin, add lard 5, salt and eat the right amount of money and, once daily, once effective, 3 Japan can be more.
19, snore: pepper 5-10 tablets, a glass of water before going to bed with open blisters, cold water to be post-dose (pepper against the next), even for 5 days, will no snoring .
20, stroke: a two-day drink only raw celery juice, mild disease who served a half months, who served from January can be more seriously ill, Jichi lamb, duck.
21, Hyperthyroidism: Dioscorea bulbifera * 9-12 grams, with three bowls into a bowl of water to cook once a day; another 50 grams of available 1 kg of white foam, served on a two metabolic rate was significantly lower 5-8 weeks.
22, chronic enteritis: an egg, half of the two liquor, mix, every night before bedtime.
23, play worms: raw pumpkin seeds 20, shelled before meals, flight attendants, one eating the next day with the insects to defecate.
24, abdominal pain (abdominal pain with adult): deposited with an orange peel in the navel. Salt and then half a catty sizzling (not too hot), deposited in the orange peel, the pain immediately.
25, eating junk: leek half a catty, not chopped, fry some more lard, air force one low nike, once eaten, debris can be discharged with the stool.
26, molar: a raw orange peel to eat before going to bed every night, ate 2-3 days, treating pediatric and adult sleep molars.
27, drooling (adults, elderly people with sleep drool method): Loach half a catty, gutted roasted research into powder, rice wine blunt, a second money, for once can be served.
28, the examination room sedative prescription: students writing the exam immersive battlefield, often due to excessive tension, so that your produce palpitation, the phenomenon of stage fright, and thus can not function properly and fallen off. This paper introduces a unilateral: Suanzaoren *, green beans and one each in two to cook a bowl of soup once finished, the second day, power to begin serving two days before the exam, to test the end, there are sedative effect.
29, arthritis, frozen shoulder (including rheumatic, rheumatoid arthritis): consumption of fine salt 1 kg, put the pot sizzling, add onions to be, ginger 3 money, together with a cloth, wrap the affected area while hot to cold salt; once daily, once a week, with the effect of dampness Herd.
30, renal deficiency, low back pain: silk seeds half a catty, fried yellow research into a powder. Liquor delivery service, every time a money, the second day, served Jiyu. The governing party also low back pain after childbirth.
31, cervical pain: sheep bones (raw, cooked may be) two two smashed fried yellow, dip white wine 1 kg, three days after wiping the neck, three times a day, usually 15 days, however, can cure.
32, bone spurs (hyperostosis): couple of dog bones, smashed fried yellow dip white wine 1 kg, three days after the affected area with rubbing alcohol (preferably with a cup of food for this wine), three times a day, needed a half months can be more.
33, leg cramps: * twelve mulberry fruit, fried one drink a bowl of soup, the second day, 5 days recovery.
34, crooked eye and mouth (facial nerve palsy): eel blood painted face, painted on the left of the left askew, and wipe with the palm of your hand from left to right repeatedly, every 2 minutes, the second day , right, anti-distortion is done, once every three or four days is positive.
35, prolapse of the rectum (anus when stool off solution): Each with a leek half a catty, 2 pounds boiled water to wash the anus opening, the second day, wash three days.
36, stiff neck (as a pillow or sleeping position discomfort caused by neck pain): leek juice heated neck rub, rub seven or eight days. 2-3 days to cure.
37, quit smoking: a couple of dried pumpkin vine *, fried Tonga amount of brown sugar a serving bowl, three times a day, 7 days and never want to smoke.
38, alcohol: a live eel, put a bottle of liquor, dip two days after the wine, 1 1-2 two or three times a day, air force one shoes, will never want to drink wine after service a drop of wine.
39, alcohol is not drunk: Gegen * 1 money, drink water before drinking a cup and then drink alcohol solvable, so people will not drunk.
40, longevity health wine: magnet, fleece-flower root *, jujube, air force one low, walnut, medlar * the one or two, dip white wine or rice wine jin, two days after eating at regular drinker at the wine, If the elderly can Changyin ruddy face, and enhance resistance to disease, a delay aging effect.
41, luck, athlete's foot: two raw garlic, peeled and soaked into the 3 days within half a catty vinegar, garlic and then rub the affected area 3 times a day. Used 7-10 days, anti-inflammatory effects and kill bacteria.
42, hand sweat, sweat too much: alum * 5 money, hot water, 2 pounds, with melted dipping hands and feet, a 10-minute, let the natural air dry after dipping, once daily, 5 days normal hands and feet sweat.
43, hand, foot and cracking, rough: raw lard twenty-two, add sugar 1 money. Even wiping the hands and feet pound a day 2-3 times. Grams of the more common 7 days, then rub a few days later and never relapse.
44, burns: You can use egg white, sugar water, vinegar, honey, as soon as painted in the burn wound, they will not blister and easy to good.
45, mosquito bites (redness, itching): Use vinegar, toothpaste, salt water, cigarette ash, add water and mix thoroughly coated, immediate results can be itching, swelling detoxification.
46, nike air force one, women, vaginal discharge (leucorrhoea more, smell): a raw egg from a knock a small hole into the seven eggs, white pepper, the paper sealed in boiling water to eat pepper eggs, one day, ate a week, Jichi blood, green beans.
47, outside the Yin Yang: one or two very light blue root, pepper 10, with Jianshui bowl, wash the genitals, twice a day, a total wash for 3 days.
48, uterus, ovarian tumor: Red 6 grams, 30 grams of black beans, air force 1 shoes, Shuijianbi to eat black beans and saffron soup, 2 times.
49, impotence (men's penis can not erect): magnet (magnet) 5 money, rooster testicles 5, liquor soaked pound, three days later by the amount of Chijiu often, it generally takes to eat a half to January . (Magnet can be used repeatedly.) If not Chijiu, and the daily two cock testicles fried food, ate a half months to January, full recovery of function.
50, premature ejaculation (premature ejaculation during intercourse men): Yan Huang leek seeds * half a catty, with wine delivery service, a 2 money, three times a day, served the cure.
51, male ######ual dysfunction (impotence not only the focus of power is not weakened, more common in the elderly and infirm, but also caused by excessive ######ual intercourse): live freshwater shrimp or large shrimp one or two, white wine 1 kg, 5 days after the press often at Baptist Chijiu drinker, the wine after the shrimp fry to eat. Used a half months, a yin tonic, aphrodisiac, the male hormone supplement and enhance the effectiveness of ######ual function.
52, prostatitis: 0.5 grams of musk and white pepper 7, research into Ximo, bottling use. The umbilical washed with alcohol, the musk into the navel, the pepper and then cover the top, cover with a white circle, external tape snapping, dressing 1 every 7-10 days, 10 to 1 course of treatment.
53, BPH: melon seeds * 30 grams, 15 grams of black fungus, Qin skin * 15 grams, Shuijianbi, Japan 2 times.
54, pain (neuropathic, allergy, pain, tooth decay may be): 10 tablets pepper, white wine or two, the pepper soaked in wine, the ten minutes after the mouth with wine, a few minutes or effective, 2 times a day every 10 minutes, 3-4-day recovery.
55, periodontitis, gingivitis: with an equal amount of egg white, stir a drink, including the mouth, spit out after 5 minutes, the second day (day one egg), 2-3 days of anti-inflammatory pain.
56, dental bleeding (often caused by bleeding or brush your teeth): 10 tablets pepper, vinegar two or three, dip two days after the mouth with a time 3 minutes 2 times a day for 5 days have effects.
57, vision loss (the old light, the old flowers, depending on the material is unclear): White Chrysanthemum * 2 money, medlar * 2 money, with the water brewing day (one can bubble three times), and even drink a half to January, with the effect of water eyesight. Avoid spicy food thing, kelp.
58, cataracts (cloudy crystal, so vision loss): Tribulus terrestris * 250 grams of goat liver 250 grams sugar 200 grams, research for the end, each serving 15 grams, at service 2, 8 weeks effective.
59, insect ears: The cat urine drop, ear drop, the bugs will be automatically out. (Cat urine extraction method: a large flap with garlic, peeled and rub cat nose, cat or pee).
60, sore throat (throat dry and pain, foreign body sensation, acute and chronic can be): a green tea bubble tea about 2 two of water, add honey and stir half of the two, each rinse several times a day and slowly swallow throat, a day, 3-5 days, anti-inflammatory analgesic, wet throat, treatment of acute and chronic pharyngitis. Jichi tobacco, alcohol, spicy food of all there is.
61, tonsillitis (initiated by the two sides of throat swelling, pain, mainly in the cold after the general): one or two black fungus, stir dry research into a powder, each with a half-spoon flour and honey and mix thoroughly orally, the second day for 5 days and never even relapse (this side is attack with tonsillitis).
62, sound mute (cough, talk too much, singing, causes such as the well done sound dumb): egg, into the bowl, a soup vinegar, stir well steamed food, day one, ate 2-3 days, the sound loud. Avoid spicy.
63, bad breath: * reed rhizome (fresh and dry can be) one or two, add crystal sugar bowl decoction taken orally, nike air force 1, once daily, morning flight, and even served a week. Qinghuo detoxification, stomach fire heat treatment.
64, Fishbone card throat: the lesser of vinegar with a good drink can. If not, use a spoon to drink saliva duck, fish bone can be automated away. (Taking ducks saliva method: using a ginger and put it into the beak, and then hung upside down duck, duck that is drooling.)
65, nosebleeds: Oujie *, reed rhizome * equivalent, together with chopped, fried a bowl of water to drink, the second day, once every 5, the heat to stop bleeding, Wing not relapse.
66, except facial wrinkles: two spoons of fresh cucumber juice, add equal amount of egg white (about one egg), stir, wash your face every night before bedtime, and then apply facial wrinkles Department Wash with warm water next morning, once a half to January, the gradual contraction of the skin to eliminate wrinkles with special effects.
67, thick black skin: skin whitening by the cosmetic, can only temporarily cover up, symptomatic is not a cure, a cure is to introduce you to the table while the real root of the problem can make the skin white whitening recipe, both simple and special effects: glycerol at 5:1 mixed with white vinegar, and often rub the skin (day two or three times) make the skin moist, reduce melanin deposition in January after the soft white skin that is delicate, clean and smooth and elastic, full of beauty. (This side is valid for genetic black).
68, except facial pigmented spots: honey, fresh tomato juice, mixed at 5:1, painted face, wash off after 10 minutes, once a 10-15 days, can break down melanin, the skin become ruddy.
69, head itch dandruff hair loss: each with mulberry root bark * 4 money, water jin, boil wash your hair, day time, washed with water not too far for 5 days, can promote blood circulation of scalp, hair-fixing role, and head itch dandruff treatment, renewable hair.
70, alopecia areata baldness: 134 by use of and using old ginger rub the scalp 3-5 times a day, and 69 with the use of a half months, after a month or two will not re-grow a thick hair.
71, highlighted hair : 2:1 mixture of vinegar and beer. daily moisture with a towel and apply a hair once, once a half months.
72, white hair black: black sesame Polygonum * the thirty-two, dry fry crush them with sugar water transfer service, each 3 money, once daily, and even served a half months, could be kidney healthy hair. bogey beans.
73, weight: dry lotus leaf gourd * Dry skin * Press 1:2 with a good, soak a pound or two a day or so with hot water to drink, there are thick and greasy to the effect of hand-scraping of oil, avoid fat.
74, teeth whitening: baking soda with salt, etc. volume, adding tune into toothpaste-like, brush your teeth once a day ,3-4 days for all except the surface stain teeth, making teeth white.
75, long-term cough (emphysema and tracheal go far cough): alum one or two, and research into the powder into a paste with vinegar, soy freshman group to take every night before bed deposited Zuxin (Yongquan, have deposited two feet), with the cloth, the next day Peel off the morning for 7 days have effects.
label flight spoon of sugar liquor recipe
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